- Comment on Why 🤷♂️ do users 👨💻 dislike 👎 the use ✅ of emojis 😀 on Lemmy 🐭? 5 months ago:
That might be good. With text to speech getting as good as it’s getting, it’s probably getting in the realistic territory, too.
- Comment on Anon sees ghosts 6 months ago:
Looks like you’re closer to the truth than I am.
- Comment on Anon sees ghosts 6 months ago:
Whoa, my optometrist tips me that’s what they are and now I’m really disappointed.
Considering their shape and what you said about them being impossible to observe in visible light… I guess those branch-like pieces are cell organelle fragments instead?
Dang, and here I was excited to be seeing molecules.
- Comment on Oh no! I dropped (5£ to) Anna's Archives. Beware the mess, people. 6 months ago:
Wow that’s a 404 for me. Looks like maybe the lemmy.world instance has made that choice for me.
Thank god I’m protected! I would have to create a new account on another instance to lose that protection, which is, uh, good, because…
Anyway I forgot what I was saying.
- Comment on Well THAT'S super helpful! 🤦 6 months ago:
Hah, I had the exact reverse experience. For years when I had a delivery they would come by once (of course not staying nearly long enough to allow me to answer the door) and leave a notice saying the package would be at their warehouse the following day starting at 17:00.
The warehouse was pretty far. The round trip would take nearly 2 hours by bus. And since they opening hours weren’t ideal, if I happened to have a class or be otherwise busy the one night of the week they’re open late, well I guess I’d better find a solution, because they’ll only keep it for a week.
I would plead with them. Can you come back? Can you leave it at my door? It’s not even worth that much! I’ll take the risk! No. At least one thing they did agree to do was keep my package a bit longer once when I realized I had absolutely no way of retrieving it in time. But they only gave me two days.
It was only when COVID hit that delivery companies started just leaving packages. Sometimes they just wouldn’t tell you at all about it, and you’d have a surprise when you’d open the door and hit your foot on a surprise package, if you hadn’t kept up with the tracking.
Some people complained, because they were scared someone would steal their stuff, but I was so glad they were careless. I’ve worked from home ever since COVID.
Finally, I can order a thing and actually receive it at home.
- Comment on Anon sees ghosts 6 months ago:
Those are so cool. They’re the only way (I know of) that you can see molecules with your naked eye. Actual molecules! That’s practically at the level of atoms, and you can see that microscopic stuff!
Also red blood cells. It’s pretty cool that if you stare at the sky (not the sun; please not the sun) you can sometimes see red blood cells move in the back of your eye. Single cells! Amazing.
- Comment on Anon sees ghosts 6 months ago:
They are a lot more obvious if you look at bright surfaces, such as the sky, so one factor may be that you’re not outside as much.
I don’t think they’re supposed to go away; rather the contrary, but who knows.
One thing I do know though: if the amount increases noticeably, it could be a sign of something bad, so get that checked out.
- Comment on Why 🤷♂️ do users 👨💻 dislike 👎 the use ✅ of emojis 😀 on Lemmy 🐭? 6 months ago:
How would you tackle that? Unless you build a really intelligent system that’s allowed to interpret and reword and understand the significance (or lack thereof) of emojis in context, it sounds tough. Like, generally speaking, you just wouldn’t be able to tell how important an emoji is to the message, when writing an algorithm.
- Comment on Pondering my anomaly 6 months ago:
- Comment on Pondering my anomaly 6 months ago:
I don’t get it. Can someone help?
- Comment on Please pick a password starting with ad and ending with min 6 months ago:
That’s what my current bank uses for the web portal now to think of it. Client number, and 6-number PIN. I guess they’re only doing this because they really trust their “unusual activity” protocols, but I’ve got a feeling they really shouldn’t only rely on those.
- Comment on Please pick a password starting with ad and ending with min 6 months ago:
Wow that’s a big oops
- Comment on Please pick a password starting with ad and ending with min 6 months ago:
You remind me of my bank about 17 years ago. Everyone had to have a 10-character password, exactly, and it had to include exactly 2 numbers and 1 symbol. I wasn’t very knowledgeable about computers at the time and it already felt dumb.
- Comment on Anon is a soyboy 6 months ago:
One problem with almonds is that they can’t grow just anywhere.
It’s often grown in regions where water is already an issue, with pretty significant irrigation, with significant environmental consequences.
Meanwhile, it is possible to raise cows in a humid climate where water isn’t a major issue. Though it’s also totally possible to feed them alfalfa with water from the Colorado River, which is way way worse.
I’m not saying there aren’t any problems with cow milk at all. There absolutely are, and overall I’m pretty sure it’s worse than any other option.
But personally, especially considering I like the taste of the vast majority of dairy alternatives anyway, getting one with a lower environmental impact compared to other alternatives is a factor in my decision.
- Comment on Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people? 6 months ago:
Elden Ring with the Seamless Coop mod looks like great fun if you enjoy that type of game. I’ve wanted to try it for a long time.
- Comment on Anon is a soyboy 6 months ago:
Wtf are you saying? Soy milk is hard to beat nutritionally speaking, and it’s not nearly as environmentally problematic as something like almond milk.
- Comment on Would you like a receipt? 6 months ago:
I sometimes don’t even listen to the amount they say. I just hear a number and know it’s time to use my card.
