- Comment on I hate the modern web 1 day ago:
I’d love to punt that smug fedora wearing fuck
- Comment on I hate the modern web 1 day ago:
Their loss
- Comment on Ubi, it's $70 and people are vary of your mile wide puddles that drop 75% in price after half a year 2 days ago:
They fit GTA V on a single disk on launch. Sure, textures were blocky and effects looked like piss but you could play the entire game offline.
- Comment on Ubi, it's $70 and people are vary of your mile wide puddles that drop 75% in price after half a year 2 days ago:
In the same way that someone replaced all rainbow flags with confederate battle flags in Spiderman, someone’s gonna mod the game to change the character’s texture, then racists will also be happy (unless the game is shitty idk).
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 3 days ago:
i sure my friend didn’t order a yappuchino.
- Comment on Morrisons to close 52 cafes and 17 convenience stores 4 days ago:
Noooo, not morrisons
- Comment on Be honest and tell us what you see 6 days ago:
Displayport lol
- Comment on A Win for Encryption: France Rejects Backdoor Mandate 6 days ago:
Finally some good fucking news
- Comment on Asking the important questions. 6 days ago:
It’d probably smell like flowers based on where the world is going
- Comment on YouTube cracks down (again) on ad blockers. 6 days ago:
Said it before and i’ll keep saying it. Youtube breaks my adblocker, i’m out of there
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 1 week ago:
I’m not embarrased of being wrong lmao, but you’re right about America doing that shit. That place is a lost cause ngl. I was thinking more about europe.
And I don’t know about my bias, but i’ve seen a lot of things and know a lot of history.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 1 week ago:
the information you were receiving
same goes to you lmfao
hundreds of millions that China has lifted out of extreme poverty
I can also lift millions of people out of poverty by lowering the poverty line. 🤡
you do hear, get video clips, and see constant reposts when an escalator has a catastrophic failure a decade ago.
nah, my info’s pretty fresh. I’ve never seen western countries detain people randomly and then condem them to death tho.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 1 week ago:
i know what survivorship bias is, you 5iq inbread. But imagine for a second actually challenging my fucking claims instead of blindly gulping down china’s dick
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 1 week ago:
In my opinion they only have solar and batteries going for them. Cutting edge silicon is nowhere to be found in China which I think it’s a lot more important.
I would not take any Chinese numbers at face value. Especially when it comes to costs, training, running, etc.
Also (tangent warning), i feel like their AI project was a part of some propaganda by their part. Like, it’s fed Chinese facts like “nothing happened in 1989” or “China had never been in an armed conflict” or “China has never had famines”. Making it open source exports just their propaganda which I feel was the secondary goal in all this.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 1 week ago:
China king of tech advancement
yeah right.
- EVs that blow up easily.
- DeepSeek AI being a wrapper for ChatGPT’s API.
- Skidded designs (aircraft, cars, etc)
- infrastructure that barely holds itself together (tofu dreg)
The only thing they consistantly innovate is how to fuck over their own population.
- Comment on Anon uses Discord 1 week ago:
I spam 500mb uploads… it kinda makes sense to me
- Comment on Apple will soon support encrypted RCS messaging with Android users 2 weeks ago:
Good question
- Comment on Anon tries to download videos from youtube 3 weeks ago:
I’ve seen github malware before, so, beware
- Comment on [SATIRE] Here's an idea: "Therapeutic Kidnapping"- let me explain (text-post inside) 3 weeks ago:
Are you the trunker or the trunkee? :p
- Comment on [SATIRE] Here's an idea: "Therapeutic Kidnapping"- let me explain (text-post inside) 3 weeks ago:
There’s this Polish joke that’s been going around. If you want to find out if your wife or your dog loves you more, shut them both in the trunk of your car and leave for an hour. Upon your return, observe who is truly happy to see you.
- Comment on Apparently Bluesky lets you require a sign in to view a post 5 weeks ago:
Just because a post had a special client side flag set doesn’t mean i want to honor it. Let me see the post without logging in ffs.
me fr: Image
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Anon watches her boyfriend play videogames 1 month ago:
Fake: dating someone
Gay: having a boyfriend
- Comment on Spotify Premium "Ad Free" plan 1 month ago:
I used to pay for Spotify. One day, got an email saying “uwu, we’re raising our prices again. Sowwyy 🥺👉👈”. The same day I switched to YT after exporting my playlists. I cracked the YouTube Music app with Revanced. Corps will never get anything out of me again.
- Comment on Anon is a sore loser 1 month ago:
>be me >father >have 2 kids, 18 and 12 >older autistic & unemployed >they arm wrestle and the older kid lets him win >rare time i'm proud of my older son >younger kid is proud and happy >gently tease my older boy about being weaker than a 12 year old >wife joins in >all's well and good >both leave to do something else 5 minutes later >seems too quiet... >decide to visit the boys' room >walk in and see older son mid kick >younger kid goes flying through the air >hits wall so hard it leaves a hole >has to go to the hospital >send older kid to live with my parents for a while is it too late to consider abortion bros?
- Comment on uninvited 1 month ago:
This is like the smallest prank ever and he’s not welcome for Christmas… I guess he dodged a bullet.
- Comment on Anon signs up for a 5k 1 month ago:
The amount of times i wish i was gay is unreal.
- Comment on Steam has the best UI 2 months ago:
Or putting subscriptions into placed they don’t belong. Imagine subscriptions where you have to pay 10 usd/mo just to chat with friends on steam or install mods from the workshop or download a game at a decent speed. All of those things are free that Valve could start charging users for.
- Comment on Steam has the best UI 2 months ago:
One day, imma rent a car using that fr
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 2 months ago:
Semi serious. Who said it is gay to marry your homies?