- Comment on Just because you're a slob at home do you have to be an inconsiderate slob in public 4 days ago:
I’m hoping for plantar warts. The dumbass deserves an uncomfortable reminder of their stupid decision with every step they take.
- Comment on I'm literally a thinking lump of fat 4 days ago:
So you’re saying humanity is a mecha space opera?
- Comment on I hate Trump but man... 1 week ago:
Nothing says Trump like Big Macs on a fancy golden platter.
- Comment on Chemistry 1 week ago:
Inorganic chemistry was so fun. Learning about the octet rule made figuring out molecular structures so intuitive. Balancing chemical equations were also not too hard if you knew what kind of reactions you would expect. Even learning about orbitals wasn’t too bad. Organic chemistry OTOH…
- Comment on Hey Libtards, if you want my guns you'll have to take it from my cold dead hands 2 weeks ago:
Big talk from someone with no opposable thumbs.
- Comment on It was obviously this guy, how do I collect my $10K reward? 2 weeks ago:
The opsec of the assassin is pretty solid. I wouldn’t be surprised he swapped out his clothing at some camera blind spot to blend in with the city crowds and misdirect the investigators instead of going to Central Park as it was reported.
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 2 weeks ago:
Water’s a pretty good radiation shield, otherwise Geiger counter go brrrr.
- Comment on Anon is an engineer 2 weeks ago:
Life can definitely feel easier after you find a job with a steady workflow. It’s the slow creep of responsibilities that will eventually overtake the stress of having been a student.
Oh the people who managed a few critical but rarely used pieces of equipment left? Looks like you’ll have to figure out how to run it yourself now with limited notes. Your project is floundering because other departments aren’t being upfront about their workload? Now you’ll have to babysit their work and send constant emails asking them to do their job so you won’t fall behind schedule. Are you a doc approver? Better take your laptop with you during vacation to be available for signing off on it.
- Comment on When you die, what do you want to be done with you? 2 weeks ago:
Just throw my body in the trash. And no religious burial. I’ll be damned if some pastor who doesn’t know shit about me give an hour long eulogy about Jesus over my corpse.
- Comment on SHINY 2 weeks ago:
I hope they let the beetle go. It’ll be better for everyone if the little guy can propagate instead of filling out a slot in a glass display case.
- Comment on Blizzard is delisting the OG Warcrafts from GOG, but GOG says it's gonna preserve them forever anyway, hands out a discount, and announces new policy for its preservation program to boot 2 weeks ago:
There’s a very crucial fact you’re forgetting about corporations who say they care about anything. They’re liars and only care about money.
- Comment on Would social events be better if phones didn't have data? 3 weeks ago:
A night out with dinner would be way better if the in-laws put away their phones instead of getting up and taking pictures of everyone eating around the table like it’s some fucking holiday catalog for Costco. The good mood’s gone and nobody wants to see those pics later anyway.
- Comment on I like the drones features this day 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Which band are you on? 4 weeks ago:
It’s a 2m repeater in the LA area where the hams that go in don’t declare their call signs say racist things and talk shit to each other.
Sorry for the Reddit link but they’re better at explaining it:
- Comment on Which band are you on? 4 weeks ago:
I usually listen in on the 2m band because I like listening to the crazy folks in W6NUT ramble on. It’s like a ham 4chan.
- Comment on Social media users probably won't read beyond this headline, researchers say 4 weeks ago:
I’m grateful for OPs who paste at least some of the relevant information into the post without having to click on the link. Personally it’s better to avoid going to the site since you’re bombarded with cookie notices, subscription solicitations, browser notification requests, and even ads of you’re not using uBlock.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Like a parasitic worm lodged in RFK’s brain you mean.
- Comment on Horse denier 4 weeks ago:
If horses aren’t real then where is the power coming from the car’s engine? Checkmate.
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 4 weeks ago:
Part of the reason is because most people don’t notice the lawsuits or think this is boilerplate legal stuff that happens in the background all the time. They’re too distracted by the entertainment side of things.
- Comment on Websites: Then vs Now 5 weeks ago:
Don’t forget cookie settings notifications and a pop up asking for you to subscribe to an email newsletter.
- Comment on Habits of Insects 5 weeks ago:
Republicans want drones and cannon fodder, not scientists and intellectuals.
- Comment on Anons discuss PC vs console gaming 5 weeks ago:
MAG was truly a gem that never got the chance to shine. I wish some other developer would try doing something as mad as 256 player matches again.
- Comment on Yakuza creator Nagoshi says the era of game size being most important is coming to an end 5 weeks ago:
It’d be nice if JRPGs would go back to the old school overworld design like in Star Ocean 2. It’s a good compromise between sense of scale and interactivity with the world.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
What… What’s the difference from regular holy water?
- Comment on New mobile features are sh*t these days 1 month ago:
The free market has been deliberately shit at meeting the demands of the market for quite some time. Big players like Apple have been very good at manufacturing hype and loyalty to deliver mediocre products for a consistent revenue stream instead. Smaller companies are either too irrelevant to make an impact or just try to mimic the more successful companies instead.
- Comment on Bandai Namco reportedly tries to bore staff into quitting, skirting Japan’s labor laws 2 months ago:
Make this position remote and I’ll volunteer in a heartbeat. You’ll never for me quit.
- Comment on Hmmmm 2 months ago:
Yeah it’s stuff like this that can make a huge problem like with the Mars Climate Orbiter crashing because its programmers were mixing and matching SI and Imperial units. Adding a few minutes to a document can save hours of looking stuff up for the reader later.
- Comment on Hmmmm 2 months ago:
The lack of labeling each variable (with units!) in equations really boils my piss. Yes the author knows them by heart, but even peers in the same field could struggle to understand what they mean. If introductory chemistry and physics instructors beat the practice into their students I see no excuse for authors to leave them out in a thesis.
- Comment on Why are people impressed with SpaceX? 2 months ago:
They also have a very tight tolerance of failure. Every failure made in the engineering process brings more and more scrutiny by those holding the purse strings in Washington.
- Comment on Has to be the manor 2 months ago:
The castle. No back pain so far thanks to a career in mostly office jobs.