- Comment on What is the name of the sexuality of being into the opposite gender and willing to date the same gender but not finding anyone of the same gender attractive? 7 hours ago:
I’m panromantic, but attracted to men, however I only date women. My partner is a woman :)
- Comment on What is the name of the sexuality of being into the opposite gender and willing to date the same gender but not finding anyone of the same gender attractive? 23 hours ago:
I’m not the OP, but their question was pretty much describing me.
For me, it’s about intimacy. I value intimacy. Hugging, kissing, touching, holding hands, sharing moments, laying on the couch together watching TV etc. Those are things that I don’t do with my friends, and aren’t things that I’m looking for from my friends.
Asexual folk have developed language that talks about the way they navigate similar situations. Sex averse, sex neutral and sex positive. So even though I’m not ace, the terms apply in a similar way to my relationships. Using these terms, I would describe myself as sex neutral. Which is to say that I don’t seek it out, and I don’t miss it. Yet, it’s also a very strong form of intimacy, which I value a great deal, and as an expression of intimacy, it’s very much something I’m happy to share with my partner.
- Comment on What is the name of the sexuality of being into the opposite gender and willing to date the same gender but not finding anyone of the same gender attractive? 23 hours ago:
That’s pretty much me. I don’t really have a name for it. I just call myself queer, or sometimes panromantic.
- Comment on Why doesn't phones numbers have a "DNS" servet so we can just type in words like we do with the internet? 2 weeks ago:
Like a phone book?
- Comment on What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS? 2 weeks ago:
It used to be 60Hz. Then I played at 144Hz. The change in responsiveness of the mouse converted me
- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 2 weeks ago:
No p zombies here!
- Comment on Meaning/implication of “you don’t have to do this” in this context? 2 weeks ago:
It means that the person you are talking to believes that you’re just making polite conversation because you’re uncomfortable with silence. They are letting you know that they would prefer you didn’t make conversation, because they prefer silence to idle chatter.
- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 2 weeks ago:
I have very good spatial awareness, but it’s non visual. I can navigate my way mentally through a spaxe and “feel” where the walls are without seeing them. I have a sense of how big something is compared to something else and where they are relative to each other in space, but all non visually.
And I can rotate objects in my mind and change my perspective around them, but all without any visual elements.
I can sense the mental cube, but I can’t see it. It has no colour, no texture etc. Imagine a sort of mental bat sonar?
- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 2 weeks ago:
No, I don’t get a sense of awe or beauty from reading things. I can appreciate when the folks I’m reading about experience those emotions, but I don’t feel them, because there is nothing to inspire them in me.
Which is why I tend to prefer books that go in to more depth about what people are thinking and feeling than books that go in to lots of visual detail
- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 2 weeks ago:
The words have no sound. No volume, no pitch. They’re word ideas not words. I don’t hear anything, I just understand the words.
- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 2 weeks ago:
I can think of words, I just don’t think I’m words. And when I think of a word I can run them together in a sentence. But they have no “sound”. They don’t have volume or pitch, they don’t sound like anyone, they’re just the idea of words. And because the words are after the fact, they don’t exist without me willing them in to existence. So no monologue in the way people describe it, and the idea of a conversation in my head doesn’t make sense. It would be more like writing a script for a conversation
- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 2 weeks ago:
Like most folk with aphantasia, I thought that people talking about “seeing things in their imagination” were just being dramatic and using common language. It never occurred to me that they could genuinely see things in their minds. And the whole thing where people would be upset when a character in a TV show or movie didn’t look like how they’d imagined they would look, never made sense to me. And shows where people could recall the details of peoples faces for police sketch artists…
Basically, moments like that started adding up over my life, and then about 10 years ago, I read an article from someone who had discovered they had aphantasia through a similar path, and it all just fell in to place.
- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 2 weeks ago:
I have aphantasia and no internal monologue, and a side benefit of that is that intrusive thoughts aren’t really a thing
- Comment on How to mute posts containing certain keywords on Lemmy? 3 weeks ago:
I know tesseract (an alternative front end) does. And I know that I’ve used mobile apps with that functionality before, but honestly, I don’t remember which ones had the feature and which ones didn’t, because I never used the feature, and these days, I even use tesseract on my phone.
- Comment on How to mute posts containing certain keywords on Lemmy? 3 weeks ago:
There are 3rd party apps and alternative Web front ends with that ability
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Some people are academically gifted. Your flatmates experience was similar to mine, except as well as acing the exams, I failed the written piece assignments that I couldn’t just throw together the day before they were due.
- Comment on Do you need to adjust your speedometer if you change the size of your tires? 4 weeks ago:
I had to when I changed the tyres on my ebike. The slick tyres were smaller diameter than the chunky off road fat tyres I had on there, and I had to tell it the new diameter so that it could correctly determine my speed.
- Comment on Forza Horizon 5 will be coming to PS5. Likely other xbox exclusives will too. 4 weeks ago:
For the most part, VR is a toy at this point. Interesting, but not compelling. The single exception I would say though, where it is genuinely transformational to gameplay rather than just gimmicky, is car/racing simulators and games. Most things, I can take or leave VR. But I can never play a racing sim again if it doesn’t have VR. But, even if it doesn’t come to Forza, it’s no big loss, as there are plenty of VR enabled alternatives out there (though mostly on PC to be fair)
- Comment on Forza Horizon 5 will be coming to PS5. Likely other xbox exclusives will too. 4 weeks ago:
I own Forza 5 on the Xbox, and GT7 on my PS5. Historically, I’ve preferred the Xbox over the Playstation, but my experience on GT7 with VR on the PS5 basically killed Forza 5 and the Xbox for me.
So if Forza 5 comes to PS5 with VR support, for me, this will be good news. But if it doesn’t come with VR support, I won’t bother.
And I guess, ultimately, it’s bad news either way, because I probably won’t be going back to the Xbox whatever they do.
- Comment on Permabanned from Reddit? 4 weeks ago:
The bans are AI driven, and the appeal responses are AI driven. You won’t find an explanation for why you were banned, because there was no human behind the ban
- Comment on People who live in hot climates, how do you deal with the heat? 1 month ago:
Layers are the thing I hate about the cold
- Comment on People who live in hot climates, how do you deal with the heat? 1 month ago:
I’d rather be blistering hot than wrapped up in layers and living inside stuffy heated buildings
- Comment on People who live in hot climates, how do you deal with the heat? 1 month ago:
I wonder the same thing about people who live in cold environments. I’ve never seen snow, and I know I won’t handle it, because I can’t handle single digit (Celsius) temperatures, let alone below 0…
- Comment on Has anyone attempted to create a Fediverse-based Character AI like service? 1 month ago:
I’ve seen AI spam bots. Does that count?
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 1 month ago:
The first one. Hormones may have played a part too, but the bulk of it was dysphoria and repression
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 1 month ago:
I transitioned…
- Comment on Did anyone here ever actually play the Mousetrap board game or use the cards in Operation? 1 month ago:
Yes to both, thought only a couple of times each…
- Comment on Why do I tend to reply in the same amount of time it took my friends to? 2 months ago:
At a guess, I’d say it’s confirmation bias
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
someone trying to sincerely answer a reasonable question
Yeah, that’s why you linked to transphobic hit pieces and described trans women in sports with hugely emotionally loaded terms
Because you’re reasonable
As I said from the beginning, your comment was fine unti you let some of your more transphobic opinions out in the final paragraph. That paragraph was not “reasonable”