- Comment on Anon is a gamer 1 month ago:
Hot take: no it hasn’t. Because the alternative is you don’t mark interactive objects. And then the stairs are somehow blending in with the background because of some color choices, or the day/night cycle makes you miss some object in the dark, or the ring you’re supposed to get for the main quest is lost in the grass and can’t be found etc.
And you know what you get then? The least immersive option in the world: the player can’t find the thing they’re looking for and can’t progress, so they log off and post a question on a forum and they continue to play in a day, when they receive the answer. I don’t think that’s more immersive than marking the object.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Hopefully also doesn’t need saying, but this is why you get rid of the bat in a dumpster across town.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Get twenty phone numbers. Whenever you meet someone you know, tell them you changed your number because of this stalker and to give you their phone so you can give them the new number. Give them a different number every time, until you reach twenty. Make a note of who got each number. Wait a week. If you weren’t contacted yet, do the same thing with 20 other people.
When you ARE contacted again, you’ll at least have a list of people who knew the number, if not the exact person. Then you put on a hoodie in a color you don’t usually wear, take a baseball bat to their head from behind, get rid of hoodie and baseball bat in a dumpster on the other side of town and enjoy the rest of your life.
- Comment on Why is it that clasped hands tends to be the norm for praying? 🙏 1 month ago:
Idk about ally hat, I just wanted to say that emoji always makes me think of two people high fiving.
- Comment on Anon hates Apple 2 months ago:
Plenty of shit Apple do wrong but the service here is top notch compared to any other manufacturer.
I don’t understand how this can ever be argued when apple’s record against consumer’s right to repair is like a dictator’s record against its own people.
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 2 months ago:
lol not even 25 years in the game, what a noob
- Comment on I walked all over the damn store looking for butter 2 months ago:
Ah, gotcha. I’m not familiar with this chain, so I wrongly extrapolated from what others do where I’m from. So they’re just randomly putting butter next to beer then I guess.
- Comment on I walked all over the damn store looking for butter 2 months ago:
The beer&wine section starts there. The portion until the sign is part of another section, that OP never bothered to include in the pic. Presumably the dairy section.
Put another way: if you’re coming from the beer&we section, the sign probably says “dairy”.
- Comment on Steam Winter Sale 2024 Has Begun! 2 months ago:
Need for speed heat is like 4 bucks, as a former 13yo boy I woulda liked it
- Comment on Anon gets plastered 2 months ago:
Hard working unproductive people become in time hard working productive people. Lazy productive people become in time lazy unproductive people. Skill issue on your side tbh.
- Comment on Binary search 2 months ago:
Defund the police, shit on the thin blue line. This is always an option.
- Comment on Why do we use the term Ban when it's temporary? Why not the more accurate, Suspension? 2 months ago:
To my mind, Ban has always meant permanent.
Then explain perma-ban
- Comment on I am a very liberal person and I have very liberal children, except for one. I'm pretty sure my Gen Z son has been taken in by fascist doctrine. What can I get him for Christmas? 3 months ago:
I know, right? Like OP, maybe the kid is interested in antiquities, you could get him some from Benito Mussolini’s collection. Or maybe he likes art, you could buy him one of Hitler’s paintings.
- Comment on Valve must address swastikas and other hate on Steam, writes US senator in a letter to Gabe Newell 3 months ago:
“As Black Friday and the holiday buying season approaches, the American public should know that not only is Steam an unsafe place for teens and young adults to purchase and play online games, but also that, absent a change in Valve’s approach to user moderation and the type of behavior that it welcomes on its platform, Steam is playing a clear role in allowing harmful ideologies to spread and take root among the next generation,” says Warner
What? What the fuck, democrats?
First off - cool letter bro, I’ve always wanted to write one but unfortunately we are in the current century. I don’t know what a pretentious cuntwaffle you have to be to write a letter at this point in time, but apparently it helps if you’re a senator.
Second - really? Valve should moderate user scrrenshots to make sure there are no swastikas? What if I have a swastika tattooed on my face and the pic is closeup shot? Listen, cumstain - if you’re not gonna do your job as a government and moderate extremists by hiding behind your ‘freedom of speech’ bullshit, don’t be surprised when a corporation can’t do it either. What, the KKK is too hard to stamp out for the US government, so let’s put Valve on the job? A Neonazi fuck just won another presidential campaign, you’re telling me your country is against swastikas? Fuck outta here.
