- Comment on NewPipe was failing me today, so I reverted back to the YouTube app. After the first ad (20 seconds), the app gave me a permanent blur. 1 week ago:
Grayjay still works fine.
- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 2 weeks ago:
I did not need this meme interrupting me in the middle of athletic.mp3
- Comment on Will online only "Device Activation" become the norm for every device in the future? / Will everything require an app in the future? 3 weeks ago:
If the Pihole is catching and blocking it, it is possible to have it trigger a script that for example registers a push notification. Since they have a Pihole, they could also run a self-hosted push notification service on the same device if they don’t want to use the Google or Apple Push notification systems.
- Comment on Will online only "Device Activation" become the norm for every device in the future? / Will everything require an app in the future? 3 weeks ago:
It is the norm right now already.
The only way out is specifically buying only products that don’t do this shit, or ones that have been jailbroken and run open source software.
But the very best way to stop it all for good is to kill online advertisement. Online advertisement is the number one reason companies want your data to begin with. Go to your grandma’s house, install adblock origin and sponsorblock.
When you have kids. Disable the google play store and install fdroid, and install an adblocker on their chromium of gecko browser. Replace all default apps with the fdroid alternatives.
Get the oldest raspberry pi device and install Pihole, then make it your DNS service so all lan and WiFi data runs through your adblocker.
Donate to open source projects, brag to your friends how your apps have no ads and no tracking.
Fight for right to privacy and right to repair. Stop using google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Meta.
Use Linux instead of Windows. If you need windows, run it in a virtual machine without internet access.
Use grapheneOS, LineageOS, CalyxOS instead of basic Android.
As for home systems like security cameras, I suggest following the ultimate open source guide by Louis Rossmann.
- Comment on BioWare quietly lay off key Dragon Age team members while talking up the next Mass Effect 4 weeks ago:
walks into room and sits down at the table
“So I’m unemployed”
- Comment on YouTube not loading half the time. 5 weeks ago:
Freetube and Grayjay on desktop both had this same issue but they resolved it in a few days. Both work on Linux and also let you download videos. Grayjay also lets you sync with Grayjay on mobile to get your subscribed channels, playlists, etc. Neither require google accounts and are full privacy frontends that don’t use the youtube API.
- Comment on How often do people in Japan use vending machines? 5 weeks ago:
I use them not that often, but more often than convenience stores.
Usually I the one closest to my house that has the drink I want.
Coke, coffee or icecream.
Supermarket. They’re way cheaper there and the supermarket is a 5 minute walk away.
They’re the most convenient out of all options. No human interactions, and there is usually one on the way where you’re going. If you’re at work, they usually have vending machines inside the building so you don’t even need to put on your jacket.
Vending machines sell drinks at almost double the price of the ones at super markets and around 150% of the ones at convenience stores, so it all comes down to how quicker it is to buy one from the vending machines vs stores. But when it comes to canned drinks, convenience stores tend not to have the canned ones and only sell PET bottles, and as everyone knows, PET bottles are bad for the environment, and the drinks don’t taste as good as the canned versions.
- Comment on On Lemmy is it safe to create a community on a smaller scale when there are other communities already available of the same topic? 1 month ago:
I think it is absolutely fine. Most of the time the communities are on a .ml instance, or modded by the worst people imaginable.
Make many communities and let the inferior ones die. This is good for Lemmy. Just don’t copy the same posts to your community, as it’ll fill the front page with duplicates, which is detrimental to Lemmy.
- Comment on My recent experiences with big budget AAA after years of avoidance 2 months ago:
D4 bad. POE2 good.
- Comment on Black Myth: Wukong producer on The Game Awards top prize snub: "I came all the way here for nothing!" 2 months ago:
No, it is Cunningham’s law, demonstrated by you.
- Comment on Black Myth: Wukong producer on The Game Awards top prize snub: "I came all the way here for nothing!" 2 months ago:
But they did misinterpret it, did they not? Didn’t you say you were Chinese?
If so you should know that “getting licked” is the Chinese equivalent of “getting your ass kissed”. You wouldn’t be called sexist for saying you get your ass kissed.
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
It is also available on the pirate bay.
- Comment on Steam is 'an unsafe place for teens and young adults': US senator warns Gabe Newell of 'more intense scrutiny' from the government if Valve doesn't take action against extremist content 3 months ago:
I haven’t downplayed death threats. It was a conversation where someome falsely alleged that someone else had received death threats, which had no evidence, and the person in question never even claimed they had received any.
The rest is just me calling out misinformation about black myth wukong (the sexism allegations that turned out to be mistranslations) and about the harassment campaing against Sweet Baby Inc, bias in gaming journalism, etc.
I’ve never taken a specific political stance in any of their conversations. I just am against misinformation and censorship and call them out when they happen.
The reason I’m against what your post is about, is because ADL were extremely dishonest in their findings, and I think they’re biased or politically motivated to implement restrictions that require users to give up more private information about themselves, or not be allowed free speech.
And no, I didn’t break any rules either. Every ban I’ve faced have all been completely unjustified, which is why I’ve blocked most of the communities I’ve been banned on. It’s like being banned from hexbear and you saying that makes me deserve to get my account removed. The little information you get out of that modlog only shows the mods being biased.
