- Comment on Anon questions the KKK 4 weeks ago:
I don’t know much about it but I assume it would be any texts white washing history. As an example I grew up in the south and learned about John Brown and Harriet Tubman with basically facts that can be regurgitated. Nothing diving into the day-to-day hardships and anything sounding too sympathetic.
The rationale for the civil war was white washed to “state’s rights” and specifically “slavery wasn’t the major cause”. For 'what" state’s rights obviously due to economic ones because the north was purposely attempting to keep the south down.
Another example was that slaves had a better life as slaves and many came back! The ‘silent racism’ of the North was even worse than the South’s violent racism because in the South they could live (in slavery) while on the North they will be destitute and invisible.
The point being, if it’s attempting to redo that, then it is the overall message and subtext of the curriculum.
- Comment on USA Air Force issues new guide regarding acceptable phrases to be used when on duty 2 months ago:
A) it’s fake. The specific squadron would be called out explicitly on that memoradum. Paragraph 1 would definitely have to referenced at least 3 AFIs and paragraph 2 would have definitely (especially being an SFS Memo) disclosed punishment via the UCMJ.
B) that copy paste memo indicates it is from a local security forces commander and definitely not the USAF.
I know it’s supposed to be a joke but I figure I’d note the amount of fakery here since there’s always this kind of mythos that lives a long life.
Everything from the supposed sanctioned DOD standard of 7 wipes of a disk (never was a thing – The Orange Book/NISPOM on e referenced a study by Gutmann in the 90s), that basically training issues stress cards to trainees (been a rumor as if fact since the early aughts and I’m sure earlier), that’s there’s a single bullet and 9mm gun at the top of the flag pole at base command, that the Etherbunny was a thing that happened to a friend’s roommate, that the country will take care of you after you serve and perhaps worst of all – Marines don’t literally eat crayons and it is just a joke.
- Comment on Sure, WSJ. Next do an article on Selection Bias 2 months ago:
I was born after 1980. It isn’t definitely generation x because the definition has changed since millennials were called generation y/why. So a person born in 1981 would have been 28 years old in 2009. It doesn’t change anything.
- Comment on Sure, WSJ. Next do an article on Selection Bias 2 months ago:
If millinial births start in 1980 then a millinial could have been 39 in 2009.
- Comment on Sure, WSJ. Next do an article on Selection Bias 2 months ago:
I bought my house in 2009 and I was really lucky because I wouldn’t have been able to afford one precrash. It was actually cheaper to have a mortgage on a house than rent in many 2 bedroom 800 sq. Ft. apartments in my area. Cheaper than some 1 bedrooms in certain areas around here.
For a few years after 2008 interest rates and prices were low enough much more affordable than now.
My situation then is not the situation most millennials find themselves in just a few short years after and certainly not now, especially since I’m an old ass millinial.
I make 6 times what I did when I bought my house and my means is roughly the same plus a car payment basically. My house is worth much much more than what I mortgaged.
A million back then could have given you a lot, lot more structure and a lot more land. Now it’ll get you around a 2700 sq. ft. house on an 8th of an acre in a neighborhood in my area. Less than an hour down the road you’ll get a shitbox in the hood.
This article is just full of so much shit relative to the normal person. But then that’s not the target audience. It’s just there so Gen Xers and Boomers will continue to subscribe and just drives the “if millinial weren’t stupid and lazy they’d have the same opportunities as we did.” propaganda.
- Comment on Good to see AAFES looking out for my health 2 months ago:
Your lungs can aspirate both Pg and Vg (derived from vegetables). It is misleading in my opinion to call them oil in an effort to make them sound dangerous. Pg is not petroleum and has been considered safe by the medical community since before vaping was a thing.
What makes it an oil? Viscosity? What’s the viscosity that makes a liquid an oil? You inhale water as steam but that doesn’t make water an oil.
You can call it an oil in general but just like when someone refers to electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) as electromagnetic radiation (EMR) I already know they are very likely to fear monger about it because it sounds scarier.
- Comment on Big Penny! 5 months ago:
They won’t because there is an old sewer main that runs underneath and according to the town is prohibitively expensive to reconcile all of that with the bridge lowering.
The rail line won’t increase the height anymore because then it will cause a hump in the train tracks there.
- Comment on Why would someone desite a pension instead of a 401k? 5 months ago:
It isn’t going to be one or the other (if they don’t offer a 401k, then you can use IRAs), unless you just make a bad choice. An employer can contribute to a 401k and also provide a pension (mine used to but I’ve been around long enough that I get both the pension and 401k with matching) but if I had a choice, I could pick a pension for example but also put money into an IRA for retirement that would normally go to a 401k.
If you absolutely had to pick one, it isn’t going to be the same answer for everyone. Amounts, what you’re able to contribute, matching, risks and tax situations are going to vary from person to person and their employer.
As far as controlling your money, some 401k’s allow some extra control, some don’t but most have a middle ground except for their company stock which you can usually directly buy. If you’re 401k allows general different ‘markets’ and/or ‘lifecycle’ buckets (they get more conservative on investment risk the closer you get to your retirement age) is, at the end of the day, all controlled by a broker and they are making the actual decision as to what to invest and how. Some plans may allow you to invest into individual stocks through the 401k’s brokerage though.
