- Comment on say YES to Unlock!!! 3 months ago:
- Comment on The world is ending but here's a side quest - will RPGs ever solve their urgency problem? 3 months ago:
I can only tolerate in person games, or hybrid games in the case where we live close enough to meet up only once in a while. But could play mote consistently online
- Comment on The world is ending but here's a side quest - will RPGs ever solve their urgency problem? 3 months ago:
I wrote a short dnd campaign (4 or 5 sessions) with the main NPC who framed the adventure being a self important egomaniac, and the only world they saved was his world-sized ego. Making that NPC trusted by the players and breaking that trust by seeing the actual stakes of the adventure was a pretty neat idea, and it would have been a good start to my dming.
Unfortunately i ate the “save the world” pill and binned that idea for a shitty campaign about saving the world and it died the classic death of all campaigns: scheduling.
I think I might eventually run that game when I get back into DMing or start with a new group.
- Comment on Anon creates a business plan 3 months ago:
There is a korean place I love in a city in a neighboring state. Worth driving over an hour to get that sweet sweet meal with tax included.
- Comment on Stop Wasting Pumpkins! 4 months ago:
I had an elementary school teacher who would ask all of us to save the seeds when making jack o lanterns and give it to her. She’d then make a ton of roasted pumpkin seeds and share it with us and some kids from other classes who brought seeds.
They are pretty good. Highly recommend.
- Comment on Being an already decided voter in a swing state is swell 4 months ago:
I have no clue. But our timeline certainly isn’t the best one.
I genuinely have no idea why i’m still in it, but I do know i was drunk as a skunk when I joined. It’s on his website iirc, but I do know I was invited by someone on discord. L
Sometimes I join weird servers and end up staying for the memes. I’m on a tankie discord server, and while i have it muted and generally ignore it, time to time i take a peek and find some godly ultra high effort shitposts mixed in with the muck. I’m on a server for radio hacking although wireless shit is magical to me. But the memes are great even if they sometimes look like they are hieroglyphics.
But that gavin newsom discord doesn’t have good memes. Now, many of the memes are just various “Vote!” images and bottom of the barrel facebook memes.
Another remarkable thing about it is how many old people there are on that server who have their first and last name and their state as their username, and sometimes they even have a selfie as a profile pic.
It’s so weird to have some servers with genuine security culture like your average anarchist or queer server, and then also have Gavin Newsom’s server with “Jane Doe [WI]” sending a facebook post she made that is just a link to a youtube vid on project 2025 followed by her saying “Shameful!!”
- Comment on Being an already decided voter in a swing state is swell 4 months ago:
Even though I’m an anarchist from not california, i somehow ended up in Gavin Newsom’s discord server where people regularly organize to text voters like this.
I am so fucking glad i take great care to keep my names and numbers off of these lists, and even more glad to live in a solid colored state with no hope of flipping meaning the election ads are minimal.
My poor Californian friends receive so many goddamn text messages it’s insane, and my friends from Pennsylvania and Georgia have it worse.
- Comment on Five flavors 🤤 4 months ago:
Idk what genres you like so here’s a few recommendations across a few genres. On phone so no links.
I’ve been obsessing over Hiræth lately, probably one of the best albums I have ever heard. It’s not a metal album, but it scratches that itch I have for metal, so it’s going on this list lol
Witching - Vernal (blackened sludge) Flummox - Rephlummoxed (prog death/avant garde) Mamaleek - Vidal Blue (avant garde) Rail Yard Ghosts - Hiræth (Blackgrass/Blackened/folk punk, large band) Woe - Hope Attrition (black metal/RABM) Botanist - Paleobotany (Experimental Black metal) An Abstract Illusion - Woe (prog death)
- Comment on Mobin' Time 4 months ago:
I remember buying jumbo note cards after my professor said we were allowed to bring a notecard without specifying the size.
I also remember commandeering my school’s ultra high resolution poster printer in order to print notes in extremely small font, alongside using LaTeX to let me format the document in a way that maximized my ability to stuff it full of information. The person who helped me do that let me know that the note sheet alone cost the school roughly $4.00/double sided page, or 1/100th the lab fee for the class I printed it for, even though that class had no lab and was in a regular, non-lab lecture hall.
- Comment on after 40 all meals are horror 5 months ago:
I make slow cooked chicken burritos and freeze them. Takes about 1 hour of prep, and about 6 hours to cook so it isn’t easy, but I only gotta do this occasionally. If I do this in conjunction with meal prep it takes a lot longer to prep, but then I can have a work week of food, and have like 8 burritos for when I’m too lazy to cook.
- Comment on DuckDuckGoose 6 months ago:
I’m gonna have to snag that doom book. I love low level programming and I’ve heard a lot about how hacky game dev used to be and that just excites me
- Comment on DuckDuckGoose 6 months ago:
What are those books on Doom and Wolfenstein? Is it the game development black book by sanglard? That’s the book I found with a bit of searching
- Comment on It takes different personalities 6 months ago:
I work in Cybersecurity.
Since I work remote, the best bit about the late shifts (and weekend shifts) is I can just pop in wireless headphones, turn on an alarm for new alerts and just do chores until I get a phone call or an alert or two show up.
Or, if I have completed all my tasks and it is an exceptionally slow (or over-manned) weekend, i can read a book or play a game I can easily pick up and put down.
It almost makes up for the long day shifts that are non-stop work and occasionally chaotic
- Comment on It takes different personalities 6 months ago:
I love the late shifts.
Nobody is there. Nothing is happening. Everything is calm.
