- Comment on James Gunn's Superman | Official Teaser Trailer 8 hours ago:
Oh yeah, it’s definitely creepy both ways. Just speculating on why their ages might have looked so off to you. I know media has definitely influenced my perception of what people actually look like at a given age!
- Comment on James Gunn's Superman | Official Teaser Trailer 1 day ago:
He’s 31, she’s 34 (the actors). I think you might be thrown off by how Hollywood always has extremely young actresses playing older roles while older guys get cast as young characters. They look like they’re similar ages to me.
- Comment on I'm thinking taffy. 1 week ago:
'a’ā looks like it would fizz like pop rocks.
- Comment on What do people (as in, IRL) actually think of the [alleged] perpetrator involved in the NYC shooting? 1 week ago:
Yep, first thing I heard about him was from my husband. “Have you seen the photo? The shooter is hot!”
- Comment on I'm thinking taffy. 1 week ago:
- Comment on FIGHT 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on FIGHT 2 weeks ago:
I charged the government billions of dollars for a camera that takes hours to take one photo.
- Comment on Bat Drip 3 weeks ago:
I worked at a pet store in college. There was a really chill baby king snake there that I’d hang out with when I was working the cash register. He’d loop around my neck and just hang out like a little snake necklace for hours. Scared the shit out of a few customers who thought he was a piece of jewelry until he moved 😅
- Comment on her favourite colour is blue :) 3 weeks ago:
This would 100% work on me. I would love it if a guy took me to see a bowerbird. Or if he was a bowerbird.
- Comment on The more you know 4 weeks ago:
This is a primary source, baby! That’s gonna be gold in 120 years!
- Comment on The more you know 4 weeks ago:
Before Avril, we called it rollerboarding. The boards were considerably larger and you would propel yourself along with a long pole, like a gondola. Only the wealthy could afford true rollerboards, however, we would make our own with scrap wood. I had one that was a modified old door that I had attached bicycle wheels to the sides of. That board would FLY down hills but you needed the whole neighborhood to pull the damn thing back up again.
- Comment on Good News! 4 weeks ago:
We’ll call it Brenda: home for the holidays
- Comment on I need pics of fat tigers to send to my mom. she hates pics of fat tigers and every few months I send her a bunch. 5 weeks ago:
That tiger has an extra knee my dude.
- Comment on I need pics of fat tigers to send to my mom. she hates pics of fat tigers and every few months I send her a bunch. 5 weeks ago:
Careful, OP’s gonna start sending you fat tiger pics too.
- Comment on I have 2 cockatiels. Can confirm. The nursing home nearby sends weekly deliveries 1 month ago:
- Comment on pump up the jamz 1 month ago:
That was awesome, thanks for sharing!
- Comment on pump up the jamz 1 month ago:
Bigass subwoofer, blast Smack My Bitch Up, feel your soul exit your body.
- Comment on Interview 1 month ago:
Fits the tone of that first chapter perfectly 😂
- Comment on Multichannel Pipettes 2 months ago:
Me and my homies love BBBs (big beautiful burettes)
- Comment on The Park 2 months ago:
- Comment on 50% survival rate 2 months ago:
Death rate is also strongly correlated with when you were born. We’ve gotten much better at not being dead in the last 100 years. For people born in 1925 the death rate is nearly 100%, but for people born in 2025 it has dropped close to zero!
- Comment on It's true, I really do have concepts of a plan. Beyond that..? 3 months ago:
Which will come first, Trump’s beautiful perfect plan or GRRM’s Winds of Winter?
- Comment on Too many looks. 3 months ago:
When all you have is a few bone fragments and a bunch of teeth, it’s pretty hard to figure out what my dude looked like! With each new fossil we get a better picture.
He keeps getting better and bite-ier every year.
- Comment on Balls 3 months ago:
Ball outsourced the optics, not really their specialty. Also made of toxic beryllium so preferable not to machine in-house!
- Comment on lolirl 3 months ago:
Former Colorado governor, current senator. Kinda looks like Jimmy Carter did 30 years ago. I’d trust him to farm my peanuts.
- Comment on The Troll-ey Problem 3 months ago:
One must imagine niktemadur happy.
- Comment on It's no longer Wednesday, my dudes. 3 months ago:
You’re right, the frog’s full name is lil’ Spallanzani.
- Comment on Anon doesn't know what she's doing wrong 4 months ago:
It’s so weird. Half of y’all will pull the earbuds out of our ears on the subway to shoot your shot and the other half will be actively getting motorboated and wondering if we like you.
The second type of guy is perfect, by the way. You’re doing good, stay humble.
- Comment on Anon is true romantic 4 months ago:
Lol not jealousy, just not so desperate I’d fuck anything that moves. I guess I can afford to have standards.
- Comment on Anon is true romantic 4 months ago:
Not everyone is that pathetic. Most of us actually want to interact with people and find out what they’re like before fucking them.