The wasabi goes over there.
- Comment on Admit, who of you is this? 10 months ago:
Exactly who is checking on whose muffins here?
- Comment on What have I done to you, pen? 11 months ago:
Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
- Comment on If Trump and Biden both died today, what would happen? 1 year ago:
I'm not sure anyone on the dem side would primary Harris, however. If she is primaried, Gavin Newsome would probably be sworn in about this time next year.
- Comment on Bonjour, je m'appelle Jesus 1 year ago:
It's super effective!
- Comment on The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition | Free on Epic Game 1 year ago:
- Comment on Current state of Reddit 1 year ago:
- Comment on Surf and turf baby 1 year ago:
From this day forward, all of my hams will be characters with googly eyes.
- Comment on Guys!!! It gets good around chapter 1176. 1 year ago:
I loved the live action One Piece much more than I thought I would. Just realize that it's goofy and go along with it and you'll have fun.
- Comment on we need better hobbies 1 year ago:
As a wise man once said, "Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits."
- Comment on What did it cost 1 year ago:
Jesus Christ that's dark.
- Comment on She broke it so she could baguette properly.... 1 year ago:
+20 if she blew smoke in your face and told you to get out
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
"Victuals" is the source of the term "vittles", if you're feeling particularly folksy.
- Comment on Quizzle – Can you guess the word in fewer than twenty questions? 1 year ago:
It said that it wasn't bigger than a housecat. That threw me off.
- Comment on Why were the TOS movies better than the TNG movies? 1 year ago:
Let's face it, apart from nostalgia, season 3 was also pretty bad. I couldn't believe they did the long-lost son thing for the third time (Kirk, then Picard, then Picard again), then did a bait-and-switch Borg thing which still doesn't make sense. It was nice to see some of the Enterprise D crew reunite and give the fans some closure, even if the writers ignored years of character development, in some cases.
- Comment on Why were the TOS movies better than the TNG movies? 1 year ago:
Reminding me of how much the TNG movies sucked actually makes me a bit less critical of the Picard series.
- Comment on incredible 1 year ago:
You could give people a mild shock. "Here. Hold these while I crank this thingy." Could be good for some lulz. Or get you burned as a witch.
- Comment on The fact that people this stupid exist 1 year ago:
They've been working on a COVID vaccine since the SARS epidemic, but that fact won't stop the stupid.
- Comment on Is... Is this a threat? 1 year ago:
All is Dropbox.