A man of leisure living in the present, waiting for the future.
- Comment on Can Trump still run for president now that he's a convicted felon? 8 months ago:
Debs ran for president in the 1920 election while imprisoned in the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary. He received 914,191 votes (3.4 percent), a slightly smaller percentage than he had won in 1912, when he received 6 percent, the highest number of votes for a Socialist Party presidential candidate in the United States. During his time in prison, Debs wrote a series of columns deeply critical of the prison system. They appeared in sanitized form in the Bell Syndicate and were published in his only book, Walls and Bars, with several added chapters. It was published posthumously.
- Comment on Should I permanently leave Israel? 9 months ago:
That's entirely subjective and up to you, however, I feel like I should point out we're dealing with our own erosion of democracy issues in the United States as well.
- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 9 months ago:
The quality and variety of what produce you can eat will be much higher, though. There's a lot of cultivars that don't make financial sense at scale but are wonderful to eat.
- Comment on Did the premise of an entity approaching you only when it's not being viewed originate with Doctor Who's Weeping Angels? 9 months ago:
it’s still the act of measurement, not the act of a conscious person looking at that measurement, that causes the collapse of the wave function.
That's not the case here; when particles are measured but the information erased/nonrecoverable it remains a wave:
what makes this experiment possibly astonishing is that, unlike in the classic double-slit experiment, the choice of whether to preserve or erase the which-path information of the idler was not made until 8 ns after the position of the signal photon had already been measured by D0.
- Comment on Did the premise of an entity approaching you only when it's not being viewed originate with Doctor Who's Weeping Angels? 9 months ago:
I thought the delayed choice quantum erasure
experiment showed it wasn't the act of measurement that collapses the wave, but rather whether the information was retrievable or not. - Comment on Anon revisits early youtube 9 months ago:
Back in my day the Internet was better, no video, we had to connect with 56k moderns, the hardware cost a fortune, most people were in AOL, we had to upload both ways in the snow, and we liked it that way…
You kids today with your tikky Tok and your faces-book don't understand
- Comment on 'You're asking the accused ['Israel'] to investigate itself?' 10 months ago:
Even if you don't want to hear it, nothing I wrote was inaccurate.
- Comment on 'You're asking the accused ['Israel'] to investigate itself?' 10 months ago:
Hamas is known for torturing Palestinians, especially suspected collaborators, this was what made the green prince defect.
- Comment on 'You're asking the accused ['Israel'] to investigate itself?' 10 months ago:
According to this article, the dead were buried there by Palestinians, the mass grave was checked by IDF for hostages' remains, then re-buried, it claims that IDF does not tend to Palestinian remains in Gaza:
The Israel Defense Forces on Tuesday rejected Hamas’s allegation as “baseless.”
It said forces searching for Israeli hostages had examined bodies previously buried by Palestinians near Nasser Hospital and had returned the bodies to where they were buried after they were examined.
It has been documented that Palestinians buried their dead at the hospital grounds both before and while Israeli troops operated in the area.
The location of that burial site was geo-located by experts to the same location where Hamas officials claimed to have discovered the new mass grave.
Generally, the IDF does not tend to the bodies of slain Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. ...
The United Nations rights office claimed that some of the bodies were “found with their hands tied and stripped of their clothes.”
The IDF, in its response, said that during its operation in the area of Nasser Hospital in recent months, troops examined corpses that had been buried by Palestinians on the medical center’s grounds, “as part of an effort to locate hostages.”
The military said it operated in a “targeted manner,” only where it had intelligence that Israeli hostages may have been buried.
Curious if there is anything to this or if it is just another false allegation.
- Comment on UK has worst rate of child alcohol consumption in world, report finds 10 months ago:
Video games normalize drinking? Well that's a new one. Final Fight & Tekken normalized eating whole chickens out of trashcans… how long until an article blames them for homelessness?
- Comment on Burning man dangerous 1 year ago:
No idea. I'm not a historian of self-immolation.
- Comment on Burning man dangerous 1 year ago:
Is a person on fire not a danger? What if they decided to immolate more than just themselves?
- Comment on how to watch all TV-shows and movies for free? 1 year ago:
Use a VPN that doesn't keep logs, make sure you have a good adblocker, then go to these sites.
- Comment on What is a good, healthy, unhurtful, socially positive way to express anger? 1 year ago:
Punching a punching bag, or a pillow.
- Comment on What are some hidden indie gems nobody knows about? 1 year ago:
the Skyrim total conversion mod, Enderal: Forgotten Stories, blew me away, and it's free if you own Skyrim. Even has its own installer and game page on Steam.
- Comment on Electric buses are sitting unused in cities across the US; here's why 1 year ago:
Cannibalize parts from other buses?
