- Comment on Slander, extortion and doxxing - beneath the surface of TF2’s bot crisis 8 months ago:
I will buy the explanation that the game is too old to continue to support when they stop adding new microtransactions every six months or so
- Comment on Humanities be like 1 year ago:
X is ten, as the Romans do
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Appears to no longer be free, so I’m gonna take this down for now. If it was an error and it becomes free again, feel free to repost!
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 5 comments
- Comment on Unity issue an apology on Twitter for "confusion and angst" over the runtime fee policy. 1 year ago:
Any PR statement that includes the words “we hear you” can be safely ignored
- Comment on HADES II Development Update | Supergiant Games [Sept 14 2023] 1 year ago:
The only one I have found was !, but it isn’t very active.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 10 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 2 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 14 comments
- Comment on Steam Strategy Fest :: Aug 28 - Sep 04 1 year ago:
Too late, I already own all the Stellaris DLC, my bad choices have been made long ago
- Comment on Steam Strategy Fest :: Aug 28 - Sep 04 1 year ago:
Not sure yet! I’ve not bought a lot of games recently, but I do enjoy large swathes of the strategy genre. Stellaris, Civ 5 and 6, Terra Invicta, Frostpunk, etc.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 14 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on What is the secret to a happy social-media experience? 1 year ago:
Block liberally. Especially block any community that is focused around making fun of something - even if it’s a thing that deserves scorn, the vibe will grind you down, over time, especially if there are many communities like it. Block users who are assholes, after reporting them if it’s bad enough.
Subscribe/follow/equivalent-action things you are genuinely interested in; cut out the really general categories unless you actively enjoy browsing that topic. Smaller communities are usually better, if they have enough content to be alive.
If you have any sort of hobby, try joining a space about it. If it’s too toxic, block it, but if not, it is a good place to destress and perhaps even make friends.
Curate, it can’t be overstated enough. A lot of sites don’t let you sufficiently curate your feed, and if they don’t, you should leave em.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 19 comments
- Comment on Stellaris Dev Diary #308 - Rock On! 1 year ago:
Tried posting the video this time instead of a link to the news page.
Some welcome changes to the Lithoid species pack - tweaks to their unique origin, tweaks to Terravore to make it less fiddly. A new advanced space racism trait! (This is one of the weirder parts of talking about Stellaris.) Personally I’m a bit underwhelmed by the new portrait; It’s good art, but I really prefer more out there non-humanoid designs, which is the opposite of what they’re going for here. The quality of life changes to ascension perks and gestalt nodes are welcome as well. This kind of tidying up is why I like the whole concept of the custodian team.
Only real negative thing here is the increase on price for some older DLCs. It’s only two dollars, and they are tweaking them to be better, but I still feel like it’s gonna cause unnecessary backlash for little gain.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 1 comment
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 5 comments
- Comment on BattleBit Remastered :: Update 2.0.0: Universal Healing, Map Reworks, New Vehicle [and] more! 1 year ago:
I generally agree as well. This buff to bandages will also indirectly buff ammo boxes even more, and medics will still have their niche in being able to heal others without even using up their bandage supply.
- Comment on BattleBit Remastered :: Update 2.0.0: Universal Healing, Map Reworks, New Vehicle [and] more! 1 year ago:
Meaty update here. I’m not one to comment on weapon balance too much, but I do wonder: Do you think that all classes being able to self-heal a bit with the bandage will significantly shake up the game?
- BattleBit Remastered :: Update 2.0.0: Universal Healing, Map Reworks, New Vehicle [and] more! ↗Submitted 1 year ago to | 14 comments
- Comment on The Weekly Discussion Topic - Game UIs - 04-08-2023 1 year ago:
I wanna talk about the game I’m currently absorbed with, Team Fortress 2. TF2, being rather old, allows total customization of the UI, from the HUD to the menus. The default UI is clear, but also dated in places; you can really see where they slapped on new elements that clash a bit with existing ones, like the medals on the scoreboard compared to other elements, or the loading screen for a map, which has the very old Source infobox in the bottom right, a stylized background and panel taking up most of the screen, and a well integrated but still a bit off info bar at the top that was added more recently. The most glaring example is probably the community server browser compared to the newer slide-out tabs and menus for navigating play options. If Valve was still doing major work on this game, I’d say they need a good UI unification art pass.
When browsing TF2 custom HUDs on a site like this, there’s quite a few different styles to choose from, ranging from those that attempt to refine the vanilla HUD to those that make it something entirely different. Many competitive players prefer minimalistic HUDs that put pertinent information like health and ammo count closer to the center of the screen, so that one doesn’t need to divide their attention while fighting.
Sometimes you just have to appreciate the little touches, though, like the animations and presentation on a map’s video tutorial and the class select screen. It oozes a particular aesthetic that the game has deviated from, over time.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 15 comments
- Comment on Every game developer company should be like this 1 year ago:
I’ve bought every Stellaris DLC over the years, and I’m not even a particularly avid Stellaris player (347 hours played (which while notable is peanuts compared to the superfans’ hours) and haven’t played recently). Here’s my thoughts on it:
I buy DLCs day 1 that I am supremely interested in, and everything else I pick up on discount either during a sale or from another site (not sketchy key resellers - I use, which lists more legitimate sites). In multiplayer, all players can use the DLC the host has, so I’ve been the dedicated host for my friend group there. I don’t think the massive amount of DLCs is good, but it is at least tolerable (I liken it to a subscription model) and I enjoy how the devs share some of their insights during the development process. Despite all the flaws it has, Stellaris is a really cool sci-fi 4x game that probably has the least ridiculous learning curve compared to other Paradox strategy games.
- Comment on Darkest Dungeon II - Free Content Update Coming Mid-August 1 year ago:
It’s a bit divisive amongst enjoyers of the first game, but I played a lot of it and even finished the main story. It’s 100% run based with metaprogression even moreso than the first one - you end up caring a lot about the party you have on your run, but not really that much about individuals across runs. The art style was perfectly translated to 3D, it looks great. There are some wonky UI elements and I think the in-between tedium between locations of interest is a bit too long, but I would recommend.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on Stellaris Dev Diary #307 - Leader Experiments 1 year ago:
This dev diary actually goes beyond what just the title implies - they are not only doing some neat experiments with leaders (which, while I generally like the system they drew up for the leader rework a while ago, it had some glaring flaws that they seem to be addressing (looking at you, Generals)) but also sharing some tweaks they’re making to other stuff, like the origins that let you start off in a federation/hegemony. Making those origins not gimp you by spreading out your starting compatriots will be very nice.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Why most posts (so far as I can tell) have very short lifespan tendency? 1 year ago:
For what it’s worth, a full 24 hours or more is more time than most reddit threads last
- Comment on After Work Gaming: What games do you enjoy mostly after a day of work? 1 year ago:
Deep Rock Galactic is a good choice for me after a long day at work. Even at the highest difficulty you can have a smooth time with a good team, and otherwise you can turn down the hazard level a notch or two - it’s fun and not too mentally taxing to now down bugs en masse.
Bonus, drinking a beer in game while having a beer in real life is peak immersion.