- Comment on Can I consider myself bi or should I just say straight if I want to date women but just can’t find any that attract me? 2 days ago:
Is it sapiosexual where you are only attracted to people you have a strong emotional connection to?
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
These are the people who then say that if you gain weight it is because you are lazy or weak willed. Really it is 99% hormones and only 1% strength of character.
- Comment on Job related: Am I being stupid? 1 week ago:
Is there already path that let’s you pursue a more advanced degree?
- Comment on Anon achieves optimal testosterone 3 weeks ago:
After that article the other day about caffeine in hand lotion, I’m now surprised they don’t put nicotine in hand lotion.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Or maybe it is where you go to find cocks. IDK.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Because cocks like hens.
- Comment on Anon is 33 4 weeks ago:
It sounds like you’d be comfortable in prison. There is probably a Luigi to-do list somewhere you could pick a name from and then arrange to join him in a neighboring cell.
- Comment on How rare is it for people to live without anger? 1 month ago:
I’ve been arguing for years that you cannot find world peace until everyone finds inner peace. There are many practices you can follow to quell that inner turmoil. I think most people aren’t even aware of how unbalanced and unsettled they are and instead blame external forces outside of their control. I feel like it has gotten worse in recent years. I have no idea how to steer others out of their inner chaos. Religion, mindfulness, music, pharmaceuticals, sex, the outdoors, sailing, stargazing, pottery wheels - there are many ways. Social media and TV do not usually help.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Even if you aren’t storing it, if you allow unlimited length someone will break your stuff.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
If you allow unlimited length inputs of any kind, someone will break your system. 11 is way too short. But you do need some sort of maximum, even if it is very large.
- Comment on Is there as much enthusiasm for Trump online today as eight years ago? 3 months ago:
Here in a red state, when I venture into the real world, I still see Trump flags everywhere. Much more so than I recall in 2016. They definitely have upped their merchandise game. On the other hand I see many more Harris/Walz signs than I ever saw in support of Clinton. When I talk to people I get much more passion about Harris than I ever heard about Clinton or Biden. It is more akin to Obama’s first term, if not even more intense. This time around Trump is vehemently disliked. During Trump’s first campaign he was a disruptor and there was a lot of curiosity about what that meant. That has been replaced with fear and hatred. My few remaining social media friends who support Trump seem to do so from a religious point of view. Somehow they see him as more godly.
- Comment on if you quit a job you didn't like or was toxic, didn't the financial hit scare you? 4 months ago:
Toxic jobs really take a toll on your health, especially if you feel trapped in them. Looking for a new job is really a full time job on itself, it can be hard to do so while already working a full time job. If you feel your job is toxic you should start looking for something new right away - whether you’ve given notice or not. I’ve ended up in the hospital twice from the toll toxic jobs that I felt trapped in took on me. Another thing you can consider is diversifying your income. Ie, a “side hustle”. If you have more than one income stream you won’t be quite as trapped. You also will have something to help buffer the transition between your real jobs.
- Comment on Vance Says He Will Keep Calling Haitians Legally in Springfield ‘Illegal’ 5 months ago:
“Illegal” is the new euphemism for “black”.
- Comment on How do I alleviate bitterness due to lack of intimacy? 5 months ago:
Most people’s body will change as they age. I haven’t met many who don’t age or never get injured or both. Selecting a partner primarily based on their current appearance means you are using criteria suitable only for short term relationships.
- Comment on Hail our true supreme leader 6 months ago:
That and his hands do not look like old man hands.