- Comment on What we all want deep down 3 weeks ago:
Not having to worry about money is being rich.
Owning a nation’s GDP’s worth of money is being a fucking cunt. - Comment on Putting the die in diet 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on why dont we do this??? are we stupid?? 3 months ago:
Europe definitely has problems, but Trump can do so much more damage than any of the maniacs over here
- Comment on why dont we do this??? are we stupid?? 3 months ago:
After the recent election, north America can stay away from Europe for a while
- Comment on Jewel Beetles 3 months ago:
Yeah for most of human history being fat was seen as a sign of wealth and was considered attractive. It’s only recently that we started seeing skinniness as attractive.
- Comment on New frog just dropped!!! 3 months ago:
It’s a frog with the face of a possum!
- Comment on Jewel Beetles 3 months ago:
Yeah but try getting that fat during the stone age
- Comment on Bear 3 months ago:
Well, the Egyptians had the same art style pretty much unchanged for thousands of years. Archaeologists believe that their proportions were based on mathematics, and was probably taught as the only way to make art.
Many cultures have prioritized stylized art over realism. - Comment on Bear 3 months ago:
Is this the cave where they built a full scale replica for visitors right next to the actual cave because the real cave is too sensitive to light?
- Comment on the flies 4 months ago:
- Comment on 💸💸💸 5 months ago:
In a more direct way, there is video evidence of Israeli soldiers delivering briefcases full of money to Hamas leaders. Netanyahu and his cronies want Hamas to be in charge of Palestine, because the last thing he needs is a competent and legitimate Palestinian government.
- Comment on Anon misses something 5 months ago:
When I was 19, a girl told me at a party that I was the coolest guy in school. I was just flattered by the compliment and when I told my girlfriend about it later she said “Yeah she was totally hitting on you”.
I was like “Nah! Her? No way!”
Years later, I randomly thought about it and went “oh my god, she was hitting on me!” - Comment on The opposite of shopaholic: shopcell 6 months ago:
Wait until you hear about banks lol
They open after everyone’s at work and close before anyone finishes work
Because fuck you, that’s why - Comment on Honey 6 months ago:
I finally know what inspired that weird Futurama episode!
- Comment on Honey 6 months ago:
Maybe it’s similar to how tree sap tastes different after you’ve boiled it down to syrup?
Maple sap has a pleasant, very mildly sweet flavor whereas maple syrup is the greatest thing on earth. - Comment on Brian Cox Says Cinema Is In “a Very Bad Way”, Cites Marvel, ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’: “It’s Become Party Time” 6 months ago:
I’m not sure I completely agree. Yes there’s always been silly popcorn movies and genuine, thoughful works of art, but the problem is that the movies that focus less on spectacle and more on story and characters, tend to barely scrape by at the box office.
People pretty much only go to the cinema to see big-budget spectacles nowadays, when back in the day you’d go see lots of different types of movies.
Oppenheimer was the exception to the rule. It was such a breath of fresh air because it was a serious drama with barely any spectacle, but people actually went to see it. I see it as a sign of changing times. Marvel movies are increasingly flopping, and people crave sincerity in cinema again. I have nothing against silly comic book movies, but I don’t want those to be the only type of movie I see. - Comment on Sign of the times? 6 months ago:
Yall ever just unwind and smoke 20 cigarettes at once? Relaxes your soul, 20 cigarettes does
- Comment on Sign of the times? 6 months ago:
- Comment on Get in the Hilux 7 months ago:
Billionaires should not exist at all. I saw a post saying that once you earn $999.999.999 dollars you get a trophy saying “I won capitalism” and everything else you earn goes to taxes. We should absolutely do that
- Comment on Part of this complete breakfast! 7 months ago:
Fair enough haha
- Comment on Part of this complete breakfast! 7 months ago:
English is only the lingua franca for now, but that, as well as the English language, will inevitably change.
- Comment on Part of this complete breakfast! 7 months ago:
Well, what other language should be used? Latin is the language of science because there’s no way we’d ever agree on which alive language to use.
- Comment on Rock Eagle Flag 8 months ago:
My home country (Iceland) has the highest gun ownership in Europe. It’s not much compared to the US, but it’s interesting that we have almost no gun violence. The reason is that we have very strict gun control with thorough background checks, mandatory training and psych evaluations. In addition to that, we have a functioning healthcare system and low income inequality. All these things need to be adressed before the US sees a decrease in gun violence.
- Comment on Don't Worry, Bee Happy 8 months ago:
Bumblebees fly in a very non-threatening pattern (slow and predictable). Wasps fly like they could suddenly decide to fuck you up at any moment, which is why I’m reluctant to approach them.
But I’m not afraid of regular bees so this may not be what triggers your fear. Also bumblebees are just straight up adorable - Submitted 8 months ago to [deleted] | 5 comments
- Comment on Edison 8 months ago:
I love the fact that Burns answers the phone this way. Subtle jokes like this are the reason why The Simpsons is infinitely rewatchable.
- Comment on And please write your apology as detailed as possible at the prompt. 9 months ago:
Weird Al is a time traveler confirmed
- Comment on And please write your apology as detailed as possible at the prompt. 9 months ago:
He posted this joke himself lol Image
- Comment on Believe what you see, not what you’re told 9 months ago:
He tried really hard to be called the “real life Tony Stark” and he was successful until, idk, he fired his publicist? Whoever that was did a hell of a job making this moron look smart
- Comment on Pdf partee 9 months ago:
Exactly, this research was funded by my tax money but I’m not allowed to read it unless I pay some third party profiteer? That makes no fucking sense