- Comment on Why there are few video games with a lot of mythological pantheons? 6 days ago:
Elden Ring - gods, demigods, uber-gods, and incest gods, etc
- Comment on Holup 1 week ago:
he sniffin booty
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Plant some dang trees for starters, unless it’s only going to be land used for farming.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
The janitor forgot to wipe down the loads
- Comment on Thinkpad for the win 2 weeks ago:
I gave my old macbook air to my kid for Minecraft and he dropped it several times, still just fine with no problems. Also my 10 year old macbook pro still works perfectly fine with a quad core i7 and 16GB RAM for anything I need a laptop to do. Still has the original battery with decent runtime too.
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 4 weeks ago:
In fact, 77% of the USA population did not vote for this.
- Comment on ENHANCE 1 month ago:
It would be pretty cool to me, and I would prefer not to attach machines to my eyeballs
- Comment on ENHANCE 1 month ago:
I would much rather have that in a pair of lightweight glasses than contacts. Put the Zoom button on the glasses arm near the temple, and Go-Go Gadget binoculars
- Comment on Anon cheats through college 1 month ago:
Unless they’re being physically watched or had their phone sequestered away, they could just pull it up on a phone browser and type it out into the computer. But if they want to be a programmer they really should learn how to code.
- Comment on If driving with your head buried in your phone isn't dangerous enough there's also THIS 1 month ago:
Would be ideal if you lived in your car but I wouldn’t trust food to remain stable in transit on that burger pedestal
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Nope only 23% of Americans voted for the nazis. 77% of Americans either didn’t vote, voted for Harris (or others), or were ineligible to vote.
- Comment on Trump revokes security clearances of 51 intel officials who signed discredited Hunter Biden laptop letter 2 months ago:
the “witness” was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison for lying to the FBI about that, to add
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
The most annoying phone thing to me is Zoomers / teens / old people / anyone with videos and music playing from their shitty little phone speakers in public. A lot of kids seem to be phone and tablet addicts and don’t comprehend the noise they’re making is bothering others.
But a few notification sounds is nothing. It’s all about the quantity and duration and volume. Personally I don’t put my phone on Silent or Vibrate unless I’m in a quiet public place like a movie or an office - but I also control all notifications with a heavy hand, not allowing any bullshit apps notification permission unless it’s an important direct communication.
- Comment on M Night Shyamalan sued for $81m in copyright claim against popular Apple TV series 2 months ago:
The twist is that M-Night-Shamaland is also the lady who wrote the movie and is suing himself to get attention to this shit that I never heard of before
- Comment on Anon hates smartphones 3 months ago:
It’s really sad to me that people think that smartphones are the source of all entertainment now. Even today I use my phone very little on a daily basis. You’re limiting your perspective to that little screen in your hand instead of exploring the real world.
Smartphones are what is fucking boring to me. I don’t want to sit around and look at that shit.
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 3 months ago:
SteamVR is great also, provides a native VR system that Epic doesn’t have
- Comment on Anon is a nostalgic gamer 3 months ago:
I don’t listen to any cunts in online games, voice chat is off. For some reason the kids these days think you can’t play a game without a headset and mic on. I don’t even own one of those dumbass headsets. I can still be competitive in FPS games without any of that too.
- Comment on Has "Self-Driving" devolved? 5 months ago:
In a non-Tesla car I’ve driven, there was an autopilot cruise control mode that just used cameras. In practice it only works out well if you’re driving long distance on a highway with low traffic. It’s still nice to have (much better than having no autopilot cruise mode) but I don’t trust it around multiple lanes of other cars doing unpredictable shit. Also quits working in the rain when the cameras are obscured.
- Comment on Eels 5 months ago:
- Comment on Ok boomer 5 months ago:
Well I hope you use cash for all purchases and wear a mask that covers your face, otherwise everything you bought is recorded along with your identity in the store systems and potentially sold to 3rd parties like advertising companies, maybe to your health insurance company too.
- Comment on Ok boomer 5 months ago:
I only prefer self checkout when I’m buying rubbers and lube. Anything else I’d rather have the checkout person scan and bag for me.
If you have social anxiety, the checkout person conversation is one of the easiest interactions for you to practice those skills on. “Hello, here are my items, thank you” is about the gist of what’s necessary.
- Comment on There you go little guy 5 months ago:
I don’t want the law changed where I live, because these cameras are prohibited!
Several states in the USA prohibit speed cameras and traffic light cameras, because a citizen must be able to face their accuser when accused of a crime. This is a great example of freedom in the USA, where we do not let machines automatically issue fines against human beings.
- Comment on How come LED Light Bulbs only last for about 2-3 Years? 5 months ago:
My experience has been that they last for more years than I tend to notice which ones are which. I’m not mad at all about their longevity.
I had 2 LED bulbs that I know for sure that I bought prior to 2015 that only recently failed. Those bulbs lasted at least 9-10 years. The rest of my bulbs I haven’t kept up with but those 2 older ones looked very distinctive with aluminum heatsink material for their bottom halves.
- Comment on How Do Archers Resist Firing Arrows At Everyone In The Spectator Gallery? 6 months ago:
Y’all have problems if you think about shooting people whenever there is an option to fire a projectile. This was an Onion article BTW.
If anybody thought this post was a serious question the answer is that people usually don’t want to shoot people.
Actually did some backyard archery practice with my son today. All we wanted to shoot was that bullseye on the foam target.
- Comment on Anon is obsessed with Family Guy 6 months ago:
It would be more believable if he was talking about the Cleveland Show.
- Comment on MSc Mansplaining 6 months ago:
“I’d never pooped a log so big before and didn’t realize it was possible”
- Comment on Anon drives a bus 7 months ago:
You just need to stop telling yourself you can’t do things and do whatever you want. A child could build a nuclear reactor, so what’s stopping you?
- Comment on Elden Ring Player to Sue FromSoftware Over High Game Difficulty 7 months ago:
To beat Malenia I used the Fallingstar Beast Jaw gravity-lightning attack with Mimic Tear doing it too. It slows her down with lots of poise damage and it does high damage. I think I added a magic potion combo of the one that makes you have high equipment capacity (for light rolling) and the one that increases poise damage.
- Comment on Elden Ring Player to Sue FromSoftware Over High Game Difficulty 7 months ago:
Elden Rangus Evangelion conspiracy theory! Far out!
- Comment on Olympic casual GigaChad 7 months ago:
How many medals do you have?