- Comment on Oh so you make videos for YouTube... 1 month ago:
We all work for evil corporate overlords.
- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 1 month ago:
Yes, but most people in the west don’t have the option to eat meat that are not from the meat industry.
That is exactly why vegan is attractive in the west.
- Comment on How are you actually doing today? 1 month ago:
I am great, it is the lunar new year and I am celebrating it with my family.
I made vegan fried rice for them. Most asian haven’t had vegan fried rice, because most of hem involves lard and egg. They loved the vegan fried rice so much that my cousin asked my aunt to recreate it tonight.
- Comment on Welcome back! 1 month ago:
LOL, the one of the largest tech monopoly in the world actually trying to play “the little guy” narrative. And just like with Trump, many people will actually believe it.
- Comment on It's Anon's birthday 1 month ago:
I am east asian, and I never had big birthday parties when I was a kid. Parents would give us a bit of money, I would have like four friends to hang out at a mall, watch a movie, and grab some dinner.
But there are kids who have big parties, but I feel like they are just cos-playing middle age asian male gatherings, large table, lazy susan, bunch of “friends” who don’t even talk that much, and toast here and there. Pretty ridiculous things to do for 10-15 years old.
My birthday has since went downhill, my parents are busy and I am busy, in high school I barely had cakes for birthday. But now I made sure to have a little cake for every birthday, so it is all good :)
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I am not sure, I don’t have a lot of male Chinese friend, so I don’t have any data in that department.
However, to be completely frank, I sometimes feel that now Chinese female are subject to much higher social expectation, which are likely to be reflect on social media, thus amplifying their anxiety.
But I certainly have plenty of female friends that doesn’t use rednote, and they are doing fine. (except one on twiter, and she also doesn’t seem to do that well 🤣
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I am sincerely glad your daughter is having fun, but I have several female friend who are trapped in the toxic spiral of rednote and cannot quit.
From what I read on the Chinese internet, they have a tendency to serve wholesome content to people at first, then switch to toxic content to encourage consumption. As many westerners don’t know, rednote is a shopping-guide app, and they make money from it.
I hope they don’t do it to non-Chinese people and I really hope people like your daughter can continue to have fun wherever they are.
- Comment on downloaded rednote and this a frequent emote in the comments 1 month ago:
Thanks! good catch, fixed.
- Comment on downloaded rednote and this a frequent emote in the comments 1 month ago:
IMO 离谱 is closer to “excentric”, “corky”, and “unusual” than “outragous”. 离谱 is certainly not a good word, but it is mellow enough that you can use it to joke about your friend, unlike “outrages”.
- Comment on We need a new Amazon 2 months ago:
Honestly after moving into our current home, we don’t find that much stuff to buy. We don’t buy cookware, as carbon steel, cast iron, and stainless steel cookware lasts forever; we have way too many mugs from market and thrift store; and all of our clothes are thrifted with some from Costco.
we get groceries from farmers market, local ethnic stores, or super market. We get shelf stable products like toilet paper or drinks from Costco in bulk. We barely replace our electronic, because I would fix them with spare parts from ifixit and eBay; when it do need to get replaced, I get them from bestbuy or manufacture. We get most of the cleaning products from refil store or supermarket; we would buy soap from farmers market or local supplier.
We would only buy very obscure product from Amazon, like replacement knob for pot lid etc, but they are very very rare. One particular product we unfortunately relied on Amazon is the bamboo electric toothbrush brush head, we are trying to find some local salers that carry that, but cannot find any.
- Comment on Surveillance 2 months ago:
- Comment on This world is cruel… 3 months ago:
Uh, there is a typo, the second probably should say “functional languages”. We all know how chicks are attracted to map, filter, and reduce.