- Comment on Game Freak has been allegedly hacked, with source codes for Pokemon games reportedly leaked 4 months ago:
Fuck yeah, going to compile me some free Pokémon!
- Comment on I'm as white as snow but I'm still not white enough to eat this. 4 months ago:
No just making fun of them.
- Comment on I'm as white as snow but I'm still not white enough to eat this. 4 months ago:
Good for you. Weird flex honestly “my stomach works” Well for many of us ours don’t work. If I eat anything that is spicy hot my stomach will have me bent over cramping constantly until it leaves my system. Is you next post going to be about how stupid people are for having to use wheelchairs?
- Comment on Star Stuff 5 months ago:
Since everything is made from star stuff. Then that just means stars are made of stuff and we are made of stuff. It’s all stuff.
- Comment on No, You Can’t Beat an Olympic Table Tennis Player 6 months ago:
It’s generally illegal to beat anybody. But just because someone plays table tennis is not a reason to beat them people! I didn’t click on the pay wall article.
- Comment on Is it normal to be disgruntled? 7 months ago:
Disgruntled yes. Gruntled, not so much.
- Comment on Big Bird 7 months ago:
So they admit there are predatory Muppets.
- Comment on Babe, wake up. Polls are open 7 months ago:
Unfortunately the Canadian government discriminates against me because I was born in the Midwest and have never been to Canada.
- Comment on Babe, wake up. Polls are open 7 months ago:
I’m sorry guys but I don’t think I can vote today. I just don’t have it in me to fly to Britain, get citizenship and then vote. Maybe next time. I’m really sorry.
- Comment on Children suffered 'burning stomachs' and 'tingling hands' after restaurant allegedly served insect repellent, not juice 7 months ago:
I don’t think the restaurant should have done that. But that’s my personal opinion.
- Comment on I feel betrayed... 7 months ago:
Horses today yes. They are built incredibly efficient compared to yesterday’s horses. Better ligament material, lighter and stronger bones, not to mention the carbon muscle fibers.
- Comment on And please write your apology as detailed as possible at the prompt. 8 months ago:
Wait who is hating on Weird Al?! I still won’t forgive Prince’s dead ass for being mean to him.
- Comment on Why has no one thought of this before?! 8 months ago:
I think you are forgetting good ol American gumption!
- Comment on Anon watches a work site 8 months ago:
Maybe we should normalize this. It’s probably healthier than being on the internet outraged all the time.
- Comment on Liberals are Getting Themselves Sterilized to Protest Abortion Bans - LifeNews.com 9 months ago:
Meanwhile the right is breeding more little maga soldiers.
- Comment on Fact checked 9 months ago:
Steel beams don’t melt at 3727°F, but potatoes do!
- Comment on Tesla Sets Up a New Showdown Over Elon Musk’s Pay | The electric vehicle maker will ask shareholders to vote again on a multibillion-dollar compensation package that was voided by a judge in January. 10 months ago:
Are you referring to the 10K workers that are being laid off?
- Comment on Scientists Are Freaking Out About Ocean Temperatures: “It’s like an omen of the future.” 11 months ago:
"ItS lIKe A oMeN oF tHe FuTuRe” It was 80F in the Midwest in February. It’s no longer about the future. Shit is here and now.
- Comment on Nic Cage through the years 1 year ago:
Visited his grave once. It’s really nice.
- Comment on It's for you! 1 year ago:
Stop complaining about downvotes! They build character!
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
Sims 4, I really don’t notice anything different.
- Comment on Living in privately rented homes linked to faster biological ageing, study finds 1 year ago:
You must not have corporate run rentals over there. They can be worse than private rentals. There is no humanity behind them so they evict someone as soon as they can. Not to mention the lack of repairs.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 3 comments
- Comment on why doesn't Egypt open its borders to Gaza? 1 year ago:
We moved a bunch of people and made Israel. So let’s do it again. We’ll just move the Palestinians to Wyoming. We’ve got plenty of space up there.
- Comment on Immune to marketing 1 year ago:
If you think marketing doesn’t work on you, then its working.
- Comment on get it done 1 year ago:
“get it done”
- Comment on VR still makes 40-70% of players want to throw up, and that's a huge problem for the companies behind it 1 year ago:
Yeah still have my Rift CV1, but it is sitting in a box.
- Comment on I'm 46. Should I be amused or depressed? 1 year ago:
Hydration and sun protection. Also don’t smoke and limit the alcohol.
- Comment on I love Ryan Gosling 1 year ago:
Hi Ken!
- Comment on All but one light bulbs are warm 1 year ago:
OMFG you are stupid. I am done with your dumb ass. Go fucking find a YouTube video on fucking light bulbs you god damn idiot.