- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 1 month ago:
To be fair, no it isnt. Its inconsiderate assholes, not old people. Inconsiderate assholes are all ages. For instance, you are an inconsiderate asshole.
- Comment on Is it wrong to not have a disabled child solely to avoid forcing the child to suffer their whole life? 1 month ago:
If it’s a disability you can diagnose prior to birth, no.
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 1 month ago:
Yes, im aware of those ways. I remember reading that there was a replacement that was specifically emulating the look and feel of Google TV, but simpler and better. You could install it on Chromecast etc.
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 1 month ago:
Is there an open-source version of Google TV and similar smart TV software? I feel like i read about one quite recently.
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 1 month ago:
My wealthy coworker buys top-of-the-line, really expensive TVs, and then just leaves all that shit turned on.
- Comment on Caption this. 1 month ago:
Okay everybody, im done with the proudest moment of my life now. Someone please wake him up.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Well where I’m from its just what it’s called. Most people would know what it is. I’m actually English and we call it A&E for Accident and Emergency, or Casualty. That’s what I would have called it if I still lived there because that’s what everyone there is used to. What you’re basically asking for is for me to translate for you. Well, like I said, I’m English and live in the states. You think everyone thinks to translate American english for me? Use google.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Well no reason other than that’s what it’s called here. Most people where I live would know what I’m talking about. I can’t be responsible for all people who don’t understand me. Im going to use the language that is commonly used where I live aren’t I?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm lemmy welcome to FRAYED PICKLES whistles, whoops, cheers, applause
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Emergency Department. Its a Level One Trauma center, so down time is not predictable.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Its probably just what everyone’s used to. I work in an ED. Fuck anyone who always turns up late. What does 10 minutes matter? It matters a lot actually. This is shift work.
- Comment on Thanks for the warning I guess?? 3 months ago:
I cope pretty well with it. Some people get really depressed when it happens to them. Im okay if there’s noise. At night I listen to podcasts and use a fan next to my bed. At work it’s less noticeable, although fir some reason people think it’s fine to be mean if a coworker can’t hear very well.
For me I had intermittent ringing for a year or two. It would always go away quickly. Then I got this much louder chirping sound that’s always there.
I was a metal head. Too many gigs and loud earbuds.
- Comment on Thanks for the warning I guess?? 3 months ago:
Im the same as you. In my 50’s. My hearing is severely damaged, and my right ear whistles like a thousand crickets 24/7.