- Comment on Thinkpad for the win 2 weeks ago:
I honestly will never understand why people buy macbooks.
- Comment on Anon works from home 3 weeks ago:
This is me rn. I work like 4 hours a week handling all the devops tasks. Boss happy as fuck, colleagues happy they don’t have to do it.
Living the dream rn.
- Comment on Is the pipeline true, fellas? 5 weeks ago:
Certainly, very fancy. Sounds like you’re a really intelligent person if you’re talking to a person that isn’t very smart. Good job bro!
- Comment on Is the pipeline true, fellas? 5 weeks ago:
A lot of fancy words, but all on nonsense.
- Comment on Is the pipeline true, fellas? 5 weeks ago:
Don’t think this has anything to do with men, but with too much money and the power that comes with it.
- Comment on Steam Deck sales drop hard following the Nintendo Switch 2 announcement 2 months ago:
That means nothing. Nintendo and Valve are not in direct competition.
- Comment on Corinne Busche, director of Dragon Ave: The Veilguard, departs BioWare 2 months ago:
Was Morrigan popular when da:o was new? She’s an extremely edgy teenager.
Morrigan has a great character arc where she really opens up, gives witty responses to many things especially if you have alistair in the party and just becomes very likeable later on.
I really don’t think queer stuff needs to be banished from the realm of RPGs.
Never said that it should be. Nobody cares if there are trans people or other queer stuff in games. That kind of stuff already exists and the only people that are mad about it are some rightoids. But I feel like bioware wanted to make a game where one of the “main focusses” lies on trans people issues but just chose the wrong platform for it.
- Comment on Corinne Busche, director of Dragon Ave: The Veilguard, departs BioWare 2 months ago:
They say a character is badly written (B), but really they find the queer subject matter uncomfortable (A)
I think both is true. I said it in another comment, but veilguard is just not the correct environment for this type of character arc. It doesn’t have anything to do with being queer, a pubescent teenager who acts like a dick all the time would be equally annoying. People just don’t want to play with annoying characters.
This topic would be great for a dontnod game that could appropriatly handle that topic - not an RPG.
- Comment on Corinne Busche, director of Dragon Ave: The Veilguard, departs BioWare 2 months ago:
The stuff I got from youtube was full of the veilguard situation which I don’t really consider as “social media”. Starfield was something I noticed far less of, ironically.
- Comment on Corinne Busche, director of Dragon Ave: The Veilguard, departs BioWare 2 months ago:
The writing of Taash, while basic, has a lot in common with folks early in discovering their trans identity. Yeah, it is awkward and uncomfortable.
Maybe it is, idk. Doesn’t really change the fact that the character is absolutely unlikeable. There’s also no real explanation on the “why” - it’s just a disrespectful, rude and arrogant character, and that’s how most people saw that character.
This topic would be great fot a dontnod game in the style of life is strange where the background of the character is represented appropriately so you actually have a chance to understand the character and why these negative character traits exist in the first place.
Veilguard was just the completely wrong platform for this kind of character development.
And the discount could be telling, but (I just looked it up) it was around 29%, which is still $50.
Dunno where you saw that, steamdb ( has it listed on 38.99€ at a 35% discount, which is horrendous for a not even 2 month old release.
- Comment on Corinne Busche, director of Dragon Ave: The Veilguard, departs BioWare 2 months ago:
Everyone I know that has actually played has found it to be quite fun.
Most people I talked to have refunded the game on steam. Nobody really had fun with it, except for one person that was completely new to dragon age.
So the first one can be thrown out
I don’t think so. The writing of Taash was so bad and uncomfortable for the most part that I genuinely didn’t know if they were trying to mock trans-people with this representation. It felt like they were just looking at a terminally online twitter user and modeled the character after that. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that taash is the worst character I’ve ever experienced in a triple A production.
