- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 1 week ago:
Glad to hear my posts are going notice. Indeed, there are lot more than you might think. I’ll repost one of my long comments with details about protests here. Wrote this five days ago so mentally subtract 5 days from all the times
They are being suppressed in media coverage, but there are people protesting. Media coverage paints a false picture that no one in the US is fighting back
Here’s one from today [meaning five days ago] with 1000 people in Boise, Idaho
Here’s a super incomplete timeline with just a handful of the nationwide protests. I’m missing a lot, I’m just showing your the photos I had from recent memory
8 days ago there were national protest for science funding cuts. Here’s the main one in DC
11 days ago there were nationwide protests in all 50 US state capitols + DC + Many cities within those states. This was part of the 50501 movement
Portland, Oregon
Monroe, Wisconsin
San Fransisco, California
Albany, New York
Raleigh, North Carolina
Richmond, Virginia
Austin, Texas
Protests Outside Fox News in New York City
16 days ago there were large protest in the Iowa Statehouse
19 days ago, a protest in Cherry Hill, New Jersy outside Tesla Showroom as part of a nationwide movement protesting Telsas. There have been tons more than just this one and these happen basically every day
21 days ago, large protests in DC for Ukraine aid
And so on. There’s a lot more going on than just this
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
1st ammendment to the constitution since conservatives love to claim they support it
- Comment on Trump Signs Order Expanding Power Over Independent Agencies Like FCC and SEC 5 weeks ago:
Follow the various 50501 protest organizers. There were nationwide protests in many cities in all 50 states on Feb 5th, Feb 17th, and there’s going to be future ones about this
There’s also groups like Indivisible that do all kinds of other action with both general protests and targeted action/protest towards people in congress. There’s good odds there’s a local Indivisible group near you
- Comment on "Florida is a conservative Christian state" 4 months ago:
Most people actually voted in favor of the florida abortion ammendment. The threshold is just unusually higher (60%) than most states. It was close to 60% but just a little shy at around 57%
With a different national environment with just a bit higher dem turnout, it probably would’ve passed
- Comment on Trump Bobs His Head to Music for 30 Minutes in Odd Town Hall Detour 5 months ago:
Headline and the article itself are both rather underselling it
There were some people that had fainted, so he switched formats to a Q&A with a speaker. A couple of questions into a Q&A he said “Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music. Who the hell wants to listen to questions” and then wrapped up and seemed like he was done, but processed to bob to music for 39 minutes without leaving the stage
The whole rally is online, you can watch it yourself. Here’s how he spends the last 40 or so minutes
- Comment on Goddammit Texas! 5 months ago:
Important: If you’re on the suspese list rather than being fully removed, you can still vote but will need to show proof of residence. Contact your registrar to check that and ask them about it
If voters find out they’re still on the suspended list after having shown up at their polling places on Election Day, they can still vote after they complete a “statement of residence” form.
Voters with suspended status who may have moved to other counties will be required to vote in the counties where they previously resided or may be asked to submit provisional ballots.
- Comment on I like this fox news a lot better than the tv one 5 months ago:
Fox news would never be so concerned about such “details” like “hey that’s obviously not a fox, what are you on about” /s
(I uploaded the wrong photo)
- Comment on I like this fox news a lot better than the tv one 5 months ago:
Fox news yet again lying through omission and blatantly forgetting about foxes eating watermelons
- Comment on Science Journalism 5 months ago:
In fairness sometimes small tiny differences like that do turn out to be significant. But measurement error usually wins out most of the time
- Comment on Classic 🌱 7 months ago:
Account has no posts but three spamming this “IQ testing” site
- Comment on Do we really want a leader who celebrates firing people? 7 months ago:
They do post on Threads and Tiktok and other platforms. They also very much did posted clips of this very interview on Threads
- Comment on “This Email Probably Should’ve Been a Meeting” | Project 2025 training video instructs leaving no paper trail to avoid accountability 7 months ago:
I also think some of them were so into their far right-wing media bubble that they thought people secretly like all their policies (they don’t)
Plus the media overall has historically not been great at really talking about Republican’s horrifying plans like this in the past. Barely mentioning that kind of stuff if at all. They were also banking on that continuing and to be fair, it almost certainly would’ve if not for the democratic party starting to talk about it way more
- Comment on “This Email Probably Should’ve Been a Meeting” | Project 2025 training video instructs leaving no paper trail to avoid accountability 7 months ago:
There’s actually more they haven’t published yet, and entire core pillar’s worth of the project 2025 platform. Despite having read a fair bit about project 2025, somehow I keep finding new horrible things that are part of it
From a letter signed by 35 representative addressed to the Heritage Foundation
Project 2025 would appear to honor the promise on your website about being “an open book, with our materials available online,”1 except for one glaring problem: the entire “Fourth Pillar,” the “180-Day Playbook” which you describe as a roadmap of comprehensive, concrete, early actions for each federal agency, remains shrouded in secrecy.
