- Comment on i need an rv, and lab equipment, and a helper 5 months ago:
They are all enabling drug cartels
Most drug dealers are just your friendly neighborhood guy with a weed farm in his basement
- Comment on Anon tries to give a compliment 5 months ago:
Sadly it leeches out into other boards as well. /fit/ is borderline unusable nowadays
- Comment on Sony announces the PS5 Pro with a larger GPU, advanced ray tracing, and AI upscaling 5 months ago:
Even at the time it came out you could have built a pc with an RTX 3060 for that price, which would outperform the PS5 by a big margin and have a way bigger game library
- Comment on biodegradable 5 months ago:
Polyurethane also biodegrades, just very slowly. Since condoms are very thin there will be not much left of them after a century
- Comment on Blood Meal 5 months ago:
Doesn’t have to be hydroponics, using coco coir instead of soil will also fix that issue
- Comment on Anon watches the Teletubbies 5 months ago:
If anything I would call it overrated. It startet out great but got mediocre over the later seasons. Definitely doesn’t deserve the 8.5 stars rating it has on Imdb
- Comment on America's Smartest Man Finds Something Interesting 5 months ago:
Balding is not related to testosterone, but rather Dihydrogentestosterone (commonly referred to as DHT). Although high testosterone levels often mean high DHT levels as well, it is possible to have high DHT whilst still having low testosterone levels.
The amount of androgen receptors in your scalp is also relevant, some people are just unlucky and have lots of androgen receptors in that area and start balding at a young age despite average DHT levels
- Comment on Anon is a soyboy 6 months ago:
That doesn’t make any sense. Estrogen wouldn’t even make a cow produce more milk. Are you confusing Estrogen with Prolactin (which also isn’t given to cows, but would at least have the effect you describe)
- Comment on Anon rides a bike 6 months ago:
Yes, I was purely referring to the efficiency of the battery and motor. Producing food also requires a significantly more energy than the food ends up containing
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
Depends how many bad experiences. If all your relationships were a bad experience, then there is a good chance you were the reason for that
- Comment on Anon rides a bike 6 months ago:
One thing to account for is that humans are very inefficient at converting food into energy output. Only about 25% efficient to be precise. So you need to eat about 4 times more calories than you end up outputting into the bicycle.
The same thing applies to ICE cars, their engines are also very inefficient. EVs however reach an efficiency of 80-90%, they only end up using more energy than a bicycle because of how much faster you usually drive them. But if you drove an EV at the same speed you would ride a bicycle they would be vastly more efficient. And that’s not even accounting for the amount of energy used to produce food in the first place, which is a lot higher than the energy content of said food
- Comment on obesity 6 months ago:
That comparison is so bad that I’m not sure you are making it in good faith. Being mentally handicapped or belonging to a minority is not a choice, being obese is. If you make the conscious choice to be obese you really can’t complain about the consequences the same way the former can
- Comment on Anon drinks milk 6 months ago:
My experience of doing GOMAD disproves that, I’ve had plenty of occasions where I drank it in a single session instead of spreading it out through the day… But it may or may not be possible if you aren’t accustomed to drinking a gallon of milk every day
- Comment on Anon people-watches 6 months ago:
Looking hot also takes effort
- Comment on UPS has started charging for pickups even if you have a prepaid label 6 months ago:
Which is completely fine. Expecting the driver to go out of his way to pick up your package, and do it completely for free, is unreasonable
- Comment on Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way 7 months ago:
Not quite, we now have options like wormhole that make it pretty simple
- Comment on $500 aluminum version of the Analogue Pocket looks like the Game Boy’s final form 7 months ago:
I’ve always wanted a handheld digital device that I can beat someone to death with without breaking it
So, a Nokia 3310?
- Comment on $500 aluminum version of the Analogue Pocket looks like the Game Boy’s final form 7 months ago:
Lots of cars have aluminum steering wheel and air conditioning buttons. They aren’t uncomfortable at all
- Comment on $500 aluminum version of the Analogue Pocket looks like the Game Boy’s final form 7 months ago:
and the analogue is literally the best emulation experience I’ve ever used
The Analogue Pocket doesn’t use emulation. That is literally the entire point of that device, and the reason they can charge 10 times as much as you would pay for an Anbernic device with the same form factor
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
You can implement clawback while still having an immutable blockchain. The transaction will always stay on the blockchain, but the funds can be recovered
- Comment on Anon likes bikes 1 year ago:
In Germany those are only allowed to assist you up to 25kph, which means they only help you going up hills, everywhere else will be the same amount of effort
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
You don’t need to request all account data, you can request only the Google photos data