And third - I’d really like to know what makes steam “unsafe for teens and young adults”. Is valve impregnating kids now? Do they carry measles in their steam decks? Is gaben running with scissors in school hallways? Or is it just that you’re an out of touch cunt who last understood technology when horse power involved actual horses?
- Comment on Nintendo sues streamer for playing pre-release, emulated Switch games 3 months ago:
There comes a point where being right doesn’t matter more than the fact that they’re cunts.
- Comment on Anon doesn't tip 3 months ago:
Your comment is weirdly aggressive
Yeah, sorry about that. I was imagining myself in those situations and offering my own reply to the supposed request of someone different taking the credit for my own hard work, while not taking any of the risks.
I feel like enough attempts and takes have been had at workers owning the means of production, by all communist states that have existed. And since they all had the inherent flaw that they are ran and populated by humans, they all end up in corrupt enterprises where there are still just a few sitting at the top, while the masses are fighting for scraps. Arguably the best implementation of it would probably be coops, but the people managing the coop are as susceptible to corruption as any other and are also likely to end in embezzlement/power trading.
the systems we have in place exist only due to opportunism of those who came before us
Oh, I fully agree. However, I was literally a few months away from being born in a communist state. All my life I heard stories from my parents and grandparents about the small daily injustices they lived through. I’m 100% sure capitalism benefits a handful of people and the rest are suffering - but they’re not suffering more than in communism, I’ll say that much. People aren’t disappearing from the streets if they criticize the CEO of coca cola. They don’t get found years later in a government camp, or in another country. You don’t need to hide your comments about the head of state in a layer of fable-like obfuscation. You don’t have to worry about if the friends you’re joking around with will rat you out to the government because 1/10 of the population is recruited by the secret police, and even more are collaborators. For what it’s worth, you have these small liberties under capitalism. I was almost on the other side of that line, and it really annoys the shit out of me when I see people who are only arguing in favor of communism from the safety of their capitalism-created life, unaware that if the situation was the opposite and they were a capitalist in a communist country, they couldn’t even dream of making their pro-capitalist thoughts public for fear of their and their family’s life.
- Comment on Anon doesn't tip 3 months ago:
While I agree with you - who can say which workers exert the majority of effort?
By the amount of physical effort - sure, blue collar workers do the most. But this effort is also easy to find from others - everyone can do unskilled labor. So should they receive a lion’s share of the company profits just because, what? They managed to get hired?
By the amount of admin, maybe it should be IT or HR or some similar department. Without them, you wouldn’t be efficient. Without them you’d never be able to expand. But they don’t work on the actual product, they’re just there for the ride and would be doing the same thing for any other business.
Should it be sales? Engineers? Security? All these categories have the same pluses and minuses going for them.
And now let’s say I start a small business. I go through the trouble of being good enough in my field to come up with a product or service that people will like. I invest my own money into this small business, and I sometimes don’t get paid so I can afford to pay my suppliers. I have months where I cut electricity at home so I can keep it on in the office. I fight the beaurocracy of the state, with its million forms I have to fill in and it’s million hoops I have to jump through. And this business takes off, and I finally make enough to have it be worth it. And you’re telling me I should share with the others? With everyone else who hasn’t put as much as me on the line, but now wants to be part of the success? Motherfucker I will cut you.
Or let’s say I don’t keep the company, I sell it. It goes to some conglomerate who keeps it functioning but installs a new CEO to cut costs and streamline processes. Are you telling me they paid me tens of millions of dollars just so that they can share with the workers? The workers, who paid nothing? Who offered nothing in exchange for the rights to the business? Fuck, I’m taking you to the parking lot and breaking your kneecaps with a baseball bat, where the fuck do you even get the balls?
Or let’s say I go public. I sell shares, and people buy them. A lot of people invest a lot of money into the company, and want to get their money back. You’re telling me that when I turn a profit and decide to share it, I shouldn’t give dividends and reward the shareholders who believed in me - instead I should reward the workers who’ve been getting paid all this time, who’ve been risk-free in this enterprise, who’ve been profiting whether I go up or go under? Eat shit and die.
There is no universe where workers, who are staking nothing in a company, should get rewarded over those who have a financial stake in it.
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
It hurts to do this, because you’ve obviously thought out your comment and you obviously like the game and want to believe the devs are doing their best. But I think your entire premise is wrong
To combat Chinese gold farmers, Blizzard started selling gold in a bit of a roundabout way
Why do you think this? Why do you grant a greedy game dev the benefit of the doubt? They’re cashing in on Chinese gold farmers in all possible ways, man:
- By allowing their accounts to exist instead of banning and moving on
- By controlling the value of gold with a cash shop, ensuring economy is in their favor
- The cash shop also brings them monetary value.
