- Comment on If a mysterious force secretly changed EVERY clock worldwide one minute forward, how long would it take until people notice, and how would people/governments react? 5 hours ago:
Others have good answers. My only answer is I sure as hell wouldn’t notice. I swear, I blink and several minutes seem to pass. Ugh.
Oh but one point, when I and others do notice (or rather, are told by smarter people), you sure as hell better believe people are going to be researching and trying to figure out how the fuck that happened. Could change how we conceptualize the time dimension forever.
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 5 hours ago:
I think it’s best to straght ghost them, but I haven’t personal had to do that to family-- only family friends. They won’t change their views for you, it’s really just for your own mental health and a clean cut is so much more satisfying.
It’s always probably they’ll change on their own eventually and want to reconcile and if that happens, there’s always a way to find someone if one tries hard enough. And if he doesn’t change? People like that deserve to die alone.
- Comment on Little know fact 2 days ago:
Bro gives her her own library. So yes, that may have played a role.
- Comment on Anon remembers summer 2 days ago:
Good thought, but I’m not sure since I can imagine things pretty well in my mind if it’s something from adulthood (and maybe a few from late teens). I think I just don’t think about things enough to retain those neural connections, maybe. It’s not like people are trying to implant memories, either.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
Reading the comments, I’d say it’s worth it. Singapore fucking rocks. Be sure to celebrate with some chili crab or at least a bowl of laksa. Heck, the savings on cheap and beautiful chicken rice alone would make to for that passport cost!
(Yes, I’m hungry while posting this comment).
- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 4 days ago:
My 2yo goes fucking nuts when Bobomb battle field plays, particularly the Hang onto your Hat remix album. Whole family dancing, kids spinning around, good times had by all.
- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 4 days ago:
If you started with the beatboxed version at that family table, I would back you up with the bzzchek budda bucheck sounds. Greentext’s family doesn’t know the classics.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 4 days ago:
Ah, I’m going to miss Snopes in the post-truth society. :(
- Comment on Anon remembers summer 4 days ago:
All correct, lots of interesting psychology articles on this and even a documentary about it iirc (like implanting getting lost in a mall as a child.) I teach confirmation bias in one of my classes and some of it is also just misremembering things to fit a narrative you want to believe.
What’s funny to me while I learned about it is that I don’t seem to do this fill-in-the-gaps misremembering stuff. I just don’t remember shit. What I do remember is vague and undetailed, though, and kind of easy to prove in the sense that vague memories could be all sorts of things (like crying but not remembering why). It’s like all a blur until college, lol.
My guess is my shitty childhood was traumatic, or I’m neurologically atypical (and given how weird I am, probably both). It doesn’t help I get conflicting stories from parents though.
- Comment on Sony removes PlayStation account requirement from 4 single-player Steam games: Marvel's Spider-Man 2, God of War Ragnarok, The Last of Us Part II Remastered, and Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered 3 weeks ago:
Iirc, Steam policy is to allow no-strings-attached refunds if that happens, and it indeed has happened before. I don’t see Sony reneging, just doing as stated which is to provide incentives to log in.
- Comment on Sony removes PlayStation account requirement from 4 single-player Steam games: Marvel's Spider-Man 2, God of War Ragnarok, The Last of Us Part II Remastered, and Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered 3 weeks ago:
I have the base game and didn’t know that, thank you random Internet person! $10 is indeed a good deal.
- Comment on Can we stop asking people who are on the brink of death and suffering greatly to sacrifice themselves for a bunch of able bodied people who refuse to stand up and sacrifice themselves for us? 3 weeks ago:
It’s a stupid argument, on top of being insensitive. Luigi isn’t even a great example-- sure he had a back problem but he also had cash and knowledge on how to even do something. Plus, it’s not like some armchair vigilante told him to go out and murder someone. And it’s hard to say it’s even made a difference.
You just worry about you, and best wishes. Cancers a bitch.
- Comment on The range of emotions 3 weeks ago:
As an 87, I can’t say I’m bored, needs to be replaced with tired. But I agree that Pikachu is in fact one of our major emotions.
- Comment on Me after I accomplish literally anything in Hollow Knight [Day 49] 4 weeks ago:
steam deck runs out of power on way to bench after a tough boss
But what you’ve done before you can always do again.
- Comment on Dunkin' added achievements to their mobile app 5 weeks ago:
Well I suppose good and bad are usually in the application of a tool rather than the tool itself. I’ve just seen it used for good enough to know what was shown here isn’t that, haha.
- Comment on Dunkin' added achievements to their mobile app 5 weeks ago:
Honestly, gamification is good but this is just stupid. Humans respond to gamification for a reason, it can add a sense of accomplishment or help you lay out goals, etc. If you gave that to, say, a non-profit looking to motivate volunteers who clean up the beach or something, it’s a net gain for society.
But this? What accomplishment or goal do you get for eating shitty donuts 500 times? I’d like to meet the man (and it most certainly is a man) who is proud of his 500th Duncan trip. I’ll buy him a dose of insulin (but only the subsidized stuff).
