- Comment on Like Trump says that the cartels have invaded Canada wouldn't they have to pass through the US, avoid checkpoint, border control on both sides and many other things? So Canada can only blame the US? 59 minutes ago:
This highlights the folly of trying to lock down the Canada-US land border. If you really wanted to cut down drugs and human trafficking, you’d focus on ports of entry to the continent. The border is just way too long. Only an idiot would try to police its full length. If you think it’s only the 4000 miles from Maine to Washington State, you’re forgetting that extra 1500 miles with Alaska.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I had a chat with my American relatives at one point which began with me asking why it seems medical malpractice suits have such soaring high settlements compared to where I am in Canada? They explained it to me like this. Say a botched procedure leaves you requiring constant medical treatments for the rest of your life. You have to sue for any treatments you would otherwise have to pay out of pocket. Where you have a public healthcare system, the state would cover that. You may still sue for loss of employment if you are no longer able to work, say, but settlements tend to be orders of magnitude higher because of those additional costs. Unfortunately, this leads to a proliferation of bottom-feeding personal injury lawyers who try to get you to litigate and overstate your injuries to get bigger settlements.
- Comment on Do dogs and cats have dominant front paws? 1 month ago:
Same with my cat. Sometimes when he’s lying on my chest, he tries to “pet” me on the face, which is not fun as he has claws, so I pin down his left paw but he never ever uses his right for this.
- Comment on What to name these Conversation objects in my code 2 months ago:
- Honestly, I don’t think
is bad for this? Maybenpc_dialog
if you want to be less ambiguous? - Something like
, ornpc_prompt
maybe? reply
, orplayer_response
? Mayberesponse
could be the container that holds areply
(the text the player says) and a link to the next prompt?
- Honestly, I don’t think
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Yeah, the method used sounds like some sort of selection bias (cherry-picking or whatever you want to call it), but the motivation behind it (as there is a definite intent here to steer the discussion) is likely egocentric or just a general need to be contrarian or condescending.
- Comment on I have to be knowledgeable about a particular superstition in order to sign in to access a government form 2 months ago:
Interesting. I wonder what the thinking is here? It’s almost like a really poor manual password hash. Here’s something derived from my date of birth. Store that instead of the actual date. Pretty weak though.
- Comment on I wonder why people litter in the USA? 3 months ago:
In fairness, I remember a time when everyone smoked in Japan and flicked cigarette butts all over the place.
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 3 months ago:
That’s a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing. My mom was an avid gardener also. I miss her so much!
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 3 months ago:
Oh man, you sound like my mother! She was actually Japanese and grew her own tomatoes. She was always forcing them on me, saying Ne, umai-deshou! (See? They’re full of umami!)
I actually like cooked tomatoes in all forms, but there is something in the flavour profile of a raw tomato that turns me off.
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 3 months ago:
That is fascinating! You should do an AMA.
I would love to see fewer monocultures at the supermarket. I have noticed lately that a number of new apple varieties have been popping up, at least where I am in Canada. I keep hoping for some kind of craft beer-like renaissance in produce where there is a lot more to explore and rabid fandom over particular varieties.
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 3 months ago:
Ah that would certainly explain it.
My working theory had been that maybe they were being selected for size à la strawberries, which have grown almost comically huge in recent years. But it’s as though nature can only provide a set amount of flavour per fruit, and by growing it larger, it only gets diluted over a greater volume? But I haven’t been able to determine whether fast food tomatoes are behemoths since they are already cut up.
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 3 months ago:
The other day I ordered a burger and they put tomatoes on it even though I asked them not to. I was about to complain, but decided to take a bite anyway and…huh. The tomato had no flavour whatsoever. I used to not like the taste of tomatoes but how could I object to this?
So what does this mean? Are my taste buds not functioning like they used to? But I spent lunch looking it up and apparently, there is a fair consensus that tomatoes, along with a host of other fruits and vegetables, really are blander today than when I was a kid. For something I never liked, this kind of works out but…
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
I find as I get older and my vision is not what it once was, I need bigger screens with good contrast but don’t care so much about resolution. I think it was on the show Corner Gas where they were talking about how big a screen you should get and concluded the size in inches should match your age. That made me laugh but I have to confess now there may be some truth in that…
- Comment on Why is space 2 dimensional? 5 months ago:
It’s been a long time since I got my astronomy degree, but your version is what I recall also. Whatever small rotational perturbation in the initial gas becomes more pronounced as it coalesces in on itself and defines the plane of the star system. Planets form within this plane after it is defined, and they all travel in the same direction around the star.
Regarding galaxies, the most common spiral ones like our own Milky Way follow the same principle at a larger scale. But there are also elliptical galaxies, not to mention irregular ones. In an elliptical galaxy, there is a more random movement of stars in a cloud around its core. So they look more 3D I guess, to go back to what the OP was asking about. I seem to recall the most accepted explanation for how these form is from the aftermath of a collision between 2 spirals? So presumably, when our galaxy collides with Andromeda in several billion years time, the resulting combined galaxy may emerge as an elliptical?
- Comment on Is there a difference in meaning between the words *people* and *persons*? 5 months ago:
Sometimes people will say “That person’s name!” or “Those group of people!” in anger. “That Donald Trump! How dare he claim immigrants are eating pets?” to give you a current example.
When spoken of a family member or mutual acquaintance with a chuckle, it means more like “That person has some strange quirk but what can you do? We still love him.”
For example, you might hear “That dog! Always chasing his own tail.” So I think this is likely what you were getting from that conversation? It’s certainly not a criticism of your use of the word “people”.
- Comment on Do deaf people play media with sound on? 5 months ago:
I am not deaf, but this is triggering a pet peeve.
