- Comment on New SEGA trademark “Yakuza Wars” is probably not a Total War: Like A Dragon game, but let's speculate wildly anyway 6 months ago:
Actually a Sakura Wars sequel but with the cast of Yakuza.
- Comment on Anon goes to a donut shop 7 months ago:
What did anon do wrong? It's a blithe, silly answer and bothers nobody. Anon can totally go back.
- Comment on No words 7 months ago:
RIP apetor.
- Comment on Your new neighbor, a genie, opens 'Temptation Mart' next door. Food, alcohol, substances, carnal pleasures, gambling - all complimentary, 24/7. How does this affect your daily life? 7 months ago:
Sounds to me like we've solved scarcity. Excellent.
- Comment on "Mentioning Xi Jinping leads to a complete block of translation results": Microsoft Bing’s censorship in China is even “more extreme” than Chinese companies’ 8 months ago:
These are all strategies that have already been adopted in China, they will block it like everything else.
- Comment on Anon gives back 8 months ago:
It doesn't seem unreasonable to me that someone dislikes their ex-wife. It's almost implied with the term "ex" that there was something wrong with the relationship that couldn't be salvaged. Must everything be seen through the lens of misogyny?
- Comment on The disturbing online misogyny of Gamergate has returned – if it ever went away 8 months ago:
If it's a small but loud group of unpleasant people on the internet, can't we just do what we've always done and ignore them?
- Comment on CEO pay is rising faster than it has in a decade — and 3 times as fast as worker wages 8 months ago:
Is it only 50%?
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Okay, but what if the car was also 80 miles long?
- Comment on Why do teeth don't regenerate? 8 months ago:
Sharks do have regenerating teeth!
- Comment on How come no true use for recent AI developments has been found yet? 8 months ago:
Statistical methods have been a longstanding mainstay in the field of AI since its inception. I think the trouble is that the term AI has been co-opted for marketing.
- Comment on Anon figures out how dieting works 9 months ago:
Considering the usage of lbs and the picture of MacDonalds, it's likely OP is American, so he should try eating less ultraprocessed food and sugar next.
- Comment on Anon looks up Danish cuisine 9 months ago:
That sounds delicious!
- Comment on How Bad Are Ultraprocessed Foods, Really? 9 months ago:
I'd posit that quibbling over food classification plays right into the hands of the people who don't want you to otherwise think too much about what food you buy and eat. The simplicity is likely intentional and therefore some things are bound to be classified poorly, but that's okay because we can call those out. It catches the vast majority of what you'd like to identify.
- Comment on How Bad Are Ultraprocessed Foods, Really? 9 months ago:
I'm not attributing my weight loss to not eating ultraprocessed food, but I'm describing what I did. No longer eating ultraprocessed food was part of it. So, it's an anecdote about what's worked for me, and I'm not sure if there's any confirmation bias in that, but I also think you are welcome to interpret what I said in any way you wish.
- Comment on How Bad Are Ultraprocessed Foods, Really? 9 months ago:
I've tried to eliminate ultraprocessed food from my diet and now I try my best to eat as much fiber as possible. I lost about 15 kilograms between doing this and reducing my sugar/alcohol intake. It was very difficult initially since I always felt hungry but I don't even think about it now, after about a year. I afeel a lot better too. This is just one data point, so I can't say it'll definitely work for everyone, but it's worth a try.
- Comment on Glorious Victory 9 months ago:
It's almost as if cheaters ruin hyper competitive games like Valorant.
- Comment on Former Blizzard president wants to be able to leave a "tip" after completing $70 games: "I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20" 10 months ago:
Keep your horrible tipping culture to yourself.
- Comment on He revealed the secrets ! 10 months ago:
Sometimes it feels like most of my job nowadays is deleting code now.