- Comment on Nintendo 3DS Game Finally Cancelled After Being On Pre-order For Almost a Decade 1 month ago:
It’s a game in my todo list, but pretty low on that list. Actually, speaking to getting closer to that design, you’d think 20XX (and I guess 30XX but I didn’t play) gets even closer. It certainly scratched my MMX itch in an interesting way.
- Comment on I know what I have 1 month ago:
Man ain’t nobody from Hawthorne is gonna afford a treasure like this. That said, I’m near there and this better be real because I still have a belated Christmas gift to get my brother!
- Comment on Those who died are justified 1 month ago:
Weird we have the same weird hobby, although my excuse is singing to my 2yo and getting away with it. “I hyurt myself todayyy~”.
… My daughter is gonna be weird.
- Comment on Feelin' Festive 1 month ago:
Sure it’s ok when he does it but when I decorate my fence with corpses I get a nasty letter from my HOA.
- Comment on Just sucking some milk out of the strawsage 1 month ago:
Ok, ok, I’m fine with paper straws now. Please, no more sausage.
- Comment on Valve is fixin' to start some arguments over the holidays because 'All adult members in a Steam Family' can see your Steam Replay page 2 months ago:
My worst offender would be the Neptunia games I’ve played (which I genuinely liked for gameplay lol) but honestly, if your gaming family can’t accept you at your Nep, they don’t deserve you at your NepNep.
- Comment on Nobody will question you 2 months ago:
To be fair, I’m snarky because plenty of colleges (and way too many high schools) still do this shit because it’s not about the knowledge, it’s about the signalling to employers that the student will make a good cog in their machine.
To anyone struggling in a stats course: real data science is programming, not math. If you’re on Lemmy there is a good chance you’re a better data scientist than your hack of a teacher.
- Comment on Nobody will question you 2 months ago:
If you’re in a college statistics course and you’re doing graphs by hand and not generated entirely be statistics software, the skills you’re learning are useless anyway.
- Comment on Nobody will question you 2 months ago:
Assuming it’s a correction line, I don’t think you can tell from the slope of that line alone as the clustering will matter and correlations are finicky. Now, if it was a regression coefficient, that sexy line can be calculated just by looking at it (although we’d want to know if it was significant, lol).
- Comment on Writing tip: just start brain dumping 2 months ago:
I teach for a living and this wouldn’t negatively impact the grade. But real talk you’re usually using a rubric anyway unless you want admin breathing down your neck after a disgruntled student takes issue with the A minus you gave her.
- Comment on How much can we hope is being put in place behind the scenes at the US federal level to mitigate the damage Trump will do? Can any of it be effective? 2 months ago:
On the state level, there are protections (for now) since a ton of stuff has to be done to the constitution to remove such powers and they don’t have the majority needed for that. Sure there are loopholes, but for every fed willing to turn a blind eye, there’s a state rep willing to disregard their made up policy. CA already has a lawsuit fund, lol.
The federal level gets dicier. Despite the kiss asses on the GOP side, I don’t think they’ll have the courage to do deeply unpopular things for their region. For instance, removing the Dept of Education isn’t popular in places that get a lot of that Title I money. That ain’t a safe guard the Dems put in place, per se, but they made it in 79 under Carter and even Reagan couldn’t get the support to undo it in 80.
Any current safe guards? Biden is unfortunately very bad at these things as far as I can tell and what good he did will likely be credited to Trump despite the truth. Best we’ve got I think is just trying to sure up as much Ukraine support as possible. The house Dems might have the best shot, though, given the narrow lead. With Senate, it’s probably a good thing Manchin wouldn’t let Dems abolish the filibuster… although the GOP might go ahead and do that themselves this time. Senators don’t really have to answer to their constituents because of incumbent advantage, so there isn’t at much deal making like in the house.
- Comment on GOG’s Game Preservation Program Gets Tested Early By Blizzard 2 months ago:
Obligatory mention that ExoDos exists. Look it up.
Y’know, I kind of get why a storefront would prefer delisting when there’s just a more complete or more “HD” version. I’ve had a friend buy an old version of a game for the same price as the “complete” version since both were up and he didn’t check. Blizzard is obviously just trying to promote their remake, but I wouldn’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.
(I’d still prefer having options, though, and that option should be free because playing the DOS version of Warcraft 2 would likely help promote the HD version, as sort of a demo. That game is fire and deserves the love, too bad the execs are morons).
- Comment on 🗣 📢 W A T E R 2 months ago:
I know a ton of people with English words tattooed in cool fonts. That said, they rarely are nonsense like Charcoal Grill.
No regarts, though, right?
- Comment on The things you can buy on amazon 2 months ago:
Why do the comments feel a bit whooshy on this one?
That said, I bet you could find a kidnapper starter kit somewhere on the Internet. Fun fact, chloroform doesn’t work the way you think it does— it isn’t instant and it doesn’t last long enough to be of any use like this. Movies have lied to you. Keep this in mind if you have weekend plans with any CEOs near you!