- Comment on is it possible to be married and still feel lonely? 6 months ago:
Marriage is a social construct not built upon love or companionship. It is just a social relation that is related to the two, with religious and legal backing to fortify it.
If you see marriage as a means to love and companionship, you are not gonna have a loving relationship. Love and companionship are completely viable (and I’d argue stronger) outside the strange little box that society tries to place it in
Fuck marriage.
I don’t think there is anything that a person of any gender can’t provide in a relationship. I do see that society shuns certain people from performing certain roles, but anyone can do any one of them.
If he is only ranting politics, he might not have anyone to talk politics with. Maybe he is the lone conservative, lapping up every scrap of talking points from Fox (or maybe Newsmax), but can’t spew them out around family who sees him as being crazy for watching Fox. If you aren’t pushing back, he probably sees you as safe, and if he is finding it hard for him to deal with political stressors, that’s probably why he is ranting and getting so emotional.
- Comment on What would cause a person to speak in different accents randomly? 7 months ago:
I met a southerner who speaks in a more northern accent, but sometimes slips into the southern accent on certain words or when yelling, which happens in the busy kitchen I was working with them in.
- Comment on The Circle of Life 7 months ago:
This is why I love jumping spiders.
I’d be terrified of a huntsmen spider, but I love jumping spiders i leave them be whenever I see them, knowing that they will snack on all the fruit flies, moths, and mosquitoes that make it into my house.
- Comment on We hardly knew ye. 8 months ago:
I work weekends. My “weekend” starts tomorrow!
- Comment on I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07. 8 months ago:
Dominos is outrageously expensive if you don’t shop the deals.
When I was in college, I’d get dominos with my roommates when they had the 20$ special, which would be about 30$ after tip and delivery. The special had 2 medium pizzas, garlic knots, cinnamon twists, and soda.
After I moved back home, I learned my local dominos doesn’t always have that deal. I’d get something similar to what you got and I’d be upset that I got less food for a bit more…
Now what really pisses me off is the high end neopolitan place near me is cheaper on their dinner special days, where you can get 2 personal pizzas that taste so good I’d accept it as proof that god is real for about 25$ including tips and gas money.
- Comment on Close enough for government work 8 months ago:
That’s making more sense to me, but my view of reverse engineering is 100% tainted by my work in SRE and hacking.
I work in the same way, but I’ve kinda forgot about using a calculator since the last few math classes I took forbid using calculators
- Comment on Close enough for government work 8 months ago:
As a kid who had a habit of reverse engineering shit, (malware analysis and ethical hacking my beloved) I genuinely don’t know you can reverse engineer an equation with a question and 4 answers, 3 of them which are wrong. Even with two questions, its still a crapshoot, and the amount of wrong to right answers seems a bit time consuming to use to try and figure out the real solution, much less the equation, in a reasonable amount of time needed to complete an exam.
- Comment on favourite drink 8 months ago:
I fucking LOVE soju
- Comment on LPT Do it. 9 months ago:
I wrote mine in LaTeX, highly recommend.
I mean, I spent years writing LaTeX for school so it was real simple and mindless. YMMV
- Comment on Overthrow a Government and Install a Puppet Dictator? The CIA will do it for Bananas! 9 months ago:
TIL Foucault wasn’t the first person to have that idea, I’ve always heard it referred to as Foucault’s Boomerang
- Comment on Ball's in your court, Mikey. 9 months ago:
I just use floppy disks
- Comment on Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much 9 months ago:
Yeah. The US is a shit show. At least the Overton window now includes antizionism, small victories!
I do think a lot of liberals are further right than they realize. But I don’t think it’s accurate to call them far right unless you solely are considering their economic ideology (which is reductionist), or are lumping in people who would probably be more accurately described with a better label. Or your perspective is skewed from being far enough left.
- Comment on Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much 9 months ago:
Liberals are somewhere between center left and center right. In the US, the alternative to republicanism is the “liberal party” and because they often encompass people further left than the party line, they are seen as left wing. Generally, I associate people who are always in favor of slow electoral measures, a strong state, strong individualistic rights that are positively defined (the right to do rather than not having the right to do) and the view that capitalism is the only method that had worked so far and is therefore best with liberalism. But thats far from an academic definition.
When you add in the fact that people usually end up seeing another person’s politics in relative to their own, things get unintelligible for someone trying to pinpoint an ideology.
An anarchist like myself will probably point towards someone like Biden or Obama and say they are a liberal or neoliberal, which is probably accurate enough (if I do say so myself), but I’ll also call conservatives like Romney, Bush, and Raegan, liberals or neoliberal even though those are people most self titled liberals would hate. A staunch authoritarian communist might call AOC or Sanders a liberal because they aren’t revolutionary communists, even though I’d personally consider them somewhat socialist progressives. Heck, I’ve ben called a liberal by hardcore communists even though my views are more similar to their definition of communism than theirs, and I’ve been called a liberal by some alt right people even though their views are closer to liberalism than mine.
Fox news, on the other hand, would call a pink haired person on a college campus a liberal for the pink hair alone. They might label a gay trump supporter who has a pride flag a liberal because of their homophobia combined with the association pride has with liberals to them. They might call someone who is genuinely far left a liberal because they either can’t comprehend their beliefs or because they don’t catch some of the indicators that they are looking at a communist, anarchist, etc.
- Comment on Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much 9 months ago:
I mean, there is a reason why redfash is sometimes used as an insult for authcoms
- Comment on blast me off, fam 9 months ago:
The thing I find hilarious about this is alcohol in the US is often measured in ml, and usually sold at 750 or 1500ml as opposed to quarts
- Comment on Not happening, dude 10 months ago:
I need this shirt