At the end of the day though, if all you had was a pension offered which you aren’t going to be contributing your income to, then you should invest in some sort of retirement plan yourself, be it an IRA, money market, bonds, CDs or whatever.
- Comment on Why are doctors so hands off and unhelpful in the USA? 5 months ago:
They can spend as much time as they want with the patient. The insurance simply caps how much is billable.
- Comment on I'm just a kid and life is nightmare... I know its not fair 5 months ago:
Yeah good point. I’m definitely guilty of looking at it through an NA centric lens on my post. Thanks for the perspective.
- Comment on I'm just a kid and life is nightmare... I know its not fair 5 months ago:
I doubt this happened because of busses that’d leave or parents wondering where the hell their kids are while they are waiting.
I doubt a private school would put up with a consistent disruptive student or with a teacher losing control of a class so bad that they keep everyone behind while also having to deal with angry paying parents.
- Comment on Veggitale facts 5 months ago:
Confirmed, VeggieTales is anti-2A.
- Comment on Reddit Undeleted all my posts and comments 6 months ago:
Like I said if they change their policy (even for a user) and allow someone else to use it, it is better than having all of your identifying information tied together under a username.
- Comment on Reddit Undeleted all my posts and comments 6 months ago:
You should delete your account. It can’t be used again on Reddit (unless they change their policy). If you’re worried about being identified, then it’s better to just delete the account anyway than the alternative.
- Comment on Mandalorian 6 months ago:
I did some digging and it seems like the family’s suit should actually be against the pub that was renting the in-park space from Disney. It’s just unfortunate that the prevalence of corporate propaganda in news media
He is suing both Disney and the pub. The pub obviously because they were negligent and Disney because it is in Disney World. It is up to the court to decide how much liability Disney should have vs. the pub, if any.
I doubt Disney would be able to successfully argue that just because the restaurant is leasing space in Disney World that they have zero liability but that’s up to the court.
- Comment on Ah sweet! 6 months ago:
Then you have your starter meat and can start the age old tradition of passing it down from generation to generation so that they can keep making You Steaks forever.
“My great-great grandpa/ma sure is delicious!”
- Comment on The problem with sleeper ships 6 months ago:
Well if you want to hand wave stuff for a story, sure. The issue with the beacon is a few fold though. So, let’s say they use something close to the speed of light to communicate like a laser and there happens to be no obstructions and the beam is so narrow and powerful it just works. Being even a few light years away just isn’t accurate enough to know exactly where something is going to be in space. Sure, if it travels in an exact straight line (so it’s not near any massive bodies) there’s likely to be some sort of drift, even slightly angular. That’s going to translate into likely at least kilometers in the 10k range between the time it takes the data to be known vs. how many years have already passed from that last bit of data.
Sure though, take away any need for inertia or fuel and yeah, they can just stop somewhere, figure it out and go again and grab it or better yet there’s just some technobabble thing that can instantaneously keep Sol updated in near real-time but also the ship coming to get it. That’s just plot devices for a story though and an author can hand wave away anything they want, so there’s no need to say that if we just talked about a problem in advance, we would just figure it out and make it happen because that only needs to be done in some made-up fantasy if that’s what the author wants to do.
- Comment on The problem with sleeper ships 6 months ago:
How would a space beacon be detected by an FTL ship? Unless there’s some sort of weird quantum entanglement communication with some paired exotic material, whatever data (probably a waveform of some type) would be so fractional it is unlikely to be useful or even detectable.
But on top of that, if we still contend with inertia, a ship has to slow down precisely to the velocity of the slower ship or do it multiple times to detect it somewhere and then speed back up again.
But then, we’d also have to figure out why the resources are even worth it to spend and weigh the chances of success and the risks of failure.
Unless the problem is arbitrary for everything involved it is doubtful that regardless of what the future holds for technology that we just wouldn’t pick up the other ship/passengers.
- Comment on Anon goes on a date 7 months ago:
“There are good people on both sides” when the date brings up Charlottesville.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Huh. I’m pretty sure I heard about this happening. It was 1994/5 I want to say.
- Comment on Anon tells their life story 8 months ago:
If it was around the time of 9/11, in the US military, we had a bunch of people wanting to sign up and be all patriotic. We didn’t really have a people problem in OIF/OEF but unfortunately for the Army they had a budget problem. There were equipment shortages for stuff like the armor inserts for the PASGTs and the like. Marines always have a shortage of everything but now they really needed it.
Support the Troops was really Support the Defense Contractor contracts.
Also, I’d like to let everyone know the US is all Support the Troops but Fuck the Vets. I don’t give a shit about one free bland meal at Golden Corral a year and $3 off of a $30 pizza. We need better VA services, we need the VA to be able to ‘recognize’ a lot more of service connected problems with an infrastructure to take care of it.
- Comment on Anon tells their life story 8 months ago:
AKA “I’m not social with anyone and try to keep my distance away from everyone. Why won’t anyone even talk to me?”
- Comment on Believe what you see, not what you’re told 9 months ago:
If he didn’t have an unfiltered public forum, people would probably still think that he is some eccentric genius.