Comment on somebody has to do it! 5 weeks ago
From what i remember, it has to do with the noise of flowing water. Reverse find the sound annoying and will cover it until it stops.
I remember a study where they played river noises from a speaker and the bevers covered the speakers with sticks – even in the absence of any water. 5 weeks ago
I’m not sure if this means that they are annoyed or if they use it as an indicator that there is something to do. 5 weeks ago
Should be simple enough: check their cortisol levels in the presence and absence of various water stimuli. 5 weeks ago
Has anybody thought to just ask them? 5 weeks ago
See, sometimes the best scientist needs to ask the simplest questions no one thought to ask.
Here is your Nobel Prize 5 weeks ago
Too busy, those beavers. 5 weeks ago
You say this like drawing blood from wild beavers is a trivial task! 5 weeks ago
Super fair point, I’m projecting human emotions onto the beavers & don’t actually know how they feel about the sound of running water lol 5 weeks ago
It can be both.