- Comment on Here's one more for you 🐸 21 hours ago:
You search for azure front door like 3 times and next thing you know it’s all Lowe’s and home Depot ads for weeks. Why can’t you give me ads for big tiddy goth mommies? I search that multiple times a day
- Comment on Bad news for Starlink: Earth’s atmosphere is shrinking 2 days ago:
Why don’t you cold hearted demons ever think about the vulnerable investors? They don’t have marketable skills ffs! How will they live when the profits stop?
- Comment on Real 3 weeks ago:
Just blame it on your genetics. Then you can use your phone whenever you want because it’s your genetics fault.
- Comment on 0mg 3 weeks ago:
How in the heck did magnesium oil foot spray become a thing? The sole of your foot evolved to keep stuff out. Why make that the entry point? Is that onion salesman back with his sock hacks again!?
- Comment on Why are headhunters or recruiters so laser focused on getting my resume? 4 weeks ago:
“bUsInEsS iNnOvAtIoN”
- Comment on I'm rich and powerful so I can violate laws and brag about it on social media 5 weeks ago:
I bet the test is food based. Like you get dry pasta that’s longer than the pot is wide and what you do with the pasta determines if you get a hunting license or not.
- Comment on Believe and be saved! 1 month ago:
I’m an elder millennial and I remember thinking there was a very real possibility that Ronald would be in MY McDonald’s at least ONCE when I went there. I thought about that when I was a kid too.
- Comment on Good morning I choose frosted strawberry. 2 months ago:
all of that can still be eaten and I’m not convinced it was/wasn’t