- Comment on What are the best anti-work movies? 1 month ago:
Salt of the Earth
It’s more pro-labor and unions than anti-work, but is absolutely amazing, and there’s a cool story about production getting banned and the actors in the movie are the actual people from the incident. Totally worth watching.
- Comment on Here as well 1 year ago:
I was also reading an article about nutritional quality of food itself has been declining over the last 50 years. So to get the same nutritional amount, you need to eat more food period.
There’s also bigger systemic issues about food access that is driving people to “choose” it. Lack of time, cost, availability, transportation all factor in that are beyond a simple idea if a person having a pure choice between two equal (or even somewhat equal) options.
- Comment on What is this pit used for? 1 year ago:
Definitely not rice. That’s farmed on huge fields and have (in USA at least) telltale levy lines which are used to control flooding the fields. Poke around in northeast Arkansas and you should find some.
- Comment on if I finish my coursework over the summer, how is graduation handled? 1 year ago:
You earn you degree once your last courses end. So if there’s a summer term, you’ll have competed the requirements for the degree at that point and can say so on jobs. Your transcript will reflect this.
However if you are talking about the ceremony, most schools don’t have a ceremony at the end of summer and will have these students choose to walk in the December ceremony (if one exists) or the bigger may ceremony. Or choose not to walk at all.
The specific details are going to vary from university to university though.