- Comment on Does the beginning of "Money for Nothing" remind you of "Shine on you crazy diamond?" 5 days ago:
Thanks for the recommendation
- Comment on World travelers 5 days ago:
Even the Columbia part is weird. Should have been “present-day Columbia” or similar.
- Comment on World travelers 5 days ago:
Someone in this thread needs to say who austronesians are
- Submitted 5 days ago to [deleted] | 7 comments
- Comment on What are some slow acting poisons? 5 days ago:
I’ve heard something about writers writing about guns – if you describe a specific gun they’ll come at you for being wrong, but if you say something like “a modified Kalashnikov” you’re conveying the image you want, and the nerds will do the work for you in figuring out how it could have been modified.
- Comment on Why do we even do mens vs womens sizes for clothes? 5 days ago:
It’s a shortcut for measurements.
It’s easier to shop “Men’s L” or 32x32 pants than remember a lot of measurements.
I think it’s different if you want your clothes to fit a specific way, but for my shopping I want to minimize the time spent shopping and get “good enough”.
- Comment on I have tried to look it up but has Trump done anything to combat Internet Piracy? Asking for a friend. Like going as far as Obama did? 5 days ago:
Well he is waging a war on artists like with taking control of the Kennedy center and oppressing trans folks (at the moment) so you could say he’s combatting media piracy by attacking the artists that make stuff you can share online.
- Comment on What's this thing? 5 days ago:
This is a screenshot from Half-Life: Black Mesa.
- Comment on Should artist be allowed to use AI vocals if producers don't play actually Instruments? 5 days ago:
It works well as a novelty - and when the AI is clearly credited in the song title, like (Boy’s a Liar Biden & Obama version). P.S. can you believe this is from 1 year ago and not like 5?
- Comment on Who's fastest, Sonic or The Flash? 5 days ago:
Gotta go fast
- Comment on Why there are few video games with a lot of mythological pantheons? 5 days ago:
Hard to do Hindu gods because they’re still worshipped today.
- Comment on would you use downtime at a new workplace to learn? (nursing) 1 week ago:
In all the jobs I’ve ever worked, “downtime” is something that happens because we’re all human and can’t work at 100% all the time, but something that doesn’t exist on paper.
Besides the union-won legal breaks like a 30 minute meal break and two 15 minute breaks, there is always something you could be doing that’s work related.
But there are unspoken norms among workers like “even though we could be doing X, nothing that bad is likely to happen if we don’t” and a constant push and pull been management and staff between working and downtime vs always working. Supervisors don’t want to pressure their reportees to do busy work unless they have some incentive to do so, etc.
This is where the social dimension comes in which is so complicated. People that are generally liked can get away with taking downtime because they have a good reputation. Usually they keep that reputation by making sure the important work gets done, being reliable, caring about quality, or whatever. But if somebody new or unpopular seems to be “slacking off,” they don’t have that reputation to protect them.
I am not that good at being well-liked by my colleagues, but I try. I care about most of them and try to get along so we all have an enjoyable day and keep things running.
From your post, I’m inferring that people looked down on you because you were reading at work when there was downtime. Maybe there is a social expectation to not read, but instead be social with your co-workers. I don’t know if that’s true. That sounds exhausting to me, but I’ve done things like that to try and fit in and make work friends. Maybe when people know you better, they won’t mind if you excuse yourself and say, I’d like to catch up on reading these journal articles or whatever.
Sorry if any of this is obvious. It wasn’t to me and I’m still trying to figure it out. Your current coworkers sound like jerks, but that doctor sounds great, and I hope you can find a good match of workplace soon.
- Comment on Acetone: A Thread 1 week ago:
Y’all have a sink in your flame hood? We just had waste bottles.
- Comment on Would it be a bad idea to show up at a protest outside a Tesla dealership with a sign that says "Deny Musk, Defund Doge, Depose Trump"? 1 week ago:
They are saying the bastard cops will not like it
- Comment on Would it be a bad idea to show up at a protest outside a Tesla dealership with a sign that says "Deny Musk, Defund Doge, Depose Trump"? 1 week ago:
Dodge, Dip, Duck! ~(Dive & Dodge)~
- Comment on Will We See Restrucutred UN in Near Future? 1 week ago:
Not sure how to convince a sovereign power to give up its power over others without war, any suggestions?
- Comment on Moon Worshippers 1 week ago:
- Comment on Do zinc tablets and toothpaste counteract each other in the mouth? 1 week ago:
Specifically this form of zinc is not harmful to ingest in small doses. It may cause sight stomach upset, but seems to counteract viruses in the throat.
There was an inhalation version but it is no longer recommended because it causes loss of smell for some people.
- Submitted 1 week ago to [deleted] | 5 comments
- Comment on Is there any negative consequence to wearing socks inside out? 1 week ago:
They’re more comfortable, and it’s easier to wiggle your toes inside of the shoe if it has enough space – your toes are less smooshed and easier to spread out than in regular socks.
- Comment on Is there any negative consequence to wearing socks inside out? 1 week ago:
It doesn’t work that well, but you can.
First you have to push it down from the ankle onto the mid foot, then you can pull it off each toe one at a time.
- Comment on Is there any negative consequence to wearing socks inside out? 1 week ago:
You can’t tell they’re toe socks because the toes are inside the shoe.
- Submitted 1 week ago to [deleted] | 22 comments
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
It’s got an element of truth but they’re still the butt of a joke
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
I don’t think it’s that funny, just a sad defense for not being able to recognize that someone belongs at the conference instead of among the customer service staff.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
That sounds like it was for her specifically in the first use
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
I heard a joke once that a physical chemistry experiment will have 1000 data points per trend line; I organic chemistry will have 10 data points, and biochem will have 2 data points.
I bet to biochemists it’s very insulting. Back to the comment in the anti-acknowledgements, that was insulting without even being funny.
I like the ones that are symmetrical, like math thinks that physics is easy, and physics things that math is too unreal (I don’t remember the jokes)
- Comment on cherry pickers 1 week ago:
The picture of the orchard had fooled me.
- Comment on cherry pickers 1 week ago:
I’ve never picked cherries but I have pruned persimmon trees and I am skeptical that anti vaxxers would excel at any kind of agricultural work
- Comment on 2 weeks ago:
As a longtime Linux user who unfortunately daily drives Windows, this is my main gripe. Windows has killer apps.