- Comment on Life goals 1 day ago:
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 1 week ago:
What is it, dragons?
- Comment on Day 206 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 1 week ago:
I have seen dragons. Perhaps you will see a dragon. I won’t say where I saw one. Perhaps I did not.
- Comment on what if another country staged a coup in the US and deposed trump? 1 week ago:
It could be argued that another country has already staged a coup, russia was pretty successful in its endeavour to install trump.
- Comment on 🎵 🎶 🎵 2 weeks ago:
Thanks, love me come Cohen.
- Comment on 🎵 🎶 🎵 2 weeks ago:
Reminds me of The last call of his species..
- Comment on 🎵 🎶 🎵 2 weeks ago:
Which one?
- Comment on Anyone want my 12 year old old Ubuntu install DVD before I toss it out? No? Your loss. 2 weeks ago:
It came with postfix, thats awesome. I setup a makeshift security system on asus g-14 that recorded video while i was away. I used Motion to capture and PHP to parse the files to folders and build a html file that used stills. Then used postfix to send me an email.
Probably still have the crappy code somewhere if I looked hard enough.
- Comment on Anyone want my 12 year old old Ubuntu install DVD before I toss it out? No? Your loss. 2 weeks ago:
I love this kind of thing. Datahorders unite!
Support for Windows NT NTFS filesystem (read only at this point)
- Comment on Anyone want my 12 year old old Ubuntu install DVD before I toss it out? No? Your loss. 2 weeks ago:
Damn wizard, keep your spells off me!
- Comment on Europeans watching US/CA relations implode 2 weeks ago:
I love my home a lot but the EU feels more like home right now. Even before anything you said comes to fruition and I hope it does. Sadly for us were here stuck with this fascist orange turd till my countryman figure out that its too late to negotiate.
Just a heads up, start building up your militaries fast as I have a feeling this will get a lot worse before it gets better.
- Comment on Don't make eye contact 3 weeks ago:
Wawa was the best!
- Comment on What’s gone wrong with James Bond? No star, no script, no plan 3 weeks ago:
Tomorrow Never Dies kind of predicted or even spotlighted the overinflated ego driven psychopath’s like Murdoch. The rise of zuckerburg/musk was soon to follow in the same vein.
An example of art imitating life imitating art.
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 3 weeks ago:
That’s a convenience we could all use, pretty crafty!
Saw a video of how the Japanese wire their panel’s and thought it was pretty genius.
Is it similar across the pond? Or is it like here where you can GFCI the panel through a breaker?
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 3 weeks ago:
Not positive but those could be GFI outlets.
- Comment on New Socks, Old Theme 4 weeks ago:
Looked at the start button and herd XP login theme tune.
- Comment on Good morning two years ago it snowed a lot in the Maritimes. 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Should we be worried that my joke from 5 years ago has been relevant at any given time for the past 5 years? 1 month ago:
Not to mention PG&E causing 1500 fires in 6 years.
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 1 month ago:
Roal, role, roll, maters not to this one. If you need words ask the Telvanni, if you need maids seek the Argonian, if you desire paths follow the moon.
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 1 month ago:
I just stole someone’s sweet role.
- Comment on NGL I would watch this 1 month ago:
He, Roy Orbison, coach Klein… I remember.
- Comment on Hypothetically, if some mysterious force started to jam every radio frequency, how would modern day society adapt to this? 1 month ago:
Honestly it gave me the u/andromeda321 vibes. Like someone who knows their shit just wandered in and gave us all a lesson. She is the only thing I miss about the site that must not be named.
I’m very happy people like you exist and and don’t want to see people that might not appreciate these things to ruin it for the rest of us that do. I want lemmy to be better that the old place.
Any way happy new year!
- Comment on Hypothetically, if some mysterious force started to jam every radio frequency, how would modern day society adapt to this? 1 month ago:
I appreciated your post.
- Comment on american culture 1 month ago:
Will it work if I buy it from GOG, these launchers are getting out of hand.
- Comment on Why is daisychaining multiple extension cords considered unsafe, even if only done to the length of a standard cable? 1 month ago:
Exactly, can be used to round off corners and all manor of nifty woodworking. Keep hands away from the spinny bit.
- Comment on Hurry 1 month ago:
I’d kill for a Butterscotch Crumpet. Grandma used to send me a box with all the Sunday funnies she saved throughout the year. Always one of my favorite presents.
- Comment on Open early for breakfast 1 month ago:
- Comment on Justice should be equal 1 month ago:
We have the Russian “and then it got worse” do nothing attitude. We aren’t even gonna try to do anything till its far too late.
- Comment on Motivational, inspiring 2 months ago:
- Comment on Memories of a bygone era 2 months ago:
I remember being in 4-5th grade and learning about graphs. Specifically x & y coordinates. One day while cleaning the mouse ball before playing Joust or whatnot I noticed two little geared spindle thingy’s. I vividly remember it clicking that those gears were translating the physical mouses x&y to the screens cursor’s x&y.