- Comment on Am I a bad friend/rude for not engaging with my friends and giving one-word responses? 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, that checks out, but remember youre not a fundamentally bad person. You can possibly even salvage the friendship with apologies and doing some work on yourself. Either way, working on yourself is a good idea, it’s worth it just in general also.
- Comment on Am I a bad friend/rude for not engaging with my friends and giving one-word responses? 3 weeks ago:
Yikes, are you ok? Being asocial is generally not regarded as being healthy. Also fyi, you’re at an age where you have to engage with friends to keep them, they will drift away otherwise. Loneliness is a massive bitch and I’d really difficult to get out of. Friendships like any relationship require maintenance. You’re neglecting your relationship maintenance at the moment if you continue, you will loose your friends.
- Comment on I hate to admit that I’d probably watch this 5 weeks ago:
Oh god, I can see the ai generated porn already
- Comment on I don't want a lot for Christmas.... 2 months ago:
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
Imo sorry, but you are literally the reason why the fediverse has a bad name. Stop gatekeeping stuff or asking others to do so and just defederate if you don’t like it.
- Comment on Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit? 4 months ago:
A large part of what’s hindering Lemmy is search engine visibility, the “append reddit to your query” trend is really helping Reddit while it can sometimes be somewhat difficult to find content on Lemmy or the fediverde more broadly
- Comment on ohhh 9 months ago:
That’s a bread dragon
- Comment on unsure why we are surprised lol 10 months ago:
Ah, that makes quite a lot of sense! Thank you!
- Comment on unsure why we are surprised lol 10 months ago:
I’ve not been on here long enough to know what this is about, anyone care to explain?
- Comment on Benes 11 months ago:
Idk why but I want that as a statue