- Comment on Horror 10 hours ago:
You could use spherical balloons with really long, but different length, strings for each person. Of course you’d have to avoid tangling your balloons together while walking around like that and given wind can vary with elevation…
- Comment on Set reasonable expectations 1 week ago:
Technically all estrogen users are steroid users (and so are people use certain medications for reducing inflammation). But I know what you mean. I know men needed estrogen for certain things like bone health, but that’s cool high T can be balanced by higher E for some of its side effects.
- Comment on Set reasonable expectations 1 week ago:
If you use estrogen, it probably won’t help with the type of gains people try to get from lifting, but other gains are possible.
- Comment on rEely? 1 week ago:
Smooth like sharks?
- Comment on Gen Z is ‘task masking’ in the workplace. How harmful is it? 2 weeks ago:
I know someone whose supervisor tells them to drive in circles are the warehouse for the cameras because higher up people also have nothing better to do than watch the cameras and pretend to be busy by complaining about the actual workers not pretending to be busy.
- Comment on Don't forget to readjust it's position in your pants 2 weeks ago:
Remember your forward weekend to move cocks this 2485601
- Comment on Council housing when? 2 weeks ago:
They had already went down by $400 for other units at the same apartment on the same floor. This was 2020, so covid lowered a lot of prices
- Comment on Council housing when? 3 weeks ago:
The only way I got that to happen is by putting in my two-month notice and then signing up for the exact same unit when they listed it. Didn’t even have to moveout and they ended up charging us the lower rate for the two weeks between our current lease ending and the new one starting.
- Comment on Tried to order a part before the tariffs 3 weeks ago:
Crash the market hard enough and people won’t be able to afford them…
- Comment on modern psychiatry be like 3 weeks ago:
I thought their sarcasm was funny
- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock !conservative@lemmy.world and bring your best memes of conservatives! 4 weeks ago:
I think pretty much all conservative communities seem like satire much of the time. Hard to believe they’d actually be posting stuff other than to make fun of whoever made it.
- Comment on WHY 1 month ago:
Foreign language classes in high school creates gender abolitionists
- Comment on Is there a community for LGBT discussion? 1 month ago:
The hexbear trans megathread has a lot of general life posting stuff, but it is not a general LGBT+ thing.
- Comment on Mozilla's New AI Detector Add-On for Firefox 1 month ago:
After replying to this, I got that message for a second time except its missing the stumblechat link.
- Comment on Mozilla's New AI Detector Add-On for Firefox 1 month ago:
Given the bot is using a single message for everyone, it could have been written by an actual human.
- Comment on I'm OOTL: Why is TikTok being banned? 2 months ago:
They want them to force to sell it to a US company, so the US interests can be forced onto the algorithm…
- Comment on I have a good feeling about this one. 2 months ago:
Maybe 2040 will be the year!
- Comment on I'm seriously proud of this 2 months ago:
For making posts here? I sure hope not. Much funnier to see the typos.
- Comment on Helpful infographic 2 months ago:
What is the equivalent 1-killer circuits to these?
- Comment on Aaaaah 7 months ago:
Most of the time, leg crams are intentional. Not really worried about the few that are unintentional as long as they go away on their own or can be walked out.
- Comment on Olympic anime 7 months ago:
Danmachi seemingly popularized the super-long titles and isn’t an isekai.
- Comment on Olympic anime 7 months ago:
Or it should be a whole sentence explaining the basic premise of the show.
- Comment on Camouflage 7 months ago:
Why does dai think there’s suppose to be a map?
- Comment on When Irony and Science Collide: Expect the Unexpected 7 months ago:
I never used those apps. But generally didn’t like the treatment of the communities by the admins. At least here, I can and do swap around between them to avoid those admin. The mods were rarely an issue on either platform ime. I got a temp ban on one community here and given what people thought I was saying and the purpose of the community, I think it was deserved.
- Comment on How does DNA decide the shape of the body? 10 months ago:
For example, here’s a protein called “myoglobin”, that carries oxygen within your blood:
Myoglobin is in the muscles. Hemogoblin is in the blood and is essentially 4 myoglobin molecules that can combine into one hemoglobin. IIRC, the combination of the 4 makes it easier to switch between accepting and donating oxygen, where myoglobin is better just at the taking oxygen.
- Comment on Poll: 61% of young adults confess they are not saving for retirement 10 months ago:
Inflation is there to inflate wealth accounts, which includes the same assets as retirement accounts…
- Comment on Poll: 61% of young adults confess they are not saving for retirement 10 months ago:
Unless you think you need $200k/year to survive or you plan to retire in like 90 years, $10million seems like a pretty high estimate. Also, how long you live shouldn’t really be relevant.
- Comment on super weaner 11 months ago:
Super weaners can still be cute I’m sure.
- Comment on Anon has an asexual gf 11 months ago:
Demisexuality is under the asexuality umbrella, so it should seem relatable.
If you do experience sexual attraction towards those you are close to then that would be demi. If you want to have sex despite lack of sexual attraction, then that would be black-stripe ace.
The food analogy is the comparison I’ve seen people use to explain what sexual attraction is. Hunger is like libido and has little to nothing to do with sexual attraction. Sexual attraction would be like when someone brings out a fresh cake and you need to have a piece even if you just ate and are not hungry. I guess demi in this analogy would mean you wouldn’t feel that way unless you already knew that specific dessert well. But if you just eat tasty desserts when you are bored, because you like the taste but don’t have the mouthwatering reaction to it being presented, because the person who made it is important to you and you feel eating it’s a way to bond with them, etc, you could still be a black-stripe ace.
That said, what counts as sexual attraction has confused me a lot despite spending a fair bit of time reading people trying to explain it.
Anyways, if demi is a functionally useful label, there no need to change. In-practice real-world usefulness of language is more important than weirdos on the Internet trying to be precise in the meanings of words.
- Comment on Anon has an asexual gf 11 months ago:
Platonic seems fine with me. If you just see sex as another activity to do, like playing board games or TTRPGs, then it makes sense. As hikaru pointed out, the relationship itself wouldn’t be platonic, but the attraction can be.
Granted, I say this as someone who does not engage in sex.