- Comment on How would you describe a power-lifter-type physique specifically? 20 hours ago:
“built like a brick shit house”
“Off-season body builder”
- Comment on Excellent anti smoking ad 2 days ago:
I have a disabled neighbor that I help out around the house every now and then, she’s been a smoker for decades. Long enough that she had to get tracheotomy so she breathes through a hole in her neck. Hasn’t stopped her from smoking like a pack a day. Because of her disability and advancing age, a very kind neighbor built her a house and gave it to her for free. Her smoking has ruined that cute little two bedroom, to the point that everything in there is stained nicotine yellow, and reeks. That house will just have to be torn down when she leaves, because they’d have to gut the entire thing just to get rid of the smell. It’s disgusting, and the fact that she got that house for nothing makes me all the more pissed about it.
- Comment on No one showed up to his party 1 week ago:
of course, they all said yes. invited 20-ish people, hoped for 7-10, got none. They started bailing about a day before, but only 4 definitively said they couldn’t make it.
- Comment on No one showed up to his party 1 week ago:
My last party went much like this. First party thrown since the divorce, went all out on a halloween costume party. Was hounding my best friend about it for months, only for him to flake saying he didn’t want to drive the 40 minutes to my house. Nobody came, spent over $1000 on decorations alone. I’ll throw another party at some point, but I’ll need to find some new friends first.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 4 weeks ago:
DOTA 2 is my primary time waster, have over 3000+ hours on it. It’s endlessly entertaining, because there is so much variability in the games. You have 4-8 spells depending on the hero, with 6 active item slots, which means once your team has leveled up, team fights can be a burst of seconds, or a 5+ minute long affair, with each tank employing different survival strategies to block damage, heal, or escape, just to heal and get right back in it. There are multiple different game modes, but are a little challenging to find and play. Still, it is the one game I play with the steepest learning curve. I don’t think I saw myself as “good at the game” until I was around 1000 hours in 😶
Smite is the only other game I have 1000+ hours in. I started playing it as a break from DOTA 2, and as a way to connect with my little brother. It’s a lot like DOTA 2, but far more simplistic. Each god has 4 spells, with no active items. Instead of left-clicking for movement on a map, you use WASD to maneuver your god. It’s fun, and you can pick it up after like 30 hours. The different game modes are a lot easier to navigate than in DOTA, but it’s also a lot less engaging. The updates and quests are all very simplistic. I was going to try out the new Smite 2, but after watching some game play, it looks… exactly the same as Smite 1.
- Comment on Make sure he is a real Bear 5 weeks ago:
Honestly, if it was any other kind of car, I would have been impressed at their ingenuity and railed against the wildlife expert who outed them. But people who waste money on expensive luxury cars don’t get sympathy from me. A fuckin Rolls Royce? You thought you could get an insurance company to write off a fuckin rolls royce? If you already have the money to obtain that kind of car, you get no sympathy from me.
- Comment on is "oh boy" considered a gendered term? 5 weeks ago:
When I was working as a line cook in college, I was one of two white guys behind the line, with the rest of our BOH (Back Of House) crew being black. One day on the line we were all joking around like we always did. One of the black cooks, named Rose (he was an older guy, with coke-bottle glasses and strong, thickly calloused hands. He had a snaggle tooth and a big ol’ pot belly), was regaling us with stories about how he has a veritable harem of women at his beck and call. He told us he was supporting like 5 different women, and all of them were entirely devoted to him.
I thought that he was being hyperbolic, and decided that I would poke fun. I was going to say something like “Rose, I can’t believe for a second that even 1 woman would be after your ugly mug.” But my midwestern-whiteness shone through, and before I could deliver that absolute blister of a line, I decided to use an exclamation so as to punctuate my lack of belief in his statement. I started with “Ooh boy,” and didn’t get to finish.
I was immediately accosted by Rose, his spatula gripped tightly, and he was mad as hell. The other line cooks were instantly aware of the situation and reacted to hold him back, as Rose was about to knock my befuddled ass into next week. Eventually they were able to calm him down, and explained to my dumbass that calling a black man “boy” was explicitly racist, and derogatory.
We were fine once he realized I had no idea it was racist, I just thought of it as an exclamation along the lines of “Boy howdy!” or something.
It was a very eye-opening moment.
- Comment on Most of the trick-or-treaters have been skipping my house, and I finally figured out why 1 month ago:
I loathe trunk or treat. It’s not the same as trick or treating, it’s cheating. When I was young the only way I got a bunch of candy was to run all over the neighborhood, and then run to the other neighborhoods to squeeze in more. I was out and about, acting the fool, where chicanery abounds. I’d end up at home, exhausted at the end of the night.
Today’s kids walk around a parking lot. It’s just not the same.
- Comment on Why is the price of real estate rising so dramatically? 1 month ago:
Here’s the nested article, i.e. the article your article is talking about: October 23, 2024, By Blair Fix; The American Housing Crisis: A Theft, Not a Shortage
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 1 month ago:
Wow, someone has actually died as a result of this McDiddles E. Coli outbreak? Imagine living your whole ass life, doing regular shit, being a regular ass person, and then dying to a mcdouble. WTF. Just another reason I rarely let other people cook my food.
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 1 month ago:
The single greatest take-away I got from medical school, is that some doctors can be incredibly stupid. They’ll examine you, then step out into the hall and google your symptoms. I wish I was being facetious.
