- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 2 days ago:
Give it a few billion years.
- Comment on I've done it again... 6 days ago:
Finally I’ve found someone whose hands match my stomach!
- Comment on Pineapple was never the problem 1 week ago:
No no yes no yes yes no
- Comment on Solar noon is the only real noon 2 weeks ago:
Except that in practice you’re still adding people’s personal schedules on top of the time zones, so just accounting for their personal schedules in UTC makes things easier.
- Comment on Solar noon is the only real noon 2 weeks ago:
My company is fully remote. We use the working hours that people set on their calendar, because even people in the same time zone may not have the same working hours. My working hours start 30 minutes later than someone one timezone to my west.
- Comment on Solar noon is the only real noon 2 weeks ago:
You and I are in full agreement.
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to [deleted] | 29 comments
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 3 weeks ago:
Do you live in Michigan or is there somewhere else that was this idiotic too?
- Comment on Is this green or blue? 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Get ya every time 5 weeks ago:
Well yeah, they hadn’t managed to get past bananas in their self defense classes.
- Comment on TerminEATOR 1 month ago:
Yeah, and termites are basically cockroaches.
- Comment on Good morning I choose creativity and recycling. 1 month ago:
Given that this is changing the product itself, it’s more repurposing than reusing, which I’d say fits between reuse and recycle.
- Comment on This is America 1 month ago:
TIL Senegal is in America.
- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 1 month ago:
It’s way easier for me to have a vegetarian diet when I’m eating at home. At restaurants the vegetarian options almost always contain the one thing I’m allergic to, so I often have no choice but to eat meat when I go out.
- Comment on I've modified the Alcoholics Anonymous plan 1 month ago:
That’s not an elephant, elephants have trunks. This guy clearly uses a briefcase.
- Comment on Can we all agree on THIS 2 months ago:
The other day my doctor apologised for being late because his last patient ran over my 3 minutes.
- Comment on Hold on! 2 months ago:
- Comment on Always a fan of simple instructions on how to do everyday things 2 months ago:
Is he a Listerated Pepsid Gum boy?
- Comment on They just don't understand 2 months ago:
My house came with a convenient hole connecting my office to the basement so I just used that.
- Comment on I am unobservant 2 months ago:
I’m pretty much the same way with places I’ve lived where I had to drive everywhere. My current city though, 6 months after moving here (and 6 months of living car-free) I could give people detailed directions around a significant chunk of the city (the areas where I went).
Same when I moved to a different part of the city and started biking around that part of town.
- Comment on What year is it 2 months ago:
Yep, I have a copy. It’s pretty fun.
- Comment on FREE SNOW CONES FOR EVERYONE! \(ϋ)/ 2 months ago:
You don’t know how to use the three
seashellsfingernails? - Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
- Comment on Time to make your decesion 2 months ago:
I’d be fine with several of these.
Brice: I’ve never understood people’s distaste for that smell. I won’t microwave tuna in an office because I know others don’t like it, but it wouldn’t bother me.
Wallace: probably has some great stories, but also likely wants to shut up and get things done. Great combination if handled correctly.
Shiloh: hey, you can play anything on your headphones, I’m cool with that. But if you want to play stuff on speaker it’s only fair that we play 50/50. (My secret: I could totally do up to 75% Radiohead)
Dayzie: again, not a smell that tends to bother me.
- Comment on Which one are you? 2 months ago:
Neither. I’m 2m30s or 80% for reheating a meal.
- Comment on This is the life I dream of from my cubicle 2 months ago:
That’s a left arm
- Comment on New social experiment 2 months ago:
- Comment on New social experiment 2 months ago:
/5th grade
- Comment on 1.58-bit FLUX 2 months ago:
Is the guy in the top right using flux?
- Comment on This time it's for reals 2 months ago:
This kind of course.