- Comment on Grok 3 roasts Lemmy 1 week ago:
Imagine being the type of person who has conversations with Elon Musk’s computer and trying to roast anybody. Wild.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
We take the Pacific and Atlantic coasts first, blockade the gulf and then move inwards with our allies from all sides.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
You’re forgetting that there are plenty of people, bases and equipment in blue territory. The neo-confederates will have no access to trade as they will very quickly be cut off from both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, and you’ve already blown any chance at a alliance with neighboring countries. These dumb fuck Republicans in flyover country have already painted themselves into a corner and they don’t even know it.
Come what may. We will fight, and we have all the infrastructure, money and equipment to win against y’all fat ass redneck farm boys.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
Need I remind you how the last civil war went?
The west and the north east will be ready to fight, and we have plenty of military bases, equipment, infrastructure, logistics, money and people to fight with. The neo-confederate rednecks will be cut off from trade in every direction, as we quickly take both coasts and form alliances with neighboring countries. People in Buttfuck, Oklahoma will be eating dust.
All the 400 lb good ol’ boy mall ninja rednecks in the world are not going to be able to face the reality of what will come to them if they fuck with the west coast.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
None of this is good, and it’s going to cause a lot of big problems across just about everything but, theoretically at least, none of it is unsalvageable.
Remember that elections are run by the states, not the federal government.
So unless you live in one of the most hardcore Trump-sucking red states, you likely will be able to vote in 2026 and 2028, your vote will probably be fairly counted, and you will be able to determine not just the makeup of Congress 2 years from now, but also the types of people that we send to represent our interests and fight back against Trump.
Of course, Trump is wasting no time grabbing power, but it still remains to be seen whether or not Congress and the Supreme Court will surrender their power enough for him to get away with it. As much as the massive cucked-out bitches in Congress and SCOTUS pretend they love Trump, they actually hate his guts and are just as hungry for their own power as he is for his.
Finally there is the possibility of a genuine constitutional crisis in which Trump rejects the concept of shared power by coequal branches of government, in which case the entire constitution is rendered null and void and the USA completely ceases to exist as a federal entity and the union breaks down.
This would probably lead to a civil war, in which case the side that wins is the one that has the best logistics and strategy.
- Comment on Why hasn't the deep state stopped trump? 1 week ago:
Hey man, rule #1, no stupid questions.
It’s right in the name.
- Comment on Luanti (formerly Minetest) v5.11 out now with an in-game settings menu and better server browser 2 weeks ago:
Good that they changed the name.
- Comment on Frogge 2 weeks ago:
A block of fresh yeast.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
He’s coming to terms with it, if in a slightly judgemental boomer “this can still be fixed” sort of way.
- Comment on Why do some people assume all immigrants are illegal and should "go back to where they came from"? Shouldn't that logic apply to all non-Native Americans? 4 weeks ago:
Racism. Next question.
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 5 weeks ago:
I’m starting to really consider the whole “reality is a simulation” angle, and whoever is running the game has put in a cheat code. (not really really, but more than I ever have before)
I have some reeeeeeal bad news for you: the American voters handed Trump and the Republicans not just 1, not 2, but ALL 3 fucking branches of government, on top of a media in which at least 33% is in his fucking pocket and at least another 33% is too stupid to see through his bullshit.
I’m not sure what kind of push back you’re expecting or who you’re expecting it from exactly, but to whatever extent there IS push back it’s gonna be 90% performative gesturing and hand-wringing until at least 2026. And that’s the best case where people are smart enough to vote in their best interest, which knowing how fucking stupid you all are, I’m not gonna hold my breath.
- Comment on "Section 31" early review round-up 5 weeks ago:
Now that’s a headline!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Fuck Trump, Elon, the other oligarchs, and all of the short-sighted moronic voters and non-voters who put them back in power.
This may not be what America wants, but this is what Americans deserve for being so fucking stupid.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 1 month ago:
Did I offend you or something? Does your dad work for Nintendo? 🙄
It’s a figure of speech. But let me really spell it out for you and any other fucking slowpokes in the back of the class…
I’m not impressed with the hardware or the software that they showed today. They should show more than 8 seconds of a game that looks marginally better than Mario Kart 8 (a game I bought and enjoyed 11 years ago on the Wii U) if they want to impress me and sell me on a piece of hardware that is incrementally better than the Switch they sold me 8 year ago. Hopefully they have something that will impress me when they do another presentation in April, but if not that’s cool who gives a fuck man.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 1 month ago:
They seem to be implying that you can turn the joycons on their side to use them kind of like a mouse… I guess?
At least that’s what the rumors and chatter have been saying. How practical that is… I dunno.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 1 month ago:
Well, it’s a bigger, better Switch alright…
A little bit underwhelming hardware-wise. Extra joycon L/R don’t seem like they’ll factor in much in most singleplayer docked or handheld settings. The mouse thing (if that’s what they’re showing) is somewhat interesting and helps to keep touch controls relevant when docked. Top USB port, sure. Backwards compatibility is great news. Screen is…?
As always with Nintendo I think it comes down to the games. Mario Kart 9 hasn’t blown me away just yet, but we’ve barely seen anything at all so…
To be continued in April.
- Comment on US rep asks Valve to remove ‘Oct. 7’ game from Steam 2 months ago:
Fursan al-Aqsa was released in 2022
You’re clearly not very well informed, because the source of the controversy here is an October 7th themed update that came out in late 2023.
Yeah, actually after taking a look at your profile, you’re not the kind of person I want taking up my mental energy.
What kind of person would that be?
- Comment on Should we create a new political party in the US, specifically for shitting on the rich? 2 months ago:
Until we have a voting system where 3rd parties are viable (for example. Ranked Choice Voting, Star Voting, Approval Voting, etc.), we absolutely do not benefit in any way for the existence of more parties.
Whether intentional or not, America today is a two-party system by design. If you want more choices beyond the Democrats and Republicans, you need to help us enact voting system reforms which are necessary to allow 3rd parties to exist legitimately. We aren’t joking when we say that voting 3rd party is throwing your vote away; it very much is.
- Comment on US rep asks Valve to remove ‘Oct. 7’ game from Steam 2 months ago:
Are we not currently in a thread specifically talking about an October 7th game or…?
- Comment on US rep asks Valve to remove ‘Oct. 7’ game from Steam 2 months ago:
Any support for Palestine is being called “terrorist” these days, so I’d rather make the judgment call for myself.
So what is your judgment call? Was the October 7th attack terrorism or not?
- Comment on US rep asks Valve to remove ‘Oct. 7’ game from Steam 2 months ago:
TTT was so fucking great back in the day.
- Comment on For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value. 3 months ago:
I haven’t played Cyberpunk, but I already felt that way about The Witcher 3, to some extent. CDPR makes nice looking games with seemingly vibrant and populated worlds, but I feel like interaction with the world and NPCs is pretty thin and boring.