I work in I.T. and am interested in every sub-field. I also study English, Spanish, German, French, Koine Greek, Latin, Mandarin & Swahili. I’m interested in human culture.
I like Linux, but mainly use Windows because of work.
- Comment on Welcome, new users! 2 weeks ago:
[instance name]/instances, then click on the blocked instances tab.
- Comment on GO FORTH AND SEIZE YOUR DESTINY 4 weeks ago:
Thank you!
- Comment on GO FORTH AND SEIZE YOUR DESTINY 4 weeks ago:
Looking at the Wikipedia article for the actual stone of scone, it’s a rock that the king sat during the ceremony.
- Comment on Arachnid Army 1 month ago:
I had no idea that ticks are arachnids. Thank you for teaching me that fact.
- Comment on Violet Blue: America’s unfolding cybersecurity catastrophe 1 month ago:
This makes a really good point. If the U.S. government’s security has been breached, which apparently it has, then no other nation will trust their data to be valid at all.
- Comment on We've increased our subscription from $9.99 to $29.99 a month 1 month ago:
According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuralink, “85% of the device’s implant threads had completely detached”. They tried a project on a second patient. The U. S. Attorney General, who had been investigating Neualink was escorted out of her office.
- Comment on Is it possible to see a list of communities? 4 months ago:
I’m not sure if you can do it on Sync, but in a browser, you can go to instance name/communities. For instance
- Comment on Trick OR Treat 4 months ago:
I’m pretty sure that’s not exclusive or, as in the not of XOR.
- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 5 months ago:
Heroin, opium and morphine are derived from poppies. Too much of any narcotic and you die
- Comment on So you're saying if I put shoes on my dog... 9 months ago:
It’s an emotional support animal, a programming rubber ducky, and it helps with workouts, since having to run after a sheep burns calories.
- Comment on So you're saying if I put shoes on my dog... 9 months ago:
Do doggy boots count as shoes? Do socks count? Would a sheep with boots and a cigar be allowed?
- Comment on Anon thinks about CPUs 9 months ago:
Probably the silicon being made into a wafer.
- Comment on The full video from the famous "Tank Man" photo 9 months ago:
I don’t have a link right now. I literally remember seeing it on the television on the nightly news in the United States.
- Comment on The full video from the famous "Tank Man" photo 9 months ago:
I remember the video from the next day and a lot of people were run over. All of the acts of that part of history get conflated in memory. That’s why it’s good to have video and good to have professional historians.
- Comment on Anyone else travel to see the eclipse just to have clouds come in right before totality? 11 months ago:
I was in the 90% range. I tried to find the sun and couldn’t, although someone who was a few miles away said they saw part of it.
- Comment on legs to die for 1 year ago:
What kind of insect is that? I can’t think of anything with that many legs that eats cockroaches.
- Comment on meow_irl 1 year ago:
- Cat logic: If I fits, I sits.
- Maybe it likes the cold? 🤷♂️
- Comment on Yep, makes sense 1 year ago:
Funny elegant adorable ropes
- Comment on When this post is 48 hours old, lemm.ee will be going down for a database upgrade 1 year ago:
You’re not necessarily wrong. You just can’t find it at the moment. I have trouble finding information all the time and that’s a big chunk of my job.
- Comment on BIG GEOLOGY 1 year ago:
I don’t know of any handguns small enough to fit into a petri dish. The handgun must be loaded and fired at the petri dish. A large caliber will be easier to aim since it would decrease the need for accuracy. Close range is a better distance. Shotguns and machine guns would do an even better job, rifles are fine. A sword decreases the likelihood of destroying a virus because of its low energy. Standing on a chair while wearing a lab coat makes you look cooler. Two hands can be used to aim the gun if it helps you. The handgun will not fire with the safety on, thus decreasing the probability of destroying the virus.
- Comment on When this post is 48 hours old, lemm.ee will be going down for a database upgrade 1 year ago:
I’m pretty sure I remember seeing the specs when he moved the server behind Cloudflare. It was put behind their CDN because we kept getting DDoS attacks. It’s fairly nice if I recall correctly.
- Comment on BIG GEOLOGY 1 year ago:
It is really a Forbes article:
Apparently it came about after Trump suggested drinking bleach.
- Comment on A long and distinguished family 1 year ago:
That is a good point. Thank you!
- Comment on A long and distinguished family 1 year ago:
I see your point, but tamales are traditionally wrapped in corn husks or banana leaves. The covering is also not baked or fried onto a tamale.
- Comment on Humanities be like 1 year ago:
NaN is specifically not a number.
- Comment on Gonna be a great day! 1 year ago:
I believe you’re referring to Rai stones:
- Comment on Is there any christian religions that don't believe in space? 1 year ago:
In 6,000 year creationism, some sects believe there was a physical firmament (basically a shell of ice around the earth), but that it fell during Noah’s flood.
- Comment on america 1 year ago:
Hmmm, is that why so many Americans have hearing loss? 😮
Seriously, vehicles and machines are definitely a big part of why I do have hearing loss
- Comment on america 1 year ago:
American here. Is a bicycle anything like a motorcycle?
- Comment on US auto workers strike escalates as UAW president calls on 38 more plants to join 1 year ago:
You’re correct of course. I would think that the company that is already adapted to European workers and are themselves European, could see the benefit of saying, “these American workers would like more pay and benefits. Let’s give them those”, rather than “We aren’t as good as Hyundai at EVs yet, let’s shut down plants and lay people off.”
Why the executives can’t understand that giving a little bit to help others, helps them, I’m not sure. I guess greed and fear get in the way somewhere in their minds. If they would meet the unions demands, and especially if they would actually take the climate crisis seriously, consumers would be falling over themselves to buy those cars.