- Comment on Extract from the book son picked out for our family's book club (March)... 1 week ago:
- Comment on Am I the only one? 2 weeks ago:
He got a transplant after 100 days, according to the article. This was just to keep him alive until he was able to receive it. theguardian.com/…/australian-man-survives-100-day…
- Comment on Celebrating my 1000th comment. Here is a shitpost. 3 weeks ago:
Free as in freedom, not as in beer.
- Comment on Alcohol solves problems, water creates them. 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Stop touching your stuff! 4 weeks ago:
Bloodhail by Have A Nice Life?
“Faces sweaty, arms and legs, what a glorious set of stairs we make” 😉
- Comment on Birbs 1 month ago:
I also enjoy:
- Comment on Whoever refuted it, pooted it 2 months ago:
Y’know what’s worse? Rebuttal doesn’t always rhyme with butthole. It doesn’t in my “version” of English (though it’s close enough to an imperfect rhyme to slip by)
- Comment on It's Anon's birthday 2 months ago:
I (non-american but western country) had “large” parties way back in primary school (around 5 to 10 y.o.), because at that point everyone was just little kids and so there were no cliques or anything like that, so it would be impolite not to invite your whole class - but after that point no, it would usually be like 5 people at maximum for a bit of a chill hangout.
- Comment on Water addiction 2 months ago:
Obligatory link to The Viscous Cycle
- Comment on Annihilation 2 months ago:
Misread that as “Gandalf” and spent a solid minute trying to figure out if Sauron, Saruman, Gollum, or indeed Frodo was the twink :/
- Comment on Anon makes weed eggs 3 months ago:
He does not like them, Sam-I-Am
- Comment on $1K a month is a good deal 3 months ago:
TIL the French are paying a lot more tax than me - but also their health system is Definitely better than my country, so that tracks. That said, your income there is a little bit higher the average French income is only about 43,000€. Pressing the “median wage” button on that link you provided rounds out to only 280€ per month that go to public health care. What I’ve really learnt from this is that I want to move to France now… If only I could get over having to speak French.
- Comment on $1K a month is a good deal 3 months ago:
we do pay a Medicare levy in our taxes but it’s nothing like USA costs
I was thinking about this too - the American monthly health insurance cost is significantly more than my entire monthly tax contribution, including the public healthcare contributions - and I’m not even “low income” by any definition.
- Comment on $1K a month is a good deal 3 months ago:
Wait American health insurance costs THAT MUCH? And then you have to pay MORE to use it? I’d been imagining a few hundred dollars p.m. and still thinking “that’s too much”. How is there anyone in your country who believes that public health could cost more than that?
You guys need serious help, I’m so sorry.
I have a medical treatment coming up that I’d thought was rather expensive, but after learning that it costs the same as 2 months of terrible medical cover in the USA I feel a bit better about it…
- Comment on The last thing Brian Thompson saw before he died 3 months ago:
Prime suspect, arrested very recently is named Luigi Mangione
- Comment on pronouns 3 months ago:
Looking through that table, it’s kind of crazy how close many of those are to modern English words
- Comment on Interview: Nana Visitor Sees Inspiration In Star Trek’s New Era And A Better Future For Women In Hollywood 4 months ago:
Were she not a great actress, she could have a promising career as a home-visit aged-care nurse.
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 5 months ago:
Blessica Blimpson picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream
- Comment on I'm a reasonably well educated human living on Earth. What's to stop me from replicating starship parts until I can make my own Starfleet? 5 months ago:
The Laws of Thermodynamics say you will always lose some energy to heat when energy is used to affect a change. I have to imagine this would be particularly so when energy is converted to matter since that’s very involved, but I’m not a physicist so I can’t confirm that.
Come to think of it, this means that industrial replication plants and shipyards would likely be incredibly hot places, due to the inevitable loss to heat in replicating massive components.
- Comment on How do you even post that much 5 months ago:
Everyone knows that there is know known defence against The_Picard_Manoeuvre
- Comment on Piss™ 5 months ago:
- Comment on Celery 8 months ago:
I feel like you’re viewing this from the wrong angle, or at very least we’re viewing it from different angles. You seem to be doing a binary classification (Is this plant edible) rather than a group classification (what plant is this?) where edibility is an attribute of the plant to be returned to the user (yes; no; when green; only the roots; etc.) - the latter is the approach most of these apps take, classify the image into a species (or list of potential species) then give the user details such as identifying features, common growing areas, edibility, and lookalikes. You’re right about softmax, it’s been a couple of years since I’ve done the programming side of this so my terminology is a bit rusty.
- Comment on Celery 8 months ago:
This is blatantly false. Classification tasks like this all have a level of certainty for each possible category - it’s just up to the person writing the software to interpret those levels of certainty in a way that’s useful to the user. Whether this is saying “I don’t know” when the certainties are too spread out, or providing a list of options like other people in this thread have said their apps do. The problem is that “100% certainty” comes off well with the general public, so there’s a financial incentive to make the system seem more certain than it is by using a layer (from memory it’s called Softmax?) that will return only the category with the highest degree of certainty.
- Comment on Beetle Bros 9 months ago:
Paul, John, George, and Ringo were 4 friends, and they were all Beatles, so I think they might have skewed this data a little?
- Comment on ABC and Australian news outlets are in the crosshairs of a pro-Russian influence operation 9 months ago:
Big ups to the ABC for reporting this even when their being a target might damage their credibility. I know it’s their job, but man modern news outlets have set the bar so low.