It not a CRPG like Origins
Breaking with an established formula can be a big detriment to a franchise. We saw that with final fantasy, where FFXII was considered pretty bad for most FF fans, me included. The combat just seemed really weird at first. However, the combat got significantly better later on if you have access to more tools, but it takes a while to actually get to that point, so many people were very on the fence about the game.
Veilguard, on the other hand, doesn’t get better. It just stays bad and even confusing at times.
From what I can find it is probably selling fine. Not amazing, not bad, but fine
All time peak on steam is 90k - that’s horrendous. Obviously, that’s not the total sales and it’s also sold on other platforms, so we do not know the real number. However,the game went on discount not even 2 months after release, and a pretty hefty one at that, 35% I think. I don’t think it’s exaggerated to claim that the game didn’t hit 2 million sales yet which would be really bad. We don’t know the budget, but a figure that’s thrown around is 250 million dollar which is not unrealistic for a AAA production.
- Comment on Corinne Busche, director of Dragon Ave: The Veilguard, departs BioWare 2 months ago:
but I haven’t really seen any negative press about it
Are you saying you haven’t heard anything negative about inquisition or veilguard? Because if you heard nothing negative about veilguard, I wonder how offline you’ve been for the past month.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 2 months ago:
Because there are no games made for the PSP anymore.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 2 months ago:
If we compare the prices of two devices, we compare the prices of two devices, not the original factory price and a refurbished price.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 2 months ago:
No but what’s the dumbass comparison lmao
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 2 months ago:
Not an argument, you can also buy refurbished switch for 150 - 200
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 months ago:
… And what is washing you chicken going to do to prevent it? Just cook it through and you won’t ever get salmonella.
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 months ago:
Idk why Americans love that stuff so much … I feel everything that has high fructose corn syrup in it istasting the same
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 months ago:
made me giggle ngl
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 months ago:
Lets be honest it’s not like lemmy is any different, just on the other side of the fence. Probably even worse.
- Comment on Roblox will restrict kids under 13 from chatting outside of games 4 months ago:
Crazy thought, how about parents actually being parents again?
- Comment on Is it okay to continue to work for a (non-defense) federal government agency under an administration hostile to my own moral and ethical beliefs? 4 months ago:
If you’re working for the government, you had no morals and integrity before.
- Comment on Game Freak has been allegedly hacked, with source codes for Pokemon games reportedly leaked 5 months ago:
Nintendo deserves only the worst for killing yuzu and ryujinx
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 5 months ago:
Why not just eradicate them? Genuine question. I don’t think they serve any purpose in nature and are just pissing off every living being.
- Comment on California voters to consider raising minimum wage to $18 with Proposition 32 5 months ago:
While lower salaries would decrease the amount of financial pressure on companies and could lead to more competitivepricesz, I don’t think that that would be the correct avenue to walk down no.
I think the only real solution to that is to break up mega corporations and try to fund and subsidize local businesses.
Capitalism has been a blessing for everyone, even those clowns on or other clown instances, but when globalization hit, it went downhill. Trying to promote local businesses again would - at least in my opinion - better the entire system, from wages to prices to work conditions.
- Comment on California voters to consider raising minimum wage to $18 with Proposition 32 5 months ago:
Because minimum wages cause significant cost for companies, which they are forced to pay by law.
High salaries are not mandatory and if a company can’t afford it, they don’t pay that much.
- Comment on California voters to consider raising minimum wage to $18 with Proposition 32 5 months ago:
Dunno why you’d think that solves the problem
- Comment on California voters to consider raising minimum wage to $18 with Proposition 32 5 months ago:
The problem with minimum wages is that they also drive up prices over time. This is a bandaid to a much bigger problem.
- Comment on Games industry layoffs not the result of corporate greed and those affected should "drive an Uber", says ex-Sony president 6 months ago:
Every time some dumbass C- Suite moron opens bis mouth, I think what you just said.
- Comment on Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way 8 months ago:
Local send.
You’re welcome