It seems a pretty common occurrence that I will be walking into a restaurant, bar, airport, doctor’s office, or whatever, and there will be a TV on a news channel with the sound muted or very low. For F’s sake, put the captioning on! What’s wrong with you?!?
- Comment on Is Trump Made of Teflon? 5 months ago:
Years ago I watched a documentary about Trump’s shenanigans in Atlantic City. Basically, he stiffs the contractors who build his casino. They sue, and so he hires some big shot lawyers to defend him. They get him off for the most part, but then he then turns around and stiffs the law firm itself! Like what even?!?
- Comment on Can you "change" the environment in your "local" area? 6 months ago:
I think with 50 acres, you should be able to do a lot to combat the urban heat island effect. I say this based on my bike commute which alternates between suburban subdivisions and trails over conservation land. The trails always feel noticeably cooler, even where there are no trees casting shade. The coolest spots do tend to be where have trees and/or water nearby, but even open fields feel cooler.
- Comment on if you ever had to start consuming low fat dairy and cheese due to high cholesterol, did your ldl cholesterol levels decrease? 6 months ago:
Tbh nothing lowered it for me until they put me on a statin. Genetics are a bitch. But maybe I wasn’t trying hard enough diet-wise? I don’t know.
- Comment on Is it just me or do Lemmy communities tend to skew left wing? Why might this be? 8 months ago:
I think people here tend to question and fact-check posts and comments a lot, which is a healthy thing. Now some say reality skews left, in which case could it be that the right have left because the left is right?
- Comment on Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you? 8 months ago:
literally good for you
I actually asked my family doctor at one point about the health effects of masturbation. She said that as a guy, if you are not otherwise sexually active, it’s good for the prostate to keep the plumbing working down there.
- Comment on Slack users horrified to discover messages used for AI training 9 months ago:
We need to watermark insert something into our watermark posts that watermark can be traced back to its origin watermark if the AI starts training watermark on it.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
Well since we’re nitpicking, a kilogram is a unit of mass, not weight. So unless by “kilo” you meant kilonewton…
- Comment on Could a bird propel a skateboard by flapping its wings? 10 months ago:
I don’t see why not, though I bet it can’t go as fast as a turtle on a skateboard?
- Comment on Low tech DHCP 11 months ago:
1st reaction: lmao 2nd reaction: hey wait, this is pure genius!
- Comment on how serious is a slightly chipped front tooth? 11 months ago:
Do you just see white along the crack? Nothing darker? In that case you’re probably fine? I chipped my front tooth when I was a kid in the stupidest accident ever. I was playing some game with friends outside and started laughing so uncontrollably I hit my tooth on a stone fence. It didn’t even hurt but my friends were like “dude!”
The dentist repaired it with some sort of fake enamel-looking stuff which lasted a number of years before falling off. They did it again and it fell off again. Eventually I was like you know what? Let’s just leave it this time. It’s not causing me any grief.
Anyway, as middle-aged guy, I have lost one tooth from infection at this point, but it had nothing to do with the chip. It was a gum infection that led to a root canal and eventually they had to remove the whole thing. I’m contemplating whether to get an implant but again, it doesn’t really bother me that it’s missing? It’s pretty far back.
For future reference, if you ever see a pussy white looking mark on your gum a little above the tooth, that’s an abscess and do get that shit looked at pronto. It’ll probably hurt and let you know it’s there though.
- Comment on Who owns the servers for Lemmy? 11 months ago:
Accounts, yes. Posts, not necessarily. I joined during the great Reddexodus, when the influx caused several instances to go down temporarily. What I recall happening was the communities that were mirrored to other instances still had accessible posts and comments, but they were essentially frozen? Like you couldn’t contribute any more to them without the host instance coming back online.
I think the way it works is if you are the first to subscribe to a community from a non-local instance, its content gets synced to yours, which adds some resilience in case that the remote instance goes down. At least that’s my impression of how it works.
- Comment on Why does the film press talk so much about box office income? 11 months ago:
Ok sure. The grapevine effect. I’m trying to think of how often I’ve seen a movie on a friend’s recommendation. I guess it happens from time to time?
One thing though is that those same entertainment people love to talk about the opening weekend. Isn’t that a bit quick for the friend effect to kick in? I realize that in this day and age of social media, word can spread rapidly. But I for one am not the sort who would just drop everything to go see a movie immediately based on a friend recommending it hours earlier.
- Comment on Why does the film press talk so much about box office income? 11 months ago:
I try not to read too much into it. The box office income is obviously important in terms of what sort of films may get produced in the future. If a movie flops, it will be unlikely to get a sequel, but more broadly, the whole industry may pivot towards one genre or another depending on recent successes.
But I often wonder about entertainment columnists who write things like “They really liked this film over in China but not in North America.” How good an indicator are box office sales of how much people really enjoyed a film? The reason I ask is based on my own viewing habits. When I feel like going to a movie, I look at what’s showing and think ok, that looks pretty interesting. I might read a review or watch a trailer, but at the end of the day, I’m taking a risk that I will like it. I may or I may not. And either way, it is unlikely that I would see it again at the theatre.
So I guess what I’m saying is that for me, at least, a ticket purchase is not an automatic vote of confidence that I think this film is great. But maybe I’m not a typical moviegoer, introvert that I am? Maybe the normal pattern is you see it with a couple friends, and if you like it, you gather more friends and see it again and again? If that’s more the way it goes, I can understand why box office sales would truly correlate to a film’s worthiness. But if more people are like me, it could just be that the movie was really hyped up and people decided to go see it even if they come out of there going wow, that sucked. But they still paid for the ticket regardless, which reflects well on box office sales.
- Comment on Are humans the only animal that wipes things off? 1 year ago:
Same in Japanese. araiguma translates as washing bear.