- Comment on Well... civilization's had a good run. 1 year ago:
Five below fursuit: a bundle of hair swept off a barber's floor and some elmer's glue.
- Comment on California Law Now Covers Free Sex Changes For Illegal Immigrants 1 year ago:
Why transpeople specifically
There is a major push on the right to deny trans people rights and medical care. This article was intended to create outrage among them, as it relates to two groups who are popular to vilify: trans people and illegal immigrants, with an implication of wasteful spending as well. Rather than focusing on the benefits of public health care for most people, it singles out minority groups who the author portrays as unworthy of receiving it.
isn’t ‘infirmed’ an old time slur for disabled people?
My understanding was that infirmed just means people who are ill, however looking it up just now it evidently has implications of being feeble/weak/elderly that I did not intend.
- Comment on California Law Now Covers Free Sex Changes For Illegal Immigrants 1 year ago:
Republicanism is about hurting the, "right people." In this case, trans people and the infirmed. Who cares if it costs us more for worse outcomes for everyone?
- Comment on California Law Now Covers Free Sex Changes For Illegal Immigrants 1 year ago:
Citizens also qualify for Medi-Cal, I'm not sure where you got the idea they don't.
- Comment on California Law Now Covers Free Sex Changes For Illegal Immigrants 1 year ago:
Do you mean elective cosmetic surgery or cosmetic surgery in general? I certainly want my public health care to cover people disfigured in accidents, for example.
- Comment on California Law Now Covers Free Sex Changes For Illegal Immigrants 1 year ago:
Public health care covers all kinds of public health care, this shouldn't be news but trans people being treated like anyone else seems to rile up the right.
- Comment on The lamest countries 1 year ago:
Jews started out buying the land legally until Arab nationalists started murdering them, making a one state solution impossible, then declared war on Israel when they used the UN's two state borders.
Arabs who remained peaceful and stayed behind the 48 borders were not "ethnically cleansed," and today are 20% of the citizens of Israel. Perhaps that oppression is due to constant violent attacks and a refusal to lay down arms and has nothing to do with ethnicity.
- Comment on The only thing keeping us Millennials going at this point 1 year ago:
Oops, all slime!
- Comment on Biblically 1 year ago:
I thought the biblically accurate angels have 12 eyes on wheels in wheels.
- Comment on Sega of America accused of trying to axe 40 percent of unionized staff 1 year ago:
If they do this, I will be avoiding buying any SEGA games for the foreseeable future.
- Comment on Unity is reviewing its product portfolio and says layoffs are "likely" 1 year ago:
They did it to themselves. No one will trust them not to change the pricing model again.
- Comment on Honest question: what was Hamas' long-game with respect to kidnapping Israelis? Did they think Israel would just negotiate rather than retaliate? 1 year ago:
A lot of that 700,000 voluntarily left. Arab Palestinians who stayed behind the Israeli 1948 borders and remained peaceful currently have full citizenship rights in Israel. This makes it not an ethnostate as there are multiple ethnicities living in Israel with full rights and many people were not driven from their land. (Citation above)
Not liking your government doesn't nullify every legal action it takes.
- Comment on Honest question: what was Hamas' long-game with respect to kidnapping Israelis? Did they think Israel would just negotiate rather than retaliate? 1 year ago:
legality doesnt mean much when youre talking about unwanted colonialist rule
Are you suggesting that no real estate sales were valid while the British were in charge? What about when it was the Ottoman Turks that were colonizing it, should we ignore all property rights from that period, too? How many local people need to object to immigrants owning property before you support violence against the immigrants and denial of their property rights?
And 100% all of this stems from zionism. They had to live in the holy land, people were there already, so they killed or exiled hundreds of thousands of people from their homes.
The 1948 UN borders had Jerusalem in neither state's territory. Palestine went to war over it. If they lose the holy land to Israel, this is why.
- Comment on Honest question: what was Hamas' long-game with respect to kidnapping Israelis? Did they think Israel would just negotiate rather than retaliate? 1 year ago:
most of the land purchased was not from Palestinians, the area was under British mandate.
Does that make the purchases any less legal? One need not be Palestinian to own land there.
From the beginning Palestinians resisted Jewish immigration, they did not consent to any of this, and all of their fears have proven true with time.
Is Jewish immigration really the cause of all this, or is it the intolerance and inability for some to peacefully coexist? The 20% of Israeli Palestinians descended from those who stayed and remained peaceful in 1948 are doing relatively well and have full citizenship rights there. These fears were only realized for those who refused to put down the sword, it was a self-fulfilling prophecy for them. I find it ironic that they themselves are now the refugees that their neighbors will not take in.