- Comment on The world's first basement. 14 hours ago:
That usually happens around 5am for me. When the molly wears off and the birds start chirping
- Comment on Fuck animal breeders that keep breeding damaged animals into a life where they will only know pain and torment. 17 hours ago:
Actually the breed standards are changing to push breeders towards healthier dogs!
They are call Retropugs and they tend to be bread with things like Terriers to give them functional skulls and spines!
- Comment on I'll give 100% when I work for a co-op that is equally owned by all the workers. 23 hours ago:
Yeah it’s Thursdays for me when I realize that I haven’t done shit this week and need to crank out a bunch of stuff haha
- Comment on Thinkpad for the win 1 day ago:
Yeah the older ones are. But the new ones compete more with the XPS imo and they suffer for it.
- Comment on Thinkpad for the win 2 days ago:
No, none of the X line are. I really like the L line of Thinkpads. Those are still pretty solid and reparable.
- Comment on Forza Horizon 5 Will Require a Microsoft Account to Play on PS5 2 days ago:
Man do you remember how heated the “PlayStation vs Xbox” arguments used to get ?
- Comment on Thinkpad for the win 2 days ago:
Which Thinkpad do you have? The “Thinkpad” line has been expanded to basically all professional grade laptops now.