- Comment on Anyway to erase the permanent marker so I can reuse this? 5 weeks ago:
This is an amazing idea I love it
- Comment on I love my smart TV (From Mastodon) - Repost 1 month ago:
Generally it’s not too hard to disable the smart TV part of it and just use HDMI for TVs running Android. But on Roku TVs for whatever reason you need to connect them to the internet and a Roku account at least once to unlock the picture settings. Hardware features of a TV like brightness adjustment have no business relying on some random server.
- Comment on There is a fee to close my HSA account 1 month ago:
Exactly this, they’re best used as a tax free investment account rather than anything health related. If you’re on a plan with high enough a deductable to be eligible for an HSA and can afford it you should max out your HSA contributions before even a penny of unmatched 401k contributions. Personally I’d argue that you’re better off maxing out the HSA and using post-tax money to pay medical expenses unless close to the end of your career. It’s one of it not the single most easily taken advantage of ways to not pay tax at all on a long term investment.
The system is indeed stupid but the least you can do is take advantage of it where possible and for the middle class the HSA is one of the best ways.
- Comment on On a lighter note: Why do people still buy fast food? 3 months ago:
Not sure who would buy it full price but in most of the apps if you’re not picky there’s always some amount of deals to get a meal under $5. I only go occasionally as the deals aren’t as good as they used to be across the board and the quality is universally terrible. Taco Bell is also its own unique thing which no other Mexican restaurant will get you so occasionally it just sounds good.
That being said in my area you can go to nearly any proper restaurant and get carry-out under $15 with Texas sized portions. As someone with an unhealthy work/life balance particularly in the evenings, this or bulk curry is how I usually eat dinner.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 3 months ago:
Putin also was able to only serve for two terms, so he replaced himself with a crony until he could change the law to remove term limits…
- Comment on Why are people impressed with SpaceX? 4 months ago:
He’s far too busy with X, Trump, and his relationship drama to have any time to do anything close to being involved. Of the company’s he’s bought or been involved in creating SpaceX is toward the bottom of his priorities from what I hear.
- Comment on Why are people impressed with SpaceX? 4 months ago:
Not a Tesla fan and I absolutely despise the cult around Elon. SpaceX is a bit different though. Luckily with Elon’s many, many side project misadventures he’s pretty hands-off with SpaceX. Ultimately it comes down to being largely engineer driven and given sufficient (but yes, still government) funding to try new things without the scrutiny of direct government agencies. The hours are usually terrible from what I hear, but this varies team to team.
My biggest complaint is that they do lowball engineers using the stock as reasoning for why it’s worth accepting. FWIW historically that has been the case, and many engineers there do effectively have golden handcuffs. But expecting infinite golden handcuff level growth forever is unrealistic.
- Comment on Goddammit Texas! 4 months ago:
At the same time those Republicans who they’d hope to gain support from by allowing to vote by mail now believe that voting by mail will lead to fraud.
Honestly early voting isn’t too much of a pain. I already know I’ll be out of town for work on election day but because of early voting I’ll be able to get it done before then. It’s silly how complicated a process they make registration and how most of the polling locations are churches, but allowing voting by mail won’t fix the main issue here, registration.
- Comment on This might also apply to conferences. 4 months ago:
Nah the side rows are for when you expect the lecture to be boring or unproductive and you want to leave early.
- Comment on Slapping Chicken 5 months ago:
There was a viral YouTube video of doing exactly this a few years back.
- Comment on Dynamic pricing 5 months ago:
Are happy hours and lunch specials not dynamic pricing? It’s just a different way of framing it as a discount rather than surge price, but it’s basically the same idea as far as I’m concerned. I’m happy to vote with my wallet on this, if Wendy’s decides they want dynamic prices then I’ll just go elsewhere. Fast food certainly isn’t an essential.
- Comment on Are there any travel bags that are exactly the size of the spirit airlines personal item bag? 6 months ago:
I have a North face shuttle daypack that is exactly the nominal dimensions and conveniently boxy. I’m 90% sure it’s fake though, so going with a ruler to a store or market that sells backpacks is what I’d recommend.
There is a company making a hard sided suitcase with removable wheels which can fit. I’d strongly recommend against that because the handle will take up so much of the already limited space. And there’s nowhere to put the wheels when they’re removed where it can still fit. Note that Spirit sizers are unofficially 18149 rather than the officially advertised 18148. Frontier’s bag sizers are truly 18148.
- Comment on Why don't electric car manufacurers put solar panels on the car roofs? 8 months ago:
The problem is that this isn’t really even trickle charging. Customers would absolutely complain and say it’s not working because it couldn’t charge the battery more than 1-2% in an entire day of sun. EV batteries are 60kWh+ yet getting more than 2kWh/sq meter daily from residential panels is hard for much of the US. Add to that the:
- weight of panels
- cost of panels
- heat trapped in the car from having a roof literally designed to absorb solar radiation
- fragility of panels (although all these glass roof EVs have that problem already) And it’s really not worthwhile.
One solution to the apartment street parking problem is adding charging ports to streetlights (they do this in Europe). But for most of US apartments there’s already dedicated parking space so also space for chargers. The unruly size of new vehicles is a much bigger problem in my mind, if there were actual motivation to fix this problem in government it would already be solved through some tax credits.