- Comment on Dolphins is whales. 6 months ago:
Lol wat?
- Comment on Cursed wretched marketing 7 months ago:
You guys never cease to amaze me.
- Comment on Anon interviews for a job 8 months ago:
You may invent words as long as you like, but those words can definitely become corrupted as well. It will be an endless cycle.
The only way to stop that is to put our feet down and correct the misuse.
- Comment on Anon interviews for a job 8 months ago:
I’m not on any side.
But what happens if the word black becomes a slur, or blue or yellow?
Would we give way to those who misuse those words? Let’s not be complacent in letting others misuse language. Maybe it’s time that we corrected these.
- Comment on Anon interviews for a job 8 months ago:
If my name ever becomes a commonly used insult, what then?
Any word can become an insult. It’s time to take some words back. We have to actively correct misused words. It may make a difference.
- Comment on Anthropomorphic 8 months ago:
hahaha yes, because of the implication!
i haven’t seen this reference in a long time. damn.
- Comment on Blood for the Blood God! 8 months ago:
- Comment on Anthropomorphic 8 months ago:
Saying thank you is just a precautionary measure. Just in case, you know…
- Comment on Whats the difference between "English is not my first language" bad grammar, and "The only language I speak jmis english" bad grammar? 8 months ago:
*must… not… react, must… not… react… … . . . .
- Comment on The cure has been found 8 months ago:
Rip in happiness then
- Comment on What is the equivalent stereotype of 'women should all be homemakers,' for men? 8 months ago:
The Cure - Boys Don’t Cry
- Comment on Ant smell 8 months ago:
haha, touché, I respect your choice of… enjoyment.
- Comment on Ant smell 8 months ago:
If you smelled poop even if it’s fast away, then poop particles have gone inside your nose, and yes. Tha nose cavity is connected to your mouth cavity.
Good luck sleeping, knowing that whenever you smell disgusting things, they are now also inside your mouth.
- Comment on Anon lives with their parents 9 months ago:
Not ours. My parents are our support system, even when we have a family of our own
- Comment on kissies 9 months ago:
and eating their poop
- Comment on the struggle 9 months ago:
Whatever, stop blabbering.
- Comment on the struggle 9 months ago:
Clearly you are ignorant of what you say. It shows.
- Comment on the struggle 9 months ago:
Clearly you are ignorant of what you say. It shows.
- Comment on the struggle 9 months ago:
Feng shui has colors and elements and numbers and orientations and all of that. Shapes. They do have that too.
It’s a rabbit hole. Believe me.
- Comment on the struggle 9 months ago:
feng shui would disagree.
also my computer should face the east in the spring time in order to get the most of my blessings.
- Comment on Which is the best Lemmy app for mobile? 9 months ago:
Last tim I tried Summit, was months ago but to tell you the truth. It was one of my favorites! it’s definietly better than thunder and boost. One app that i can compare it with is Eternity and Connect. The reason why it did not reside in my top three is because of my preference, there is a feel to an app that i am looking for, I really cannot describe it, I did not feel it with summit, but Eternity had it. But technically speaking. Summit is one of the very good apps for Lemmy, you will not regret it if you choose to use it.
to be frank, Voyager is the least of my three. Eternity did have all i was looking for, unfortunately it seems that it has been abandoned.
- Comment on Which is the best Lemmy app for mobile? 9 months ago:
Eternity was great, but it’s likely abandoned now. I switched to voyager. And this is a nice clean app. No complaints from me.
Worth noting that I tried all the available apps from the lemmy app list. And I’ve worked them down to 3 liftoff, eternity and voyager. Two of these are abandoned now.
- Comment on shrimp is bugs 10 months ago:
just to spite the middle people and see their reactions while chewing ocean bugs
- Comment on shrimp is bugs 10 months ago:
i prefer to classify all of what you said as simply “food”
simple yet accurate. I’m a scientist now.
- Comment on Guys will meet him and just say "hell yeah!" 10 months ago:
It’s like, you held their dicks.
- Comment on Guys will meet him and just say "hell yeah!" 10 months ago:
It’s the circle of life, my friend.
- Comment on It's not enough to touch grass 11 months ago:
Capybaras aren’t?
- Comment on I'm guilty, lol 11 months ago:
mine was Ü
leftover from nokia days
- Comment on I notice Indians speaking English tend to speak very fast. Are the Indian languages simply spoken faster? 11 months ago:
This is a fantastic explanation. Thank you.
- Comment on Fun Run 1 year ago:
I would’ve crashed.