They are triple dipping, and you choose to believe they are doing it because they’re a good game dev.
A good game dev would ban accounts guilty of real money trading. A good game dev would fix the in-game economy with in-game methods. A good game dev wouldn’t have micro transactions in a subscription game. You want to believe Blizzard is doing this because of those evil Chinese farmers - I’m here to tell you they’re profiting from this and don’t have the morals to make it right.
- Comment on Microsoft CEO's pay rises 63% to $73m, despite devastating year for layoffs 4 months ago:
despitethanks to
- Comment on Why are people doing this at voting locations in the USA? 4 months ago:
Fuck’s the Klan gonna do about it? Retaliate by wearing white in other locations?
- Comment on Why are people doing this at voting locations in the USA? 4 months ago:
First ammendment doesn’t protect you from a baseball bat.
- Comment on Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit? 4 months ago:
Not sure. I can’t remember right now why I blocked dbzer0 completely, but my filters are blocking this instance. Which I guess is another side of the same coin: defederation (and allowing entire instances to be blocked) also contributes to fragmentation of communities. I had no idea the largest piracy community is on dbzer0, so I would subscribe to another piracy community on another instance, and thus split the memberships even more.
- Comment on What's the term for someone that likes Jesus of Nazareth, but doesn't identify with church, religious dogma, or whatever? 4 months ago:
Jeezie. Like Swiftie, but for fan fiction on the Hebrew Bible.
- Comment on Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit? 4 months ago:
No. Aside from the low number of users, the fact that you can have the same community in different instances means a community will never grow large enough. Add to that the “you’re literally killing children if you’re a centrist” people and all the tankies, and what you have here is a leftist circlejerk that will remain small and irelevant enough to suit its need to be an echo chamber without any actual diversity.
- Comment on Google now requires JavaScript 5 months ago:
Idk if you were around when Google popped up, but it was at a time where the internet was feeling increasingly “loaded” with thousands of info per page. One where the popular engines tried to serve you twenty different things along with your search. Here’s an example:
Or another:…/yahoo-2003.png
So you see, a lot of us started to use Google because it was simple. It was decluttered. It was a text input with a ‘submit’ button, and that’s all we wanted. THAT is, and was, google’s core functionality, and I think it’d do them well to remember that.
Now, if you wanna argue that’s changed, I can agree to that. But I don’t want morning news when I search for porn, that’s just gonna kill my boner. And I don’t want ads about coffee makers when I’ve just bought a coffee maker, that just means you’re incompetent. I want a search engine that searches things and provides results. That’s it. And just like Google caught momentum because they delivered this minimalistic facade that the users wanted, this is also how Google will die - at the hands of the next lightweight engine without corporate bullshit. Because the users will gobble it up.
- Comment on Tesla workers in Germany complain about home visits from their bosses 5 months ago:
You are allowed to visit your employee at home when you have a very good reason to believe they are faking it
What you’re allowed to do and what you should be doing are two very different things. I live in a bad neighborhood, how about if you’re my manager you stay the fuck at work and then you don’t have to worry about being jumped by three people with knives, and I don’t have to worry about where am I going to hide a body?
- Comment on Anon shares his dating preferences 5 months ago:
Can’t tell if under 20 or just socially inept.
- Comment on God of War Ragnarok PC port suffers review bombing on Steam due to PlayStation Network account requirement 5 months ago:
For trying a game, trying it, disliking it and refunding it, a series of events that is completely normal and allowed by steam’s refund policy? Well it’s probably getting changed when gaben dies and someone else takes over, but I’m not sure we should be rooting for that…
- Comment on God of War Ragnarok PC port suffers review bombing on Steam due to PlayStation Network account requirement 5 months ago:
I hope it does. Then they can fuck off and die nameless, cause I’m not buying it if it’s not on steam or gog, and I’ve recently aso begun not buying it if it requires a PSN account. Take your shitty business practices and stuff them up your console’s ass.
- Comment on Anon applies for a job 5 months ago:
Um… No. If the company doesn’t value my time by posting a correct job listing, I don’t want to work for them. These are the same HR people posting the jobs who will then have trouble organizing a good work environment, or making sure people aren’t abused/harassed in the workplace.
When a company tells you its HR department is full of idiots I think you wanna listen to them.