- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 12 hours ago:
You’re 100% correct. My unscientific polling suggests to me that 8/10 Canadians thought Elon was a force for good about a year ago.
We also had a cadre of MAGA north sticking flags on their cars, honking nonstop, shitting in the streets, and blocking the capital and the border when we had COVID restrictions in place. Today, zero percent of them would have a problem being the 51st state, for all their bleating about it being about them protecting “my freedoms” for me. I’m proud to see our flag being displayed this time though, because I’m not dubious about the motivation, but this is no time to stop being vigilant about what little democracy we have left.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 days ago:
We’re kin. Fall of civ is my dystopian lullaby. I can hear that piano refrain, but it’s about us now.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 days ago:
We lose the goodwill
Gone. It’s gone. I’m your neighbor. There’s no more goodwill. It’s been completely replaced with desire to see your hubris teach a collective lesson, and a process of internal reflection on how we can not end up like you.
- Comment on George Carlin spent nearly his entire life trying to warn us of what is happening 1 week ago:
So did Frank Zappa, so did Christopher Hitchens, so did many many others. Did we listen or did we compile the best of their material into top-10 moment videos on YouTube?
- Comment on Babyllionaire Musk got r/whitepoepletwitter banned 2 weeks ago:
Thus week on: The A-hole in the K-hole…
- Comment on Anon cheats through college 2 weeks ago:
Perfectly articulated.
- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 3 weeks ago:
Bionic Commando. Love love love to shoot Hitler in his doughy, laughable master race face with a rocket launcher through the window of a fucking helicopter as I fall past it.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 3 weeks ago:
As a Canadian, it really really sucks that we have to hurt our friends to help them, or you’ll hurt us all worse. It really sucks that you, personally, had to say those things too, but it’s also brave, and makes me hopeful that we can get through this.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Well, and the coldness inside too ❄️
- Comment on nature be freaky like that 4 weeks ago:
Obviously these leeches are Reverend mothers who’ve undergone the spice agony to unlock their genetic memories.
- Comment on fighting the elderly 2 months ago:
Only 1000 more till it reaches cactaur status!
- Comment on Can't install app because it isn't "certified" by the government 2 months ago:
Or, alternatively, one might opt to look at the world around them whilst they are using public transportation, instead of solipsistic immersion into a screen.
I was led to understand that “terminally online” was an undesirable state to exist in.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
I am Jack’s Lungs. I breath in soot and particles and eventually they cause cancer and I kill Jack.
That’s how that shit works, homes. Not a thing to “idk whatev” about.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
Ok but maybe a counterpoint is we are overestimating the ability of the atmosphere and ocean to absorb CO2 and maintain a habitable planet. I’d rather store isotopes in the earth (where they came from anyway) than carbon in the air.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
mmmm sounds like someone has zero concept of the scale of the problem: ie how much cable we’d need to bury. Simmer down Tony Snark, you’re demonstrably less clever than the rest of the species’ experts in this.
- Comment on This man is a parody of himself 4 months ago:
Narcissus DeGrasse Tyson?
- Comment on Hummingbird Feeders 5 months ago:
I spent 120$ last year on fushias that were ignored
I caved and got a feeder when it got near freezing and one of them was making a fuss in the tree in my back yard, and it needs refilling every 2 days now, so I guess no accounting for taste…
- Comment on Ah sweet! 6 months ago:
Shades of Wendy meat from Rudy Rucker’s “Ware” tetralogy
- Comment on The food delivery bubble is bursting — and maybe that's not a bad thing 6 months ago:
I loathe the line-cutting self-important food delivery hustle bros with every fiber of my being and will never use their service. This is glad news.
- Comment on Anon visits Canada 6 months ago:
Fair. The armpittines is due to a small percentage of really weird people and their propensity to be simultaneously ignorant and outspoken. Sad that they affect policy and people’s lives.
The place itself is breathtaking. Though in fairness, I’ve moved from there to Vancouver Island and it’s kind of been eclipsed by a few orders of magnitude.
- Comment on Dutch toilets 6 months ago:
Turdonomy AND Turdology, a double threat!
- Comment on Anon visits Canada 6 months ago:
Hi. Am Canadian, am originally from Alberta, love everyone except fucking fascists, and can confirm Alberta is currently Canada’s stanky armpit and has been so for some time.
- Comment on Get sorted... 7 months ago:
Well as an avowed fan of every voice actor ever, thanks for your work, and now I will forever be speculating on the pitch and timbre you might have delivered.
- Comment on Living poor in rich neighbourhood 8 months ago:
metaphor /mĕt′ə-fôr″, -fər/
A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in “a sea of troubles” or One thing conceived as representing another; a symbol. The transference of the relation between one set of objects to another set for the purpose of brief explanation; a compressed simile; e. g., the ship plows the sea.
- Comment on Not happening, dude 9 months ago:
Evs make us reliant on lithium
Oh no! No the third most abundant element in the universe! WTF are we gonna do? Use another metal with a large valency shell that makes it ideal as a dense storage medium for electrons? the horror
- Comment on Blanket physics is harder to understand than Calabi-Yau Manifolds 10 months ago:
There’s a great book by Greg Egan called Diaspora that explores the idea that every atom is a Calabai-Yau manifold, and the aperture to a wormhole via Kaluza-Klein handwavery. It’s a bit of a heavy read at times but super interesting.
- Comment on All billionaires under 30 have inherited their wealth, research finds 10 months ago:
Lol research. You coulda figured that shit out with a subscription to “Duh weekly”.
- Comment on Caption this. 11 months ago:
Locally sourced, eco-friendly artisan-crafted dental floss for sale - 3.99/ft.
- Comment on Grandpa don't know shit 11 months ago:
Save it for the C-Z Polis, citizen. I don’t have the shaper to emit tags for a gestalt like this.
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
It would also be popular if the entire crypto landscape wasn’t replete with late stage capitalist-douche tech bros trying to scam literally everyone.