- Comment on Hope you're doing good today 💘 2 weeks ago:
I I’d say Lee Pace
- Comment on Petrichor 4 weeks ago:
You mean… You can … Bottle up petrichore ??? How come is there no wide range of perfume/candle/lotion and whatnot?
Can I make it at home, if so, how would I go about it with everyday items? Can stretomyces cause health issues?
- Comment on Delectable 2 months ago:
There are apple links in the US and they are delicious.
- Comment on It takes different personalities 4 months ago:
There is something so freeing about not caring about what piss of management. The day I realize that being efficient and managing to meet crazy deadlines was not benefiting me in any way was like a gasp of air after drowning in the mindset that working hard will get you recognized. Instead, when I started to say no and not caring, I got a raise? Of course, ymmv.
- Comment on Do we really want a leader who celebrates firing people? 4 months ago:
It reminds me of that homeglow commercial where a lady brags about firing her old cleaning lady after using the service. Tone deaf and cruel, it’s astonishing that someone was like “yeah, that’s gonna make us look good”.
- Comment on [I just watched] 13 Going on 30, chill rom com with Jennifer Gartner and Mark Ruffalo, what are your favourite movies in this genre? 4 months ago:
“It’s a bit girl thing” is pretty entertaining.
- Comment on Oregonian driving 4 months ago:
You can do that in the proper lane, the right one
- Comment on Oregonian driving 4 months ago:
Aka, niceholes.
- Comment on LinkedIn 4 months ago:
I honestly think that humor is the answer to most if not all issues. Bit iffy since we don’t share the same but humor is the answer. That and puppies and kittens…
- Comment on Celery 5 months ago:
What’s your plant ID app?
- Comment on Dandelions 5 months ago:
I feel self conscious now. Do you think I sound like a bot, fellow human?
- Comment on Dandelions 5 months ago:
This is so good! Are you always that witty or was it a random stroke of genius? Either way, that’s hilarious and impressive!!!
- Comment on Anyway to make $20 a day online consistently? 6 months ago:
Where though
- Comment on What the actual fuck Google? I just wanted linguistics pronunciation of /A/. 6 months ago:
This whole explanation got very confusing until I figure out we weren’t talking about beers… wich took a long time
- Comment on Car 6 months ago:
Or they don’t know how to drive automatic and brake with their left foot. Either way, it doesn’t check out
- Comment on Anyway to make $20 a day online consistently? 6 months ago:
Where could she find porn VA work?
- Comment on Pickle Beer! 6 months ago:
Time for a Ring-a-Ding cocktail!
- Comment on Chilling 7 months ago:
Or Latoya Radcliffe
- Comment on Moon dust 7 months ago:
Can we not… Just… Bring back some moon dust?
- Comment on WebMD forcing employees back to office. "We aren’t asking or negotiating at this point. We’re informing" 11 months ago:
Oh, oh, OhhH!! I think it’s supposed to be a guillotine
- Comment on It's a good thing they aren't in charge of adult toys... 1 year ago:
How else are we supposed to learn/know if not being explained? Omniscience?
- Comment on I'll never not want to 1 year ago:
Katsu - My old Pokemon
- Comment on Maybe AI won't be taking all of our jobs after all? 1 year ago:
Potper… I can’t stop giggling
- Comment on Follow up. They fixed the light bulb 1 year ago:
Could well be in Switzerland as well. I thought it was behind my appartement building.