- Comment on One-handed games? 5 days ago:
Thank you citizen, you’re right! He’s got management written all over him!
- Comment on Why is Jury Nullification a Thing, But You Can’t Talk About It in Court? 1 week ago:
You’re the one saying a moral argument is “unrealistic”.
- Comment on Why is Jury Nullification a Thing, But You Can’t Talk About It in Court? 2 weeks ago:
Did you know that morality is not the same as legality? Some immoral things are legal and occasionally vice-versa.
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 5 weeks ago:
I’ve never seen anything above 30% suggested anywhere in the US. This is an extreme outlier and would make even people used to our crazy tipping culture balk.
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 5 weeks ago:
Most boyfriends will come back home if they accidentally escape. Make sure to put a bell on your boyfriend’s collar so if he does get out he doesn’t decimate the local bird population.
- Comment on Erasure 1 month ago:
Thanks for answering, and I’m sorry about the creep in the replies downplaying your advisor raping you. I believe you, and I know it can be especially difficult for people who are perceived as “masculine” to get support when they come forward about being assaulted. Many self-proclaimed feminists still uphold the patriarchy by embracing gender essentialism bullshit. All I can say is, people are imperfect, biases are tough to unlearn, and living up to our ideals is a constant battle against complacency. I still value those ideals (diversity, equity, and inclusion), and I’m sorry the so-called DEI committee at your university failed to embody them.
- Comment on Erasure 1 month ago:
So the DEI program wasn’t inclusive enough? Would the situation have been better without the DEI program? Just trying to understand the issue, typically DEI has the effect of increasing visibility but it sounds like you had the opposite experience.
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 1 month ago:
Do it for the ladies.
- Comment on Reddit Refugees 1 month ago:
- Comment on Contributing to the local economy 2 months ago:
- Comment on Contributing to the local economy 2 months ago:
That’s what my mom liked about him
- Comment on Asked this wonderful community to help me chose the design of my game's duck, here are is the final result: 2 months ago:
I love the visible stitching on him, it makes him look homemade.
- Comment on Fucking pigeons 2 months ago:
Laying eggs on the ground is a good way to get them eaten by a predator. Some reptiles bury their eggs, that’s one option. But then you can’t really keep an eye on them or take care of the babies once they hatch. So maybe you try to find a nice safe place to keep them off the ground instead. Critters who were better at keeping their eggs from falling out of the tree or off the cliff had more babies, so nest-building behaviors get reinforced, even if it’s just laying a few twigs in the crook of a tree. Stick-loving birds get rewarded!
- Comment on Water 2 months ago:
- Comment on Anon's sad story 2 months ago:
I’m sorry about your churro and mom.
- Comment on Do fish ever play tag or hide and seek? 2 months ago:
I worked at an aquarium store in high school and owned saltwater tanks for decades. Some fish do get something like the zoomies where they will dart around the tank. I had a wrasse that would get excited in way that didn’t seem frightened but more like playful.
I don’t know about “tag” per se, but they do sometimes have territorial sparring which is more like swimming up at each other quickly and trying to chase each other away from their spot, without it ever really getting violent. If one of them didn’t chicken out though I imagine fins would get bitten.
My clownfish would come up and nibble my hand if I put it in the tank and I could scoop her up from underneath with one hand. It was not so much playful though, she probably just associated my hand with food so she’d hang out as close as she could get until I gave up the goods. Clownfish have instinctual behaviors that encourage them to rub up against anemones, so maybe she was treating me like her weird semi-aquatic anemone buddy.
- Comment on James Gunn's Superman | Official Teaser Trailer 3 months ago:
Oh yeah, it’s definitely creepy both ways. Just speculating on why their ages might have looked so off to you. I know media has definitely influenced my perception of what people actually look like at a given age!
- Comment on James Gunn's Superman | Official Teaser Trailer 3 months ago:
He’s 31, she’s 34 (the actors). I think you might be thrown off by how Hollywood always has extremely young actresses playing older roles while older guys get cast as young characters. They look like they’re similar ages to me.
- Comment on I'm thinking taffy. 3 months ago:
'a’ā looks like it would fizz like pop rocks.
- Comment on What do people (as in, IRL) actually think of the [alleged] perpetrator involved in the NYC shooting? 3 months ago:
Yep, first thing I heard about him was from my husband. “Have you seen the photo? The shooter is hot!”
- Comment on I'm thinking taffy. 3 months ago:
- Comment on FIGHT 3 months ago:
- Comment on FIGHT 3 months ago:
I charged the government billions of dollars for a camera that takes hours to take one photo.
- Comment on Bat Drip 3 months ago:
I worked at a pet store in college. There was a really chill baby king snake there that I’d hang out with when I was working the cash register. He’d loop around my neck and just hang out like a little snake necklace for hours. Scared the shit out of a few customers who thought he was a piece of jewelry until he moved 😅
- Comment on her favourite colour is blue :) 3 months ago:
This would 100% work on me. I would love it if a guy took me to see a bowerbird. Or if he was a bowerbird.
- Comment on The more you know 3 months ago:
This is a primary source, baby! That’s gonna be gold in 120 years!
- Comment on The more you know 4 months ago:
Before Avril, we called it rollerboarding. The boards were considerably larger and you would propel yourself along with a long pole, like a gondola. Only the wealthy could afford true rollerboards, however, we would make our own with scrap wood. I had one that was a modified old door that I had attached bicycle wheels to the sides of. That board would FLY down hills but you needed the whole neighborhood to pull the damn thing back up again.
- Comment on Good News! 4 months ago:
We’ll call it Brenda: home for the holidays
- Comment on I need pics of fat tigers to send to my mom. she hates pics of fat tigers and every few months I send her a bunch. 4 months ago:
That tiger has an extra knee my dude.
- Comment on I need pics of fat tigers to send to my mom. she hates pics of fat tigers and every few months I send her a bunch. 4 months ago:
Careful, OP’s gonna start sending you fat tiger pics too.