- Comment on Hitler speech reconstructed by AI in English 5 weeks ago:
Why is this in this community?
- Comment on This Op Shop seems to have ordered their secondhand books by colour for some reason 2 months ago:
What’s an Op Shop?
It looks like a charity shop that I would see around here. They also organise clothes by colour which makes more sense but still, I’m only looking for my size and in a charity shop the clothes are all random so availability is more important.
- Comment on Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? 8 months ago:
Ah okay. Thank you!
- Comment on Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? 8 months ago:
Who’s the company involved in this? I’m not in the US so I’ve probably missed a lot of context here.
- Comment on Maths 9 months ago:
Good one, no way say maths is… I guess it’s the subject of mathematics is my favourite.
- Comment on The Fall Guy to Megalopolis: is 2024 the year of the box-office megaflop? 9 months ago:
Between paying for a babysitter and parking and a small bit of popcorn, along with the tickets, it costs us about 100e to go to the cinema. And that’s without even going anywhere else before or after.
- Comment on Ah yes, my time at "XXX" was just amazing. 1 year ago:
They found your porn vids
- Comment on "Hosts" indeed, at least pick one... 1 year ago:
Not for this one but when you say anyone… families get a better deal with Airbnb than hotels generally.
- Comment on Returning to the office is 'wildly more expensive' today than in 2019—here's how much people are spending 1 year ago:
Have worked with kids at home since March 2020 when they were 4 and 6. School for half the day, then take turns supervising basically with my partner. It’s not ideal but it works.
- Comment on Returning to the office is 'wildly more expensive' today than in 2019—here's how much people are spending 1 year ago:
Being sick because people come in with their fucking germs.
- Comment on 'Mindhunter' Is Dead — So Stop Asking David Fincher About It! 1 year ago:
I would literally settle for a magazine short story to tie things up.
- Comment on 'Mindhunter' Is Dead — So Stop Asking David Fincher About It! 1 year ago:
I’m glad it’s a quality show but it’s not quality because of the season 2 subplot that ended up going nowhere and leaving viewers dissatisfied. That’s my problem with it. He’s in the business long enough and Netflix have this pattern long enough that he should know better than to do that.
- Comment on Barbie (2023) OST streaming release discussion post 1 year ago:
Commercial for Barbies? I don’t think that little kids are the audience here but I hear ya. Barbie is more than a toy, the doll has represented a lot and been a big part of a few decades of childhood. This film was a great take on all that.
- Comment on [spoilers] A Quiet Place (Rant) 1 year ago:
Having sex during this time is not unfathomable and pregnancy happens. It took me a while to realise you weren’t talking about the baby when you immediately switched to “the girl”.
- Comment on 'Mindhunter' Is Dead — So Stop Asking David Fincher About It! 1 year ago:
I still blame Fincher for using season 2 to set up season 3 and then give us nothing. Given Netflix’s track record and Fincher not being some noob, he should have made sure each season had no whole-story dangling threads. I would settle for a short story tying it up at this point, he could do that.
- Comment on [Weekly thread] What is the best movie you watched last week? 23 September 1 year ago:
It’s brilliant. The story on the boat when they’re drinking and comparing scars is so well done. Utterly engaging.
- Comment on What was the best performance by somebody not primarily known for their acting? #MovieDiscussion 1 year ago:
The IT guy in What We Were In The Shadows