- Comment on Alt Writing 17 hours ago:
It takes time to plan leaving the country. A lot of people like me are leaving we just haven’t gotten there yet because of how long it takes getting everything lined up
Of my entire friend and family group I’m the only one who can afford to leave. Moving is not cheap and I think it’s like 1/3 of Americans are paycheck to paycheck
It’s also more than just financially difficult to move countries. Most places require you to have a valued skill set. Many places deny neurodivergent people. This means a lot of the people who need to leave the most can’t land somewhere even if they could afford to flip their life upside down
- Comment on Ant brothel 5 days ago:
- Comment on Video Game Workers Launch Industry-Wide Union with Communications Workers of America 1 week ago:
Finally holy shit the game industry needs to unionize so badly
- Comment on Which game is it? 1 week ago:
- Comment on All things have a right to grow. The blossom is brother to the weed. 1 week ago:
I have so many spiders on the lower floor of the place I’m in now I’ve given up on even bringing them outside. I identify what they are to keep track if we have an uptick in dangerous ones. If it a particularly gross one it goes in the garage to war it out with the cellar spiders otherwise I just shoot them under furniture so I don’t have to think about it. Damnit I’m turning into my dad…
- Comment on Welp. 2 weeks ago:
I’m a little confused here, I’m not EU/Swedish citizen wouldn’t any of my studies require me to pay? I care about money very little which is part of why I’ve been feeling so soul sucked at my current job. I’ve only been here for money for a bit now and I hate it. In a lot of ways I’d rather just be poor. I was happier when I was working for like 1/5 what I make now but felt excited about what I did
I love games and game making. I’ve been skirting around the industry for over 15 years at this point and haven’t been able to crack in yet. Future Games, or any of the schools I’ve applied to, is an opportunity to be on a visa for nearly the entire trump term and hopefully network enough to land a job after school. So I’m not just paying for education I’m paying for my own safety
The crunch is for real but also the job culture in the US is batshit. My first job out of college I ended up pulling 16 hour days 7 days/week. Everywhere here it is expected you’re going to do more work than you’re paid for or you risk getting fired. Crunch time in Sweden sounds like normal time in the US tbh
- Comment on Welp. 2 weeks ago:
I’m hoping to get into a pretty well regarded game dev school in Sweden that is $25k USD for the entire degree. Comparing it with anything similar in the US is mind boggling. Schools here are impossibly expensive
- Comment on Papers, Please: USA Edition | Official Trailer - YouTube 2 weeks ago:
Omg is that a Kentucky fried movie sound bite out in the wild??
- Comment on Solar noon is the only real noon 2 weeks ago:
Cries in programmer while looking at northern Sweden
- Comment on Little Man is chubbed 3 weeks ago:
My, admittedly limited, experience with indoor rabbits is kinda. Ours didn’t train well but they would pick a spot in the house and only ever go there. So we’d just put a box in that spot and was good to go. Sometimes we’d have to move the box and I’d say it was 50/50 if they actually followed it or stuck to their spot
- Comment on Delicious 3 weeks ago:
Well ham like this wouldn’t work great for shredding but ham that still has the grain would. Think of stuff that pulled pork can go well with like sandwiches, stews, or tacos
- Comment on fireflies 3 weeks ago:
Depends on the area, the US is big. It’s been a while since I’ve been but some areas of Ohio had tons of them every night. I’ve never seen any in the Pacific northwest though. But even that’s a pretty broad region could be some around here I don’t know about
- Comment on I wish 4 weeks ago:
Looks like it’s from a cartoon called polar bear’s cafe…/rm1416163585/
- Comment on Off to earn less then I need to exist yet again 4 weeks ago:
It can take a lot of time though, especially some breads like baguettes are an all day event. I know that’s mostly waiting around for the yeast to fart enough but still for me it is mentally derailing to have to baby then along several times in a day
- Comment on Also, plan to dig away from the outhouse. 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Understimulated 5 weeks ago:
The Orville is a gem. I think it helped kick other Star Trek back into shape we had a lot of slop for a while there
- Comment on Report: Unity continues mass layoffs with 'abrupt' communications and 5am emails 1 month ago:
Ah I think my comment made in haste was ambiguous. Fortunately I was not cut this time around, I’ve somehow skated by all the firings. I’m actually just clinging on for a few more months then I’m off to Sweden to go back to school. Hoping to actually finish my game dev degree this time around! I do have some school application stuff I would love to have people see though I’ll keep you in mind for that if you are up for it (for a work sample primarily, to get into higher rates schools)
- Comment on Report: Unity continues mass layoffs with 'abrupt' communications and 5am emails 1 month ago:
I’ve somehow survived all the firings and restructurings so far. It’s a shit show over here. I’m trying to get through a few more months then I’m off to another country to go back to school
The agonizing hasn’t stopped for me I’ve just gotten used to it as a part of my day to day. It’s wild what they’ve been putting us through we need to unionize
- Comment on Report: Unity continues mass layoffs with 'abrupt' communications and 5am emails 1 month ago:
I work for Unity, I’ve been sick for a couple days, this is how I find out lol. It’s a mess here fam any devs reading this just use godot instead
- Comment on She would be proud 1 month ago:
My mom has six siblings. Grandma got it on
- Comment on Anon achieves optimal testosterone 1 month ago:
Nicotine is water soluble. You can take a wet tobacco leaf off the plant and it’ll soak into your skin and get you a bit buzzed (or in my case when I discovered this mid harvest if you touch enough it’ll get you massively high and nauseous). Imo one of the best ways to get some in relative safety is grow your own, they’re really easy, and just put a leaf under your tongue for a bit then spit it out
- Comment on Keep them guessing 1 month ago:
I’m not familiar with what you’re talking about. If not m already converting my notes why not just go right to html?
- Comment on Keep them guessing 1 month ago:
I set up a build server for my obsidian notes. Push changes to GitHub, Jenkins picks it up, turns it into a website, and deploys to another server. I’m running into an issue though the tool I use to turn it into a website is abandoned. Might have to roll my own 😔
- Comment on reddit 1 month ago:
- Comment on The opposite of hot girl summer 1 month ago:
Moscow Idaho or Russia they’re both similar temp right now lol
- Comment on Shut up, haters 1 month ago:
Probably shouldn't be showing this but okay...
- Comment on Shut up, haters 1 month ago:
My ex sister in law actually did this with a new puppy :( It took weeks to convince them not to and I suspect they were still doing it in secret for longer
- Comment on Best gramma 2 months ago:
I’m in the same boat both mine are dead have gotten anything from them in ages
- Comment on What advice would you give to your younger self? 2 months ago:
Hey dipshit the reason you don’t feel very attached to your gender norms is because you’re trans. Have fun living on hard mode lol. Also don’t accept drugs from that stranger in the parking lot because finding out their ulterior motives while high isn’t worth the free drugs…
- Comment on what exercises work for you to avoid back pain? 2 months ago:
For me, bouldering has helped a lot. If you already have chronic pain definitely talk with a doctor or physical therapist first though. If you aren’t paying attention to your body it’s also very easy for climbing to fuck you up more. It’s a great combo of core and back strength though that can really help with a lot of things