I wonder how much was mistakenly charged to me over the years.
- Comment on Health food 6 months ago:
I love to eat a bowl of them for breakfast. But sometimes I have trouble waking up and don’t have time for them. Then I reach the weekend, looking forward to finally eating them… And half of them have spoiled. Damn it. I really wish they lasted longer.
- Comment on what would happen if a rogue, earth-size planet ran straight into the sun? anything interesting? 6 months ago:
This is speculation. I’m not a physicist.
Gravitational effects. It would almost certainly disturb a lot of asteroids and comets into new orbits. It wouldn’t be a catastrophe for Earth , given the protection of the gas giants, but it would probably increase risks for the next few decades/centuries/millenniums. Depending on the exact trajectory of the planet, it would probably also disturb other planets’ orbits a little. Anything radically different would be unlikely, but maybe something light and relatively unstable like Mercury would go nuts. As for Earth, in the likeliest scenarios, at most maybe the length of a year is altered.
The collision (perfectly head-on). It vastly depends on the speed. If it’s very slow, it’ll probably be diverted from the sun by the other planets and solar winds. If it’s fast but not relativistic, it’ll probably cause massive solar flares and very obvious sun spots for a while. At relativistic speeds (a sizeable fraction of the speed of light), though, it would be a lot of energy. Something big would probably happen when the extremely fast planet smashes into the dense core of the sun, probably. I’m not sure what though. Maybe it would temporarily strengthen fusion and cause some sort of micro supernova?
The collision(glancing blow). The sun is massive but most of its volume is pretty wispy. Most of its volume is a lot less dense than a planet, so the planet would likely have a pretty dramatic effect on it. If it’s fast enough, it might even come out on the other side, smashed to pieces by gravitational forces and thermal shock. It might expel a lot of plasma in a stream, like a squishy body shot with the fastest bullet in the world. A bullet on a curved trajectory though, because the proximity to the sun’s core would likely steer it significantly. If the planet was going fast enough to escape despite the friction having it slowed down and the massive gravitational pull, then I could imagine pretty much a shotgun of planet chunks shot through the solar system. It might not hit anything, and probably won’t considering how much of the solar system is empty space, but if it does, it would be catastrophic for, say, Earth.
As for long term effects, if the planet indeed merges into the sun, it would increase the sun’ metallicity (content in elements heavier than helium) by a tiny percentage. It might affect its long term evolution by a very small margin. If it’s a glancing blow that’s not extremely fast and it’s just right to create a mostly stable orbit, it might form a new asteroid belt that may or may not coalesce into a new planet in time.
- Comment on what would happen if a rogue, earth-size planet ran straight into the sun? anything interesting? 6 months ago:
I could see that if a planet slowly spiraled into it, but the question specifically asks about a direct collision.
Do you really think silicon and iron and other relatively heavy elements can simply be vaporized that quickly?
- Comment on Anon doesn't know what she's doing wrong 6 months ago:
Hello. I’m a woman. And I’m also a dumbass who thinks she has no shot with pretty much anyone. Plus I’m easily embarrassed.
Plus if I’m interested I’m like “Ugh i don’t want to be a creep who’d approach someone for their looks, projecting because I get uncomfortable if someone finds me attractive”, completely ignoring in the moment that if you don’t do that you’ll never get to know the person.
This behaviour makes no sense. Just wanted to reassure(?) you that guys don’t have the monopoly on stupidity.
- Comment on Anon wants American companies to make a good RPG 6 months ago:
Yeah that’s like saying “great Nintendo games like Splatoon”. I mean i don’t disagree, it’s an imaginative game, but hello? Mario? Zelda?
- Comment on Switch 2 cartridge format leaked via patent 6 months ago:
These days Nintendo doesn’t really try to compete on performance. The Wii, for instance, was unapologetically what it was. You played relatively low-poly, low-res, low-texture games on it, but you played them, because they were fun and imaginative.
That’s their main thing. Performance comes, like, 4th.
However, this time, they got burned on their own games. Zelda Tears of the Kingdom had pretty obvious performance issues that even the normiest of normies could notice, for instance. And my memory is short but I think that wasn’t the only first-party game where performance was a challenge.
I think this time they’ll care about performance more than last time.
- Comment on Switch 2 cartridge format leaked via patent 6 months ago:
I like it. They could have easily cited the needs of a mobile console and wanting to dedicate every last cubic centimeter to cooling and battery as an excuse to make the next console digital only.
I’m glad they didn’t.
- Comment on Switch 2 cartridge format leaked via patent 6 months ago:
Isn’t the new device based on Nvidia Ampere?
I don’t really know how it’s going to turn out but I’m somewhat optimistic.
- Comment on Anon wants to play a game 6 months ago:
Screws, hammer, sledgehammer
- Comment on Shart, not fart 6 months ago:
Friends, family… Gone!
- Comment on Shart, not fart 6 months ago:
German is cheating!
- Comment on Google sends emails that 100% look like phishing 6 months ago:
I can see why they would want that. They may consider email to be inherently less safe than their platform, so they don’t send any sensitive information there.
Canada’s government stuff also generally works that way, except without any links.
I’m not sure how legit their concerns are, but it’s a thing.
- Comment on What if? 6 months ago:
All right, someone’s gotta play along.
What’s sugma?