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 2 months ago:
When I was in medical school, I had to drop a deuce during a break between lectures. While I was in there, performing spectacularly, some other guy came into the restroom (situated just outside the lecture hall) and shouted “Is somebody takin’ a shit in here!?”
and I was just like, “…yeah, where else would I do it?”
But I feel like that guy who openly questioned why someone would shit in a bathroom, is exactly the same type of guy that would question someones masculinity over how they choose to take a piss.
- Comment on Bandai Namco reportedly tries to bore staff into quitting, skirting Japan’s labor laws 2 months ago:
Time to work on my screenplay/book/stand-up routine/music!
- Comment on What Undecided Voters Look Like To Everyone Else 2 months ago:
Went to a local fair today in rural NC, and they had an entire tent set up for mark robinson. The self avowed nazi who wishes slavery was allowed, and who rails against abortion, but paid for one himself. that mark robinson. He had a tent, and it wasn’t actively being set on fire or run out of town. The man posted on the comments section of a porn website about how he wanted slaves, and how he likes trans porn, while being a huge transphobe.
It’s hard to take the right seriously in any way. They’re just a bunch of clowns.
- Comment on "news" article pretends not to understand why two very different shows in two separate genres on two totally separate networks aren't judged exactly the same way. 2 months ago:
It’s because Collin Farrell is a terrible actor that for some reason keeps getting big parts. He’s never been in anything good. In Bruge is OK despite him, and because of excellent performances from everyone else.
- Comment on The mark 2 months ago:
I’m a pretty heavily freckled person, but damn if I don’t have a pronounced, solitary freckle precisely at this location on my left arm.
I bet it’s related to driving with my left arm hanging out the window. In the US at least, people who do that have their left arm over-exposed to sun damage.
- Comment on shag carpet 2 months ago:
This planet is so beautiful and wonderful. And underneath it’s waters is an entirely different world, full of wild and majestic creatures just like the Tasselled Wobbegong here. I pray that we act quick enough on our climate initiatives to save these things for the future.
- Comment on Does the GOP Stick Together so tightly to hide the fact that a large majority of them are involved in Pedophilia? 2 months ago:
The same cognitive dissonance that allows them to both act on, and excuse instances of molestation in their community/family, is the very same driver of their wanton disregard of the people harmed by republican policies. They see any instances of pedophilia in their ranks as “just a bad apple,” while they identify an entire race of people as rapists if a single news report shows a member of that race/minority group committing such an act. It’s entirely predicated on their belief that they are superior, and it is because of something inherent within them, that does not exist in others. They judge themselves not by their actions (and consequences of said actions) but by their intentions, while they have no such qualms demonizing any number of minority groups for the actions of a single member.
so, short answer, yes. Long answer, yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
- Comment on If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics? 2 months ago:
because women approach him and treat THEMSELVES as sex objects
That’s some A+ victim blaming right there. E. Jean Carroll didn’t do shit
- Comment on Every show with a suicide now has a disclaimer with a suicide hotline at the beginning. Is there any evidence that these warnings make a positive difference? 2 months ago:
That’s a nice thing your mom did, and your tattoo is a great reminder that however bad we’re feeling in the moment, that “this too, shall pass.”
- Comment on Every show with a suicide now has a disclaimer with a suicide hotline at the beginning. Is there any evidence that these warnings make a positive difference? 3 months ago:
What’s the tattoo? I’m glad you were able to yeet that fucker out of ya 😅
- Comment on What to do with glassware that is impossible to clean 3 months ago:
my bong has a bunch of crevices/nooks that get gunked up with resin n’ such. Put in some salt, a healthy splash of alcohol, and shake it up! you’ll be surprised how much that gets.
- Comment on Why limit immigration? 3 months ago:
Sounds like an awful slippery slope 🙄
- Comment on Why limit immigration? 3 months ago:
That money comes from taxes that rise with increased economic activity that rise with the population.
- Comment on Why limit immigration? 3 months ago:
It’s a racist lie that increased immigration leads to increased crime.
The mythical tie between immigration and crime - a Stanford Study
- Comment on This Is Why You Can't Get ADHD Treatment 3 months ago:
Thank goodness we increased police budgets, that’ll solve the problem for sure!
- Comment on When PSAs go too far 3 months ago:
I’ve seen this image a number of times, and it always reinforces just how dangerous electricity can be. It’s like those signs that warn “Not only will this kill you, it will hurt the whole time!”
I do a lot of DIY, but I do not mess with electricity. The idea of Alternating current is something I cannot grok, and so I choose not to try.
- Comment on The Evil Design of Japan's Death Penalty 3 months ago:
Not telling the prisoners their date of execution seems unreasonably cruel, especially considering that some inmates have been subsequently released/exonerated. Their reasoning of “not causing the inmate undue stress” is just incorrect, while the idea that “their victims didn’t have prior warning” is steeped in a thirst for revenge and retribution, rather than justice. That’s some Code of Hammurabi level thinking that only retards social progress.
- Comment on Has there been a depiction of fast food on a space station? 3 months ago:
I noticed this too, The Expanse does that so well, really fleshing out what life would be like living as a grunt in The Belt. They had their own culture, their own sayings, their own food. Like any colony, it gave host to any number of establishments meant to provide a bit of comfort out in the inky black nothing. The shared suffering also gave them a sense of community, which is a powerful motivator when the far off motherland starts imposing increasingly burdensome levies… Makes you want to grab the closest thing and hurl it at them! 😉
It’s amazing.
- Comment on the goggles, they do nothing 3 months ago:
yeah, wow, those hands look awful. Looks like he’s wearing mom’s dish gloves that don’t fit right