- Comment on 6 Reasons So Many Movies Are Struggling At The Box Office In 2024 9 months ago:
#1 IMO is that they don't make anything original anymore. I don't want to go see a live action remake of a classic cartoon movie. They can't possibly recapture what made the original great, and to be honest, what made the original great was probably the ignorance of youth and the nostalgia filter through which you personally view it.
If movie theaters are doing poorly, the movie industry should try to make smaller budget and slightly riskier original movies and movie theaters should charge less for a seat if they're having trouble filling cinemas. They make most of their money from concessions anyway and those are optional, so just get butts in seats and you'll make more money.
- Comment on near zero 10 months ago:
Yeah, I was gonna say... Calculus is all about saying it's infinitely approaching zero so let's assume it is zero.
- Comment on Which is less religious: Xmas or Christmas? 1 year ago:
Christmas is basically a secular holiday for a lot of people these days anyway, but if optics really matter to you, just call it "Yule" or something.
- Comment on It's a vibe 1 year ago:
I don't think it has to do with being female or anime. I think OP is saying that they're either a transgender woman or a femboy who is still in the closet
- Comment on aLiEnS!!1 1 year ago:
There's a lot of evidence to show that a small team of skilled craftsmen could have used water channels and animal skin floaters to lift the blocks into place.
Here's a video about it:
- Comment on Remember when this was on TV every year? 1 year ago:
You're right, my mistake. I was thinking of Existential Nihilism which is a school of thought within Nihilism, but is different in it's interpretation as I described in my original post.
Existential nihilism is the philosophical theory that life has no objective meaning or purpose... The inherent meaninglessness of life is largely explored in the philosophical school of existentialism, where one can potentially create their own subjective "meaning" or "purpose".
... Friedrich Nietzsche further expanded on these ideas, and ... has become a major figure in existential nihilism.
There are also some quotes of note in the main Nihilism Wikipedia article
Nietzsche distinguishes a morality that is strong or healthy, meaning that the person in question is aware that he constructs it himself, from weak morality, where the interpretation is projected on to something external.
As such, the self-dissolution of Christianity constitutes yet another form of nihilism. Because Christianity was an interpretation that posited itself as the interpretation, Nietzsche states that this dissolution leads beyond skepticism to a distrust of all meaning.
I think Absurdism is more what people are generally describing when they use the term Nihilism in popular culture. Here are a couple of excerpts from the same Existential Nihilism Wikipedia article I linked.
The supposed conflict between our desire for meaning and the reality of a meaningless world is explored in the philosophical school of absurdism.
With Kierkegaard, the concept of absurdism was developed, which explains the concept of humans trying to find meaning in a meaningless world.
- Comment on Remember when this was on TV every year? 1 year ago:
I'm so tired of people thinking that nihilism (Nietzsche's main philosophy for those unaware) is depressing. It's not at all, it's actually very hopeful and liberating. Nihilism can basically be boiled down to "nothing matters" which sounds depressing, but what it really means is that "nobody can tell you what matters from your perspective, only you can decide what matters to you". It was considered depressing and was railed against by the public at the time because it goes against religious teaching which tells you that religion matters objectively and unquestioningly.
It's extremely liberating even today despite religion not having a choke hold on society as much as it did during Nietsche's time. It's liberating because if what truly matters to you is shitposting on Lemmy, then that's great! Go live your most meaningful existence! Enjoy yourself and be proud of your accomplishments in that field! You choose your own worldview and what matters to you, and that's obviously a very a positive thing, it's not depressing or morose or narrow-minded and I'm tired of people just boiling it down to "Nihilism is for depressed people".
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I'm pretty sure this is on Ubuntu where the sidebar is on the left side by default.
- Comment on Alright, where do I begin? 1 year ago:
I'd just like to add The Orville to the list, somewhere after either TNG or DS9.
The whole "working from home reduces productivity" is non-sense simply because companies can simply put poor performers on a performance improvement plan and if they don't improve then fire them. But they're not doing that in droves, so therefore, it's just not true.
- Comment on Female 1 year ago:
Maybe. They're still trying to find a cure for light beams shining out of your head syndrome. One day a female scientist will find it.
- Comment on GUYZ VUYZ LOOK I FOUND HIM 1 year ago:
I found it really interesting that I've known some people that simply can't imagine a face on the front or the back of a car. I wonder what percentage of people can't see it. It seems obvious to most of us, the lights are the eyes, the bumper or license plate are the mouth/teeth, etc. It's like cartoon rules for faces, it doesn't have to make total sense just roughly.
I've heard that car manufacturers actually consider this effect too.
- Comment on GUYZ VUYZ LOOK I FOUND HIM 1 year ago:
lol that reminds me of those "Remember this nerd from High School? Guess what he looks like now!" things
- Comment on Valve Says Counter-Strike 2 for macOS Not Happening Because There Aren't Enough Players on Mac to Justify It 1 year ago:
I have a feeling this response is directly related to how Linux users for yeeeeeeears have been told "we won't support Linux because there just aren't enough users to justify it". Now that there are official more Linux users than Mac users it makes sense to support Windows and then Linux if you can only afford to support the 2 biggest operating systems, but yeah, I really think this is more about Valve pulling a switcheroo on the usual "not enough users to support Linux" line we always hear.
- Comment on Female 1 year ago:
- Comment on Free small fries with every purchase! 1 year ago:
Is that one of the Manson family members? Why does that picture look so oddly familiar?
- Comment on how will this affect the rap game 1 year ago:
I wonder how the other celestial deities will weigh in. My guess is that Eminem is safe, as he has achieved Rap God status, and they all act like they forgot about Dre so he's safe.