- Comment on guys... :( 5 weeks ago:
It’s grapes of wrath by john steinbeck
- Comment on Anon's PC works 1 month ago:
I want to talk about writing 2k7 instead of 2007. It does save a character, but I also had to read it 3 times to understand lol but that might be a me problem
Also: do you only do that for 2000-2009, or do you write 2k25?
Also, Also: hope this doesn’t come across as rude. Ive never seen it written that way & find it interesting and a little funny.
Also, also, also: I think it’s sweet you helped your mom upgrade her computer so she could play WoW more effectively.
- Comment on ‘Lower Decks’ Series Finale “The New Next Generation” Review, Plus Mike McMahan Interview 2 months ago:
Okay cool, i appriciate the recs :) its kind of fun knowing there’s so much content to go through & such a huge base of fans
- Comment on ‘Lower Decks’ Series Finale “The New Next Generation” Review, Plus Mike McMahan Interview 2 months ago:
Lol okay that makes sense. Maybe I’ll try jumping around a little more instead of powering through enterprise. Any recs on which to start with?
- Comment on ‘Lower Decks’ Series Finale “The New Next Generation” Review, Plus Mike McMahan Interview 2 months ago:
I did really like it :) the first 2 seasons were great, & i thought the 3rd was a bit overly serious but still enjoyable.
- Comment on ‘Lower Decks’ Series Finale “The New Next Generation” Review, Plus Mike McMahan Interview 2 months ago:
I had never watched startreck and i loved lower decks. I did know enough to get some of the basic references, but im sure some went over my head.
In all i think LD was a good starting point for me. I enjoyed the humor and how it didn’t take itself too seriously.
I’ve since tried another series (enterprise since it’s the first chronologically) and its fine though i do wish it was a bit more fun. I’m hoping I’ll enjoy some of the other iterations a bit more, and am looking forward to rewatching lower decks once I get back to where it’s at in the chronology.
- Comment on somebody has to do it! 3 months ago:
Me and you just think alike lol this post awakened the same sleeper memory in both of us :P
Also I think mine was technically after yours, there were no posts when I went to type my comment and yours popped up after I hit post lol
- Comment on somebody has to do it! 3 months ago:
Naw, we posted at the same time. When I typed my comment (the one i assume you’re refering to) there were no comments. Once I hit post this one was already here.
Great minds think alike or something like that lol
- Comment on somebody has to do it! 3 months ago:
Super fair point, I’m projecting human emotions onto the beavers & don’t actually know how they feel about the sound of running water lol
- Comment on somebody has to do it! 3 months ago:
From what i remember, it has to do with the noise of flowing water. Reverse find the sound annoying and will cover it until it stops.
I remember a study where they played river noises from a speaker and the bevers covered the speakers with sticks – even in the absence of any water.
- Comment on Uzumaki (2024, dir Hiroshi Nagahama) 7 months ago:
Ooooo I love that they kept it black and white & are being true to ito’s style!!! It’s hard animate his art & it looks like this adaptation is going to do the source material justice :D so exciting
- Comment on Golden 7 months ago:
Link for those interested:
- Comment on Easy now, fuzzy little man-peach, hmm? You ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe? 8 months ago:
I hope you know you’re a gift to humanity 🤣
- Comment on Found this moth today 8 months ago:
Right!? I wish I was small enough I could pet his fur and maybe fly around a bit lol
- Comment on Found this moth today 8 months ago:
Close, but this guy has these eye like holes towards the upper center of his wings, and the lower lobe is a slightly different shape where it attaches to the body. I wish I had been able to got a pic while his wings were open.
- Submitted 8 months ago to [deleted] | 5 comments
- Comment on Easy now, fuzzy little man-peach, hmm? You ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe? 8 months ago:
Yes sir, thank you sir. And this one is bailey’s, and this one is bailey’s a bit bigger, and this one is about as close as you can get to baileys without gettin’ your eyes wet. watercolor painting of a bottle of bailey’s done in the style of old greg
- Comment on Easy now, fuzzy little man-peach, hmm? You ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe? 8 months ago:
What a treasure trove of deep sea anus jokes I didn’t realize I needed in my life lmao
- Comment on Why has no one thought of this before?! 9 months ago:
If you already know where a pressurized liquid magma pool is, maybe. Though if it’s not pressurized enough you might just get the release of some weird fumes and vapors. Or the lava might rise a little then settle back to a standard hight rather than errupting.
If you dont have a pool of lava to aim for about the earth mantle, then probably not :( By the time you get deep enough into the earth to hit magma, the hole would collapse due to pressure and pretty much any modern drill would be soft due to the heat.
Heres a discussion about this that happened else where on the interwebs.
- Comment on Which one? 9 months ago:
What a beautiful community. Thanks for sharing :)
- Comment on imagine 10 months ago:
Do you ever think about how confused far future archeologists will be when they dig up old museums with all these fossils from wildly varying time periods?
Would they infer that it must have been some museum? Will they think those life forms coexistened? Will they blame it on aliens? Will they be capable of reading the engraved plaques if those survive in the wreckage?
Would a monstrosity like the one pictured above confuse them?
- Comment on gimmie 10 months ago:
Super cool. I can’t imagine having to explain what happened to the lab manager after burning through the lab floor and a few feet of gravel and sand below lol
- Comment on no thanks, crystal mami 10 months ago:
But what about the stoned geology guys? the stoned stone lovers, the geology ganjis, the crystal cannabis connoisseurs, the rock lovin rockers, the dabbing dirt collectors?
- Comment on gimmie 10 months ago:
Super interesting compound. I wish somehow I could watch footage of strengs experiments. I bet some of those explosions would be really cool in slow mo lol
- Comment on tremendous 10 months ago:
It worked for me lol.
It’s the one where he’s leaned forward really far (bent at the waist with his butt out) talking into a bunch of mics. Likely to keep his suit from having unflattering lines in the front.
- Comment on average reddit user 10 months ago:
Definetly still alot of good content on reddit. Lemmy is very new so the niche communities arent here, and lemmy doesnt have years of post and comment history to fill things out.
I do think with time those things will happen on lemmy & that the administrative priorities of reddit will slowly make that space less useful. Right now both have their uses, but i have high hopes for the furture of decentralized social media.
- Comment on average reddit user 10 months ago:
It definetly does. Small niche subs dont attract advertisers the way the massive subs do.
It makes sense advertisers are going to target spaces with the most people
- Comment on No turning left on this left turn only lane. 1 year ago:
This is exactly the type of content i was hoping for when i clicked on the comments. Thank you for all you hard work sluthing for an explination of a random photo. Its truly gods work that your doing.
- Comment on Don't forget to tip 1 year ago:
Lol depends on the community. In this thread I’m pretty sure they are all sarcastic
- Comment on The beauty of collective intelligence, explained by a developmental biologist | Michael Levin (Big Think) 1 year ago:
Super interesting! Im a big proponent for recognizing conciousness, intellegence, and even life as a spectrum. Humans are naturally biased towards our own type of intellegence but there is so much more out there.
Recognizing the diversity of intellegence opens up so many new possibilities for us to gain new insight into the world and ourselves.
I also really like how the theory highlights the importance of cooperation in life/intellgence. Its through many types of intellegences working together that life is able to do so many miraculous things.