- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 2 months ago:
MSRs have negative temperature reactivity coefficient and outlet temps around 700C at atm pressure. PWR is at measly 300C and 150 Bar.
If all control is lost, the salt expands as it heats up pushing the expanded volume out from the reactor core. The fission stops once the fuel is leaves the core region where the moderator is. Reverse is also true: you pull heat off from the loop, so the fuel-salt becomes denser, increasing reactivity. MSRs can naturally “follow” the load, if done right.
- Comment on Binary search 2 months ago:
When I read this originally, it was a nice example how programmer brain can be applied IRL. Also works when trying to find something and I see the listing is someway sorted, like time tables and eshop product categories.
- Comment on Consume 4 months ago:
You don’t know untill you try. For me, maybe consuming 400 existential dread doses a day doesn’t register.
(/s maybe, this is a tongue in cheek post… )
- Comment on IQ Test 6 months ago:
Reading this legend never gets old. 😂
- Comment on Anon is living like royalty 6 months ago:
What I’m doing wrong? I have the top two and 1/2, and I’m missing most of the bottom half? (I’m basically standing on a glass strand, which is constantly on verge of collapsing)
- Comment on New tech discovered 6 months ago:
They are 10y behind, I discovered thinking while 12y old and have been igoring it for 20y. Comes handy in a pinch, leaving all others mindblown.
- Comment on Anon practices time management 7 months ago:
Yes, It’s horrible, and can lead to minimizing any responsibilities you have. Even if you consciously want to accept a new responsibility/task, and have pre-planned how to do it well; Yet, you’ll struggle to keep the promise to yourself. Self-blame will only make it worse.
Near the deadline the brain has (at best) already done all the work subconsciously, and you only to manifest the thing into reality. Don’t doubt this, trashing the subconscious work is the worst thing you can do to yourself in a such situation.
(I’m not 100% sure I’m talking about the same subject, but anyway.)
- Comment on Nuclear is hopelessly uneconomic 7 months ago:
What I actually agree with the nukes is the insanity of only 3% burnup of the nuclear fuel. It could be way over that with fuel breeding. Yet that 3% burnup contains so much energy a plant can run 6kk to a year before they need to do any fuel shufling. So the fuel is cheap, but operating the plant is not. The safety standard and buerocracy is too high due to the fear mongering which is currently self-reinforcing. (Thought I wish no more PWRs would be needed, since if one pops I’ll be an another fukushima. Nervously looking at OL3 5GW thermal/1.6GW that thing is way too big of a unit)
- Comment on Login in from /dev/null 7 months ago:
I was going talk about /dev/null accounts (i.e. the accounts you have long long have forgotten you created) and steer the discussion on this. (But no, psytrance is much more interesting. /s)
- Comment on Login in from /dev/null 7 months ago:
I have already lifted off the ground and exited reality, so it’s knock your self out
- Comment on Login in from /dev/null 7 months ago:
The ektoplazm.com is still up, though with archive mode and a rate-limit. Please clone it. One day I’ll start a process that I’ll not regret, while I/you can.
I have a puny 30GiB slice of it, and it’s the best thing that I have. All for free. Non-pirated.
- Submitted 7 months ago to [deleted] | 7 comments
- Comment on We're coming for you 7 months ago:
Biting mosquotes can and do spread diseases. Knowing only a few species are a such, please hurry up trimming a few actually bad leaves from the tree-of-life… But not with “dump forever poison everywhere” method the last gens did… (And are still doing sadly)
- Comment on To all you outside of the US... 8 months ago:
A dum question: if both candidates are unable to function, then what happens? (Trump for his crimes, Biden for getting dementia…)
Meanwhile in Finland: the Finnish version of “build the wall”:
Parliament’s Administrative Committee will not resume its discussion of the Refoulement Act until after the weekend. The committee is still so far behind schedule that it could not complete its work today. The debate on the bill continued during the committee meeting, which started at 5 p.m. but ended quickly. Peltokangas says there was no drama at the meeting. https://yle.fi/uutiset/lyhyesti/74-20097017
The bill needs 5/6 parliamentary approval and politicians are already sweating over it because it touches too many international treaties + constitution. Debate is mostly: is it ready yet? is it ready yet? is it ready yet? (While the committees checking the bill are getting more uneasy by the bill’s content…)
- Comment on Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity? 8 months ago:
I try to filter out most of this negative stuff, but it has a downside. You become disconnected from the raw information feed if you don’t occasionally just look at it. For short periods, it’s tolerable, but then I just re-enable all filtering to reduce my cognitive load.
If I need to be cheered up, I prefer to look for science articles or news since these are generally about unbiased progress.
- Comment on Wilburrrr 9 months ago:
Holy fuck I have not seen this fresh wtf garbage in ages. Thanks.
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
Especially now that they’ve started releasing tritiated water into the ocean for the next 20-50 years or whatever the fuck the plan is supposed to be.
the tritiated water is no-more concentrated than what other power plants around the world release. (the latter may be surprising to know) In addition, tritium has a half-life of only 12.3 years and is diluted in a literal sea, which is an extremely good radiation shield.
- Comment on Loaf Bird 1 year ago:
I watched YT channel that had rescue toucans and they belong to the wild. Every 5mins the owner reminds (and I believed he was/is a good owner) of this fact.
Funniest thing was the velociraptor mode and pure chaos. Saddest thing was seeing them die to health complications, despite the good care.