- Comment on Fossils on Fossils 1 week ago:
- Comment on Americans, How do you pour soda into a cup with ice without the soda going flat? 2 weeks ago:
I usually pour the soda first, then add ice. Also, it helps to hold the glass at an angle when you start pouring.
… or just keep it In the fridge.
- Comment on Like Trump says that the cartels have invaded Canada wouldn't they have to pass through the US, avoid checkpoint, border control on both sides and many other things? So Canada can only blame the US? 3 weeks ago:
Cartels have boats, but no one’s shipping drugs up to Canada just to smuggle them south: They just get shipped directly to the US
Trump is just making up an excuse to justify cutting off trade with Canada.
- Comment on Yes biologists use tiny tiny tweezers to change DNA 1 month ago:
- Comment on What's Rednote and why is "everyone" talking about it? 2 months ago:
Basically, chinese Instagram, that a lot of people are joining in protest to the incoming TikTok ban.
- Comment on iykyk 2 months ago:
Good catch.
- Comment on iykyk 2 months ago:
Assuming this has a 47 hydrogens stuck on to make it stable, I’d call it:
3-methyl-3,4,5,5,6-pentaethyl-6-buta-2-yl dodecane
- Comment on You'll never see it coming 2 months ago:
Sounds like a great reason not to bother worrying about it to me.
- Comment on Resistor/Capacitor broke off, anyone knows if it matters? 2 months ago:
It’s a transistor, for switching parts on or off. It’s either for a feature your not using, or in parallel with the other 3 for extra current capacity. In the second case it’s possible it breaks in the future, perhaps try checking if they get hot when it’s running.
- Comment on Can enough solar pannels decrease the global temps? 2 months ago:
That just pushes the heat production down the chain: Take a light: it converts electricity into electromagnetic waves. Those waves the get converted into heat when they hit things.
- Comment on Can enough solar pannels decrease the global temps? 2 months ago:
Not directly. That electricity is converted to heat when it’s used: All devices are space heaters, some just do other things as well. Even if not used, it would still be converted to heat by the panels. There’s no getting around the conservation of energy.
In theory, we could send that power out into space as microwaves or light, but in practice the effect would be negligible. The direct heat output of every human activity is nothing compared to the sun: All the electricity generated on earth is around 3 Terrawatts, while the sun hits us with 200 Pettawatts, 66 thousand times more.
On the other hand, burning fuels releases gasses like CO2, which can traps sunlight and creates thousands of times more heat than the actual amount of power generated. If we stopped burning fuel, it would stop the current massive increase in global temperature, which would then slowly be reversed by things like the carbonate-silicate cycle.
- Comment on Is there a way to search for specific words on a site? 2 months ago:
Try quoting the search term: “2 days”
- Comment on What do drain unclogging liquids actually do? 2 months ago:
A lot of these use strong bases, like sodium hydroxide, that will dissolve fats and proteins but leave most metals and plastics unharmed. (except aluminum)
- Comment on Schrödinger's Peripheral 2 months ago:
Electrons are spin of 1/2, so electronics must also or else the electrons misbehave.
- Comment on How do we know the government doesn't just have a secret hardware backdoor in all our devices? 2 months ago:
There’s no way to check the whole thing, but you can totally pick a component and reverse engineer it, which is something people do quite a bit. When spying is found, it’s usually a private company doing it.
The NSA doesn’t care about your search history, but advertisers do. (and the government ever did, they’ll just call up google)
- Comment on Germ Blaster 3 months ago:
- Comment on PhD Funding 6 months ago:
Oh finally, something I can store my yield in.
- Comment on Oh, the humanity! 6 months ago:
No, that’s a safety feature. It’s like saying that behind every fire there’s an architect that installed fire alarms for this very occasion. Without red LEDs, people will have no way to know the robot turned evil.
- Comment on Where to find empty vapes? I want to harvest a battery 6 months ago:
On the ground, near bus stops, parking lots, gas stations, anywhere people use them.
- Comment on Anyone else get random cancellation emails from onlyfans? 6 months ago:
Either phishing (send fake link, get you to enter password), or someone messing with you by signing up with your email
- Comment on Noise. 7 months ago:
The funny thing about RF work is how casually a few orders of magnitudes gets thrown around. 10 dB fudge factors for assorted losses are quite common.
- Comment on What's the best way to measure the size of the government? 7 months ago:
I guess you could look at governmental budget or number of employees, but raw size is quite a bad metric for overreach. The knowledge that one year a lot of money was spent inforcing laws tells you very little about the effects that has on the population as a whole.
To do that you’d need a good definition of what exactly overreach is, and you’d probably have to do a lot of work because I doubt anyone else had the exactl same definition.
- Comment on Animal Attacks 7 months ago:
I’m assuming there is a lot of regional variation here, the wasps near my house have never caused much trouble, they just eat dead mice and large grasshoppers. One even let me pet it recently. We did end up nuking a nest inside the garden hose box a few years back, but I doubt the wasps chose a problematic location intentionally.
- Comment on Troublemakers 8 months ago:
I dunno, oxygen’s been causing trouble recently, and it’s not the first time either.
- Comment on The circle of life 8 months ago:
Plastic is almost entirely made from plants much older then dinosaurs, but if you ate a chicken on the other hand…
- Comment on How do Texas residents afford electricity? 8 months ago:
Power companies average things out.
Now some customers specifically ask to pay the instantaneous price, and those people just turn things off. This has the advantage that you end up paying less during times if low demand.
- Comment on Why do hacked channels on youtube always post Tesla/SpaceX stuff? 8 months ago:
It’s just scammers trying to cash out. They know Elon has a large (and gullible) following, many of which see him as as trustworthy and a super good business man, making them easy targets.
It ends up as the usual, a scam investment promising huge returns, but of course they just run away with your money.
It’s fundamentally the same scam they use to hack accounts, posing as a rich sponsor and tricking the youtuber into downloading malware that steals their account.
- Comment on Humans didn't invent agriculture 8 months ago:
Well, who’s living in the house? Certainly not the wheat.
- Comment on ChatGPT’s much-heralded Mac app was storing conversations as plain text 8 months ago:
Doesn’t everything do this? If someone gets access to your hard drive, your fucked anyways. AI chat logs are about the least problematic thing on there.
- Comment on Caption this. 8 months ago:
Adult fidget spinner.