- Comment on Anon hates smartphones 2 months ago:
I don’t think capitalism/communism is a binary thing. I think (hope at least) there are more options.
I also think that the problem with smartphones is that they are designed to get you “hooked”. The companies doing that are hoping to influence your behaviour so you will buy more of your stuff. And because we live in a society where capitalism is seen as holy and just, we let them.
I think we don’t really have a free choice anymore. Companies know how to always win, they are too good at influencing through advertisement and design choices. And without actual free choice capitalism does not work. Anyone telling you that we have a free choice to not buy a product or to not use a smartphone, lies. A choice is not free if companies can and do spend millions of dollars to influence my choice.
Also, capitalism requires a free market to function. But a true free market will always end in a monopoly, because the biggest company can always buy the other smaller companies, again breaking the free market. So there is a catch-22 problem in the system.
TL;DR - Capitalism is slavery, except if you are the CEO.
- Comment on Anon hates smartphones 3 months ago:
You don’t hate smartphones; you hate capitalism.
- Comment on Anon hates smartphones 3 months ago:
- Comment on Anon makes weed eggs 3 months ago:
I just make warm chocolate milk, let the weed stay in there for a bit while heating up, then strain and enjoy. I quite like the grassy undertone in the milk.
- Comment on The European mind can't comprehend 3 months ago:
I’m happy to live in a developed country when I see this. Enjoying it while it lasts.
- Comment on That's right! 3 months ago:
Exclusivity in a romantic relationship is a social construct. Look into ENM. It might not fit you or it just might.
- Comment on Being an already decided voter in a swing state is swell 4 months ago:
“American democracy”
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
My point is that there is no real way to explain what “vegan” really is, since it means different things to different people and all of these people have the best intentions.
So my point actually is, instead of focussing on what to call “vegan” and what not, the discussion should be about bees.
For instance, do they care if you take their honey? Are they harmed? And should I care about whether they are harmed?
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
True. Though marketing is a cancer in itself. But I guess that’s a different discussion 😬
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
Stupid discussion. It does not matter whether something is in the box “vegan”. Ask yourself why you would or would not eat something. If you don’t want to eat(/drink) dairy because of the way the animals that produce the dairy are treated, would you be ok when they are treated differently? Are bees treated in the same way? Does it matter if you treat them in this way? Those should be your questions, not “does it belong in this box?”.
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
Indeed, instead of what they need. It’s like only giving sugar to your kid to eat instead of vegetables, because that’s what they “want”. Oh wait that’s actually what happens as well
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
People like to read those stories because it gives them hope it also happens to them. Media print stories that you want to read, that’s how they make money.
Other stories people like to read: how to world is going to shit (evolutionairy important to prepare to survive), what someone that’s familiar to you did (evolutionary important to be social to work together to survive), stories about how someone else did something stupid (complaining about that toghether gives yoh a sense of belonging) and stories about how a pet cat was retrieved (tickling that instinct to care for others again).
As you can see, media is looking for stories that tickle your most basic insticts and needs, because they know that’s what you will be interested in, making you read their stories so they can make more money.
Welcome to capitalism, you are the product.
- Comment on What are the pros and cons to buying a smart watch from temu? 5 months ago:
For me:
- It tells time and is always correct, also during daylight saving season
- It tells the weather forecast, I check it before leaving my house.
- I like that the alarm wakes me up with vibration mode, but not my partner (yes I wear my watch at night, but around my ankle, pro-tip)
- I like to easily read important notifications (I am quite strict in what it does show, so only texts from important people, my calendar and like bank notifications get through). Added benefit is that I don’t get distracted with other stuff because I don’t open my phone.
- I often lose my phone, my watch is able to find it.
- I use my watch to get simple navigation option when I go running/inline skating in an area I don’t know yet. Works better than the phone because I don’t have to hold the phone in my hand.
- I set it up so my partner can see where I’m at. When I see a notification from them asking where I am I can easily (and safily) start the tracking without having to pull out my phone.
- It tracks my heartrate, so I can do heartrate based training.
So is it really necessary? No obviously not, I will survive without it, but I do like it a lot and would miss it of it wasn’t there. But that’s how it is for me, that does not mean it will be the same for you.
- Comment on What are the pros and cons to buying a smart watch from temu? 5 months ago:
You’ll be probably be happier with a higher quality watch than with one that barely works. I would not recommend going for an option because it’s cheap, instead go for the one that’s good enough for you needs.
No need to buy the same one as I did, but I have been very happy with my “not the cheapest, not the most expensive”-garmin watch for years. It is reliable, does what i need it to do and is not so expensive that i am afraid of breaking it for instance. I did need to make choices to be able to get it, i could not spend that money on other things, but that only made me feel better when I got it.
More on topic: it’s easy to find accesoires/replacement parts for my watch, it’s easier to get it repaired, both at garmin as well as a local shop, the software has a lot of integration option with other software (strava, komoot, etc.) and i can download apps and watch faces other people with the same watch built and i can be sure my alarm goes off in the morning. I don’t expect the temu watch to have these things. For me it was worth to pay a bit more. Sidenote: I did get a screen protector for my watch from AliExpress, so apparently I’m not against that 😏
- Comment on Where do you even meet people anymore? 6 months ago:
In my country it’s possible to join clubs, for instance for a sport you like. I also like it as a way to meet new people because there is time to talk but also an activity to avoid awkward silences.
- Comment on Why are vegan and gluten free items more expensive? 7 months ago:
Because they can
- Comment on CSS adds vertical centering in 2024 7 months ago:
There goes my best job interview question I like to ask applicants for a front-end position
- Comment on pringles 7 months ago:
And I still don’t like the shape. I can’t bite in it properly.
- Comment on First overseas trip with my girlfriend – Any tips to make It our best trip? 8 months ago:
In the army they say: “No plan survives first contact with the enemy” I believe, right? I think the same counts for trips abroad. You’ll probably get sick in the first days because of all thr built up stress preparing for it, you will forget something “important” when leaving the airplane, the museum you really wanted to see might be closed that week because of renovations, etc.
What I remember most from my trips are those cafes you stumble upon that afternoon you did not plan anything, that sunset on the edge of the river while walking back to the place you’re staying and the best souvenir is that painting you bought from that friendly guy at that market you came across. So, try to take it slow.
More practical tips: try to follow the local schedule. For instance, in Spain don’t try to eat dinner before 21:00 and in France don’t try to go shopping during lunchtime.
Also, take some emergency food for when you cannot find a nice place to eat that still has a spot for two but you are getting really hangry. A bar of some sorts for instance.
And take pictures, but don’t experience everything through your lense. Also, imagine what you would actually like to view when back home. I only take pictures with people on them and not in any tourist hotspots; I can find enough pictures of those online already.
- Comment on Minimum ! 9 months ago:
Maybe it’s the first way to filter applicants? Smort!