- Comment on Liberals don't want you to google this 8 months ago:
Because if you tell a conservative this line they're way more likely to do it.
- Comment on What's does "ffmpeg" really stand for? 9 months ago:
Just impressed no one linked OP the porn he seeks yet!
- Comment on Anon has a pet peeve 9 months ago:
I always hated the "convenient helplessness" of these scenes.
- Comment on Are we still doing beans ? (I did not create this) 9 months ago:
Why does this turn my stomach more than actual gore? I wanna barf now.
- Comment on In case some of y'all are still looking for a job 9 months ago:
Around the Fur album
- Comment on The second matchup of the tournament 9 months ago:
Wolf not wolves? Sure I can use a new pet I guess.
- Comment on Too soon? 9 months ago:
Maybe when he dies they'll drink the Kool aid to join him.
- Comment on Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together? 9 months ago:
I'm not following on why manager roles are different from traditional companies.
The book keeping? You mean splitting the profit? Why wouldn't you assume everyone has a % stake?
- Comment on The way my daughter's middle school health class classifies drugs is insane. 9 months ago:
It's better than D.A.R.E. which is what a lot of us got.
- Comment on This is not a stereogram. If you look at it a certain way it will not resolve into anything. 9 months ago:
- Comment on Capitalists hate competition, especially when it comes to wages 9 months ago:
Capitalists: But we shouldn't do anything legally to affect the Free Market!
Proceeds to manipulate the Free Market
- Comment on eyecandyn't 9 months ago:
Is it weird the kerning is what bothers me most with this picture?
- Comment on If you want communism, you can start a commune 10 months ago:
If you want socialism, you start a social.
- Comment on Is it true that addicts never stop being addicts, they just replace their addiction? 10 months ago:
This is more about habits than addiction. Replacing a habit is easier than removing one, but that's not to say there's no other way!
- Comment on Admit, who of you is this? 10 months ago:
I wish I had that much cake!
- Comment on Why don't passanger airplanes come with parachutes for people? 10 months ago:
Hahaha I didn't think the odds for the life vest execution would be so bad, and that's way more simple than a parachute.
- Comment on 11 months ago:
- Comment on 11 months ago:
This kills the sushi.
- Comment on Homer 11 months ago:
Frank Grimes: If you lived in any other country in the world, you'd have starved to death long ago.
Bart: He's got you there, Dad.
Grimes: You're a fraud, a total fraud. (To Marge and the kids) Was nice meeting you.
- Comment on An achievement 11 months ago:
Why the fuck is it a 9 minute video?
- Comment on I went back in time to kill Hitler but instead we fell in love and our romance averted the war but then I was kidnapped back to the present and Hitler's broken heart made him do WW2 anyway. AMA 1 year ago:
Any threesomes with Eva Braun?
- Comment on Shitty railing 1 year ago:
This is the sort of thing he noticed but ignored, the poorly connected railing, and after this fall is recalling how yesterday's lack of proactiveness is biting him in the ass today.
Or maybe I'm projecting as that's definitely something I'd do.
- Comment on When your crush walks into class but you're homeschooled... 1 year ago:
Roll tide!
- Comment on Luck 1 year ago:
Why didn't they use a capital F?
- Comment on Anon thinks about human history 1 year ago:
Also a LOT of those people had PTSD from wars or from lion attacks or from simply losing a massive amount of their offspring to illness and accidents. They raised your ancestors anyway.
This cycle has only recently been broken and not everywhere.
- Comment on What chemicals and tools do I need to clean my bathroom? 1 year ago:
Freedom in death will come soon enough my friend. No need to rush it.
- Comment on Why is this so hard 1 year ago:
That's what she said.
- Comment on Lemmy, why are you wrong? 1 year ago:
I'm wrong.
- Comment on Party with the sea queen 1 year ago:
Are you feeling okay, Satan's Maggoty Cum Fart?
- Comment on Party with the sea queen 1 year ago:
How did he not do the "reeling her in" move? The invisible fishing pole seems an obvious choice.