- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 2 months ago:
Finally someone mentions Factorio, especially since the DLC just came out.
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 3 months ago:
Tell that to the families who lost daughters due to the fact that doctors legally couldn’t help them during miscarriages.
- Comment on I'm not worried you're worried 3 months ago:
Canada will soon be electing a conservative government.
- Comment on You probably shouldn't trust the info anyway. 5 months ago:
Same thing.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 5 months ago:
Imagine how dense you have to be to think this way.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 5 months ago:
Don’t waste your time trying to analyze the decision making of an animal.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 5 months ago:
Still an animal.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 5 months ago:
This had to be a bad joke. Only a low level trash scum of our society could write something like that unironicly.
- Comment on What are the best indie games you've ever played? 11 months ago:
That’s just anecdotal. Be careful as a lot of these answers are often written by bots / ads in disguised.
- Comment on Why do people wear shoes inside the house? 1 year ago:
He washes them when he wants, okay?
- Comment on People who order "a decaff coffee with an extra shot" - why? 1 year ago:
Are you 12?
- Comment on GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour 1 year ago:
I bought it for my friends because I felt bad having only payed 20$ to the devs for thousands of hours of content.
- Comment on Valve is now reversing VAC bans due to AMD drivers in CS2, according to patch notes 1 year ago:
How dense are you?
- Comment on Being subscribed to similar communities on multiple instances and seeing duplicates 1 year ago:
It won’t.