You have conspicuously declined to publish or disclose any of the prioritized early actions that we believe would obviously be the most important parts of Project 2025. The immediate executive orders, emergency declarations, presidential directives, and other measures are likely to have profound impacts on the American people and their government. Therefore, we believe it is overwhelmingly in the public interest for you to actually keep your “open book” promise by disclosing the “Fourth Pillar” of Project 2025, and we hope you’ll consider explaining why, unlike the first three pillars, you have been keeping it secret for so lon
- “This Email Probably Should’ve Been a Meeting” | Project 2025 training video instructs leaving no paper trail to avoid ↗Submitted 7 months ago to | 21 comments
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 28 comments
- Comment on How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours 8 months ago:
Their account is also only 2 days old which is a bit suspect
- Comment on The heart we can't neglect indeed 8 months ago:
The irony of having to fill out a captcha before you can play the game is really something
- Comment on Powerful 9 months ago:
Now that I’m looking for it, I can’t find it anywhere, I think it might just be something unpublished from the person on mastodon. Would make sense with them saying they love footnotes
- Comment on Powerful 9 months ago:
Not necessarily. Self citation is different than building on your previous work. You might just seek to use other citations for the relevent concepts
- Submitted 9 months ago to | 10 comments
- Comment on has been fixed rule. :) 9 months ago:
This is refering to a device used by researchers of nuclear weapons that accidentally went supercritical twice
- Comment on EUROBEE 9 months ago:
Not only that but honey bees also threaten native bees
But scientists say competition with honey bees may also play a role. In a 2017 report in Conservation Letters, researchers calculated that during three months, honey bees in a typical 40-hive apiary collect the equivalent amount of pollen and nectar as 4 million solitary wild bees. “Brilliant foragers,” honey bees can “dominate floral resources and suppress native bee numbers,” says lead author Jim Cane, a retired federal biologist who heads the nonprofit WildBeecology.
Honey bees also carry diseases that can infect natives, including deformed wing virus and the parasite Crithidia bombi. Researchers have found that native bees near apiaries can suffer a high incidence of such illnesses.
Fun fact, most North American native bee species don’t even live in hives or produce honey for themselves at all. They also almost never sting too
Unlike honey bees, more than 90 percent of our nearly 4,000 native bee species live not with other bees in hives but alone in nests carved into soil, wood or hollow plant stems. Often mistaken for flies, the majority are tiny and do not have queens or produce honey. Without a hive’s larvae and food supplies to defend, “native bees almost never sting,” Mizejewski say
- Comment on You cannot make any post/comment containing the string [slash]etc[slash]passwd on 9 months ago:
This smells like something being blocked by Cloudflare’s WAF (Web Application Firewall) rules. I’d imagine there might be a rule there to try to block requests that look like they could involve sensitive files like the passwd file
- Submitted 9 months ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on US bans imports of all poultry products from Victoria 9 months ago:
They’ll also likely be killed especially brutally. Likely either: ventilation shutdown, foam depopulation or whole house gasing/containerized gassing
- Comment on US bans imports of all poultry products from Victoria 9 months ago:
Worth noting this is a different strain (H7N2) than what is going around in dairy cows right now (H5N1)
- Comment on Socrates was ahead of his time 10 months ago:
Behind a paywall unfortunately
Language has no equivalent for the absolute physical silence that burst upon me in that fantastic, baffling chamber. […] I have known many kinds of silence—the silence of early morning, the silence of remote mountain summits, the silence of gently falling snow. […] Shut in by floor, ceiling, and walls of fiberglass, I throbbed with the silence of the dead and the silence that covers buried peoples and ages without a history.
- Comment on Socrates was ahead of his time 10 months ago:
That’s actually a true quote. Just phrased poorly by the AI. Anechoic chambers mainly block reflections. Hellen keller did go there and said it felt like true silence because she was used to feeling sound cause internal rumbling sensations. But with no reflection you couldn’t feel anything from the sounds
- Comment on Shitpost 10 months ago:
If you look at the reddit post it’s citing, it’s from r/shittysuperpowers. A subreddit where you come up with fake shitty super powers is now getting cited as truth by google
- Comment on Hey there gamers 10 months ago:
It is not well defined. Because an order of summation is not given you could just as easily sum pairs of (0,1), (-1,2), (-2,3), (-3,4)… (-x, x+1) and conclude you are constantly adding 1 to your total so it goes to infinity instead
Or do the reverse of (-1,0), (-2,1), … (-x-1, x) and get that the each pair adds -1 so the sum goes to negative Infinity
Order of the addition sometimes changes infinite sums. Infinitely large things are weird sometimes