- Comment on Steam is 'an unsafe place for teens and young adults': US senator warns Gabe Newell of 'more intense scrutiny' from the government if Valve doesn't take action against extremist content 3 months ago:
Yes that is me, and no I am not a transphobe. The ghazi mods banned me because I said that someone losing a visa for something they said is fucked up. I didn’t even know who the person was who lost the visa or what they had done. I have never made any transphobic statements whatsoever, and you can dive deeper through the modlog to find evidence of that because it would show.
Also, I don’t appreciate you trying to cancel me just because I don’t agree with your post. We’re adults here.
- Comment on Steam is 'an unsafe place for teens and young adults': US senator warns Gabe Newell of 'more intense scrutiny' from the government if Valve doesn't take action against extremist content 3 months ago:
ADL says steam was unsafe after stating that pepe the frog is an extremist symbol to more than double the number of cases found.
Remove the meme, and take into consideration the number of users, 0.1% of users have used some form of extreme symbol or statement.
This is a reach for control and surveillance. Nothing else.
Fuck ADL.
- Comment on Reminder for all Lemmy moderators and admins. 3 months ago:
Lucky you
- Comment on You know what would be cool? If all those (job name) simulator games could all be joined. 3 months ago:
It is a nice concept in theory. It has a bit of resemblance to the metaverse minus monetary enshittification, but there are some challenges to this.
It would for example end up just as dead if the other players got bored of it and stopped playing. Then there is server costs for something where there really isn’t that much realtime interaction in, and all these metagames would need to be just as fun with a global time at a set flow, or be OK with synching only at the end of the day.
These of course aren’t impossible challenges.
You could leave the “online” part to a simple global api backend and skip the gameserver itself to greatly reduce costs. You wouldn’t see the other players in person but you’d see their shops grow each new day, and there could be an NPC of their owner walking around.
You could bankrupt inactive players and give their lands to new players, and implement import/export costs for distant shops incentivizing local trade. You’d probably still want normal NPCs, but their interactions would have to be predetermined each day if you don’t have a game server running all day, and want to prevent cheating.
The implementation difficulty and cost greatly varies depending on how much interaction and fairness you want, but setting up an API server is fairly easy if you don’t worry about scaling in case the game really takes off.
- Comment on Classic shooters Unreal and Unreal Tournament are now free and preserved on the Internet Archive 3 months ago:
Facing worlds.
I still listen to the unreal and unreal tournament soundtracks to this day.
- Comment on Hej 3 months ago:
Hello mixed in vinegar.
- Comment on Hej 3 months ago:
*It means hello in Swedish.
- Comment on Respect 3 months ago:
I thought city folk didn’t like that feeling of grass tickling your feet.
- Comment on If there are motherboards and daughterboards, are there fatherboards and sonboards? 4 months ago:
“Help me stepbrotherboard, my circuits are stuck under the chassi.”
- Comment on Should I or should I not use/bother with using Linux? (READ THE WHOLE POST) 4 months ago:
Linux mint doesn’t require the terminal for almost anything. If it is required anywhere, there will be step-by-step instructions, but even then there is likely a better solution specifically for linux mint that doesn’t require the terminal.
Use the software manager and update manager and you’re set. Don’t install applications from the terminal, it will be easier to let the manager applications keep track of it all.
- Comment on What does this emoji mean? Is this a British thumbs up? 4 months ago:
“Call me” is definitely what it used to mean in the 90s
- Comment on Google turns to nuclear to power AI data centres 4 months ago:
Well, it is the second best option after burning google to the ground.
- Comment on It's a Good Time To Be an Indie Game Fan 4 months ago:
It was true in the 90s too.
- Comment on Game Freak has been allegedly hacked, with source codes for Pokemon games reportedly leaked 4 months ago:
You can patent the features that the code makes up.
Also, Nintendo has patented features existing in other games long before, and it hasn’t stopped them. The current lawsuit against palworld contains patent claims for features they do not actually own, which is why they need 100 different lawsuits coming their way so they get a taste of their own medicine.
They have an easy time suing one or two entities, but 100 different ones will have a significant economic impact.
- Comment on Game Freak has been allegedly hacked, with source codes for Pokemon games reportedly leaked 4 months ago:
Patent the code and sue Nintendo when they release the game.
- Comment on Bethesda, you just entered the no flight zone 4 months ago:
Let go. It’ll be quick and painless.
Indie gamedev is where it’s at.
- Comment on Ubisoft's Board is Launching an Investigation Into The Company Struggles 5 months ago:
Incorrect. It means that you pick the best candidate, and when they’re equal you don’t just choose the white man like we always have in the past.
That is not what is happening, and your scenario cannot happen unless by equal you mean based on a very shallow measurement. You’ll never find two people who are equally good. It also doesn’t say the program is for women, non-binary or skilled men. It excludes men entirely.
However, a straight white Christian man would likely never think of some of the things a gay Muslim would think of, because they have faced different issues and been taught different things.
I disagree with this view. “Only people of X can produce quality X” is just shallow thinking, and can in fact be used just as much as a counter argument like “only men can make quality games for gamers who are mostly male, so we should hire mostly men”. A straight white christian male can absolutely have similar views and ideas to a gay Muslim.
Also, if you’re hiring a gay Muslim over someone else just because they are gay and Muslim, how do you think that makes them feel knowing this?
But more importantly, what does gender, sex and ethnicity contribute to a team of programmers, which